Feature - Rejected add functionality to auto-reprice to ignore items with limits

Could the auto-reprice functionality in the store manager be updated in such a way that it won't set the price to match the low mall price, if the low mall price is being sold with limits? for example if i auto-reprice on my batch of dry noodles, i'd want it to undercut/match the 900 meat no-limit min price, not the 100 meat limit 1/day min price.
This would be excellent. I'm surprised it doesn't do this already. I'd actually like an option to have it price based on the results you would get by using the "cheapest" command. Maybe at that point it's better to use a script (because what I'd REALLY like to see is a Y*cheapest + X selling option, where Y and X are parameters you can set, and default presumably to Y=1 and X=-1).
I'd actually like an option to have it price based on the results you would get by using the "cheapest" command.

A single "limit 5" store breaks that and returns us to where we are now. So it's better, but you'll still have "mispriced" items with that system.
I thought Mafia only worked with the 5th cheapest item in the mall just to try to avoid all the cheap limited stores, someone said something about it being hardcoded into Mafia. Or did I read that wrong? Or was that just some script and I got it all confused?
I thought Mafia only worked with the 5th cheapest item in the mall just to try to avoid all the cheap limited stores, someone said something about it being hardcoded into Mafia. Or did I read that wrong? Or was that just some script and I got it all confused?

The auto-reprice function existed long before mafia did anything with the fifth cheapest price. Mafia probably looks at the reprice page, grabs all of the cheapest prices as KoL provides them on that one page, and works from there (pure speculation on my part).
The lowest price such that the following is true:
- The next highest price is less than or equal to 115% of it (so 900 to 1000 jumps make sense).
- At least three prices are less than 130% of it (so two prices are within 1000 meat of an item priced about 8000).

This would not take constant time, searching up the pricelist.

And I guess a setting to ignore limits?

I don't use autoreprice, personally. It makes me feel like I could work a little harder to make a better profit (though I sell fewer types of items that way).
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The lowest price such that the following is true:
- The next highest price is less than or equal to 115% of it (so 900 to 1000 jumps make sense).
- At least three prices are less than 130% of it (so two prices are within 1000 meat of an item priced about 8000).
How are you even imagining that to be possible, without having to do an individual mall search on each item to be repriced? The ONLY information available to the auto-repricer is the lowest price currently in the mall (taken from the in-game repricing page, which gives no hint as to the available quantity at that price), and the cached historical price of the 5th item (which could be a month or more out of date, if you don't participate in price sharing).
As Jason said, Mafia looks at the in-game store repricing page and simply sets the price to whatever the page says is the mall's lowest.
Well, that is the current re-pricing algorithm, which incidentally doesn't need any extra server hits.

Maybe I didn't understand what rules you were talking about?
I thought we were talking about changing the repricing algorithm.

I think we were but... First, I understood Jason's comment to imply that getting quantity limits would involve more server hits than the current method. As a general rule, any feature that takes more server hits than a current, similar feature needs to have a very good case made for it. Second, some of the suggestions seem to be getting perilously close to things that would allow KoLmafia to be easily turned into a Mall Bot and that is Not Gonna Happen.

So, to continue the discussion either a specific algorithm for repricing that uses the information currently available should be suggested OR to convince a developer that the proposed algorithm is of sufficient benefit to the community to counter the extra server hits and the possibility of abuse.
I thought Mafia only worked with the 5th cheapest item in the mall just to try to avoid all the cheap limited stores, someone said something about it being hardcoded into Mafia. Or did I read that wrong? Or was that just some script and I got it all confused?

The 5th cheapest price is the only price that ash scripts are able to access. As others have already stated, the auto-reprice function is entirely separate from that.