New Content Spring Challenge Path: Z is for Zootomist

r28372 improved level handling. It no longer jumps to the wrong level after seeing my stats, but it still doesn't update after grafting. I'm not sure how to make mafia look at api.php. I've taken to logging out and back on, but we're getting closer!
At the moment, Mafia loves burning MP on bringing up your Milk buffs (unsurprisingly, as they're literally the only buffs you have).

However, these buffs aren't 100% good all the time - they can have +-combat modifiers, in which case you don't necessarily want them up all the time.

Could it be made so they're only considered for mana-burning if they don't have those modifiers please?
Combat Rate modifiers are ignored for Mana Burning.
That's done by setting preferences for them.
For example,

236 Attract Snakes tinysnake.gif nc,self 50 10 237 Hide From Seekers darkvision.gif nc,self 50 10

are disabled by default (you can configure to allow them) via:

user skillBurn236 -100 user skillBurn237 -100

Seems like

7555 Drink The Milk of %n Kindness .gif nc,self 10 20 7556 Drink The Milk of %n Cruelty .gif nc,self 20 20


user skillBurn7555 -100 user skillBurn7556 -100
Every time I log on as a Zootomist, this appears in my session log:

Initializing session for Veracity...
You have free rests available but KoLmafia thought you had none.
You have free rests available but KoLmafia thought you had none.
WARNING: updated modifier not in modifiers.txt: Effect:[2964]
WARNING: updated modifier not in modifiers.txt: Effect:[2965]
WARNING: updated modifier not in modifiers.txt: Effect:[2966]

The lines about "free rests" are not always there.
Presumably once I have used up my free rests.
However many there were, from whatever source.