I was exceptionally excited about the write up that zarqon did in an old hc ascend script thread ( about making the process as modular and data driven as possible.
Hey I started it!

Seriously though, there are two reasons that particular script never got off the ground. For 1, trying to make it fairly "optimal" requires so much background work, such as was discussed in that thread, that the discussion of a framework got to be too complicated for any solid agreements to be reached. For 2, IMO, having a decent fight strategy is a HUGE part of being able to automate an ascension*. Moxie classes can "cheat," as the out-moxie and plink strategy comes pretty dang close to optimal. Muscle classes and myst classes are pretty well handicapped there, as BCC no doubt knows.
I completely agree about the modularity.
Also, in the end, I'm kind of glad I abandoned my ascension script ideas. I really don't want to try to deal with all of the comments, bugs, etc. etc. that have turned up in this thread and the one on GD, and I kinda pity BCC.

* zarqon's scripts seem to be ok for this, except as far as I can see they really aren't set up to "share" the info on what's expected to happen in a fight very well, which is something I intend with the script I'm currently writing. Also, macros are teh awesome, and I fully intend to use them.