
The last few days (can't say for sure when it started maybe Thursday last week?) there has been roughly a 5 second pause between fights when using farm.ash. The actually fight flies by as usual then the long pause between fights. Other then that the script seems to be running normally. This happens with 2 different characters. Ascend.ash does not have this happen.
Currently using mafia version r8274.

Is there someway to see what mafia is doing between fights so I can either figure it out on my own or ask for help by being able to give more details what is going?

Do you have all Mafia's logging options turned on?

Additionally, if you are using any of Zarqon's scripts (e.g. BestBetweenBattle, FirstThingsFirst, SmartStasis, Zlib, etc.), setting the zlib verbosity very high will let you see more of what those scripts are doing. Type "zlib verbosity = 10" in the CLI. (Later, when you weary of so much output, change it back to a smaller value in the same way.)

If you are not, of course this will not allow you see anything more.


I was wondering how to turn on the logging in mafia on so I can see whats going on.

I do use Zarqon's other scripts. I really don't think its those though since ascend.ash on three other characters works just fine.
Open the Preferences pane (rightmost button, the one with checkboxes on it). Find the "Session Logs" tab on it. Check every box except "Log adventures left instead of adventures used".


Open the Preferences pane (rightmost button, the one with checkboxes on it). Find the "Session Logs" tab on it. Check every box except "Log adventures left instead of adventures used".

Alrighty. I do that then see if I can see anything.
Oddly enough I thing I might of fixed it though. I recently added AdBlockPro to FF since some people in my clan said it was mostly fixed. It wasn't and bogged my entire computer down, again. Removed it and rebooted and things are running smoothly once again.

Thanks for the help though.


This things have been running fine once again since I got rid of ABP. No idea why it likes to screw with my entire computer even when I don't have FF, but I won't be using it.
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Ignore this. Apparently it was just trying new outfits despite the command to use the eye. It did put the eye back on before farming.
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New member
Hi, I just got the suite, mainly for this script. I was itching to try it out. I managed to figure out all of the errors in most of the other scripts by searching on this site, but I have come across one I cannot find any information about. Again, Im new here, so Im very sorry if Im asking a stupid question or something someone else has solved. If this is the case, I would much appreciate it if you just pointed me to the answer.

When I run farm.ash and it gets to the part where it equips the gear it wants me to wear, I get an error. Apparently its trying to equip two teddy bear backpacks (which are single equip) at the same time, and mafia is telling it no. Just using logic, Im pretty sure that the problem is the teddybear backpack, being a newer item, is not flagged as single equip in some database somewhere. I have no idea where the database with such information resides, and Im not much of a coder, so Im not sure if I could figure it out even if I did know.

Thanks for any help you can give me guys.
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Staff member
Type "update data" into the CLI, then open up modifers.txt (in your mafiasource\data directory).

Find the line that looks like "teddybear backpack Meat Drop: +10".

Change that line to "teddybear backpack Meat Drop: +10, Single Equip"

(Just add ", Single Equip" to the end)

Obviously untested, but in theory it should work. (bug report to file so that official datafiles are changed?)


New member
When I looked in the modifiers.txt, it was already flagged as single equip. Script works now, I guess updating the data was enough. Thanks!


New member
It doesn't have anything to do with farm. All of zlib, ftf, and smart stasis seem to make you pause in between battles when the version is out of date. I assume it is so you can update them without exiting mafia.


Active member
Whenever I run this script it ends by trying to sell stuff, which is good, but it usually fails with the followin line:
Selling loot from Zombie Duck
You can't wear that outfit.

Any idea what this could be about?


New member
Hi I logged in, using the most recent version (8385) and used the farm script, simulation only. This is how far I got. I didn`t have this error yesterday. Does anyone have any ideas?

Checking for updates (running ZLib ver. : 17)...
_version_zlib => : 17
You have a current version of ZLib.
1875 prices updated from
0 prices updated from
Saving outfit and familiar...
Internal checkpoint created.
Choosing familiars to consider...
There are 122 familiars in the game. You have 80 of them available.
Map modified within foreach (farm.ash, line 125)

Then the script stops.



Active member
That is because the newest version of Mafia breaks scripts that tries to modify maps within a foreach-loop. I've no idea what to do to solve it though (well apart from using anything before 8382.


I am still getting this error even using version 8392 of mafia. As far as I noticed so far this is the only script the fix back in 8382 still breaks.

Map modified within foreach (farm.ash, line 165)

Any ideas on how to fix it?


Replace lines 129-163 of farm.ash with this:
  //Remove any familiars who are inferior in both meat & item mods to another 
  foreach f in familiars
    foreach g in familiars
      if (!familiars_to_remove[f] && !familiars_to_remove[g])
		if (f != g) //don't compare one to itself :)
		  print("Considering "+f+" versus "+g);
		  //if f is worse in all respects, remove it
		  if ((familiars[f].meatmod <= familiars[g].meatmod) && 
			  (familiars[f].itemmod <= familiars[g].itemmod))
			if (!include(f)) //exception if it's on the include list
			  //remove familiars[f];
			  familiars_to_remove[f] = true;
			  print("Removing "+f+" which is inferior to "+g+".");
		  else if ((familiars[g].meatmod <= familiars[f].meatmod) && 
			   (familiars[g].itemmod <= familiars[f].itemmod))
			if (!include(g))
			  familiars_to_remove[g] = true;
			  print("Removing "+g+" which is inferior to "+f+".");
		  else print ("Keeping both "+f+" and "+g+".");
  foreach f in familiars_to_remove
	if ( familiars_to_remove[f] ) remove familiars[f] ;