New Content Quantum Familiar Support


New member
Still early days into the new path, and the mafia support seems excellent as usual, but was wondering if there's a chance of an enhancement.

As I'm ending up with access to familiars I don't know or normally use, it would be a great help if clicking on the current of next familiars in the mafia side character pane possibly went to the wiki page for that familiar so I can plan for what comes next.

May be better options or ways of getting that information, but i'm currently needing to fire off other tabs and do manual searchs to get it, which works, but could be a better streamlined.

You could so something hacky like create a alias to do
ash cli_execute("wiki" +to_string(my_familiar()));

That should open the wiki page for your current familiar.
The alias would look like this:
alias famwiki => ash cli_execute("wiki " +to_string(my_familiar()));

and then you could enter famwiki and it would open it up for you.

aliases are documented here ( and are very versatile for roll-your-own-commands from the gCLI
So this command executes the CLI command "wiki " + "my_familiar()" which is based on your current familiar. For me, it's "wiki reconstituted crow", and in 11 turns it will be "wiki <something else>"

Creating the alias adds it to GLOBAL_alias.txt, so it's in there until you replace it or unalias it.
Out of Standard consumables aren't showing up as consumable in the item manager. Mostly affects Spleen items. I suspect the "in style" check is applying regular Standard restrictions when this path has exceptions to the usual rules.

E.g. I had the Unconcious Collective drop 2 of it's spleen items & the spleen consumption tab wasn't listing them. I was able to consume them from the KoL inventory without issue.
It is my understanding that standard.php is meant to be updated for this path (which is how mafia sources its info) so I will chase that up before writing a huge exceptions list
It is my understanding that standard.php is meant to be updated for this path (which is how mafia sources its info) so I will chase that up before writing a huge exceptions list
I think the correct standard.php is now pushed so this should just work
Thanks @gausie I'll double check it if I get any more out of standard drops. Certainly TourGuide is recommending pulling a Crackpot Mystic Jar so it looks like it's being parsed correctly.

[edit] just checked the spleen consumption tab and it's showing a Stench Jelly I somehow acquired yesterday so it looks all good (y)
Number of free rests is incorrectly counting the +3 from Unconscious Collective if it's been your Quantum Familiar at some point in the day.

> ash total_free_rests();

Returned: 12

> ash my_familiar().to_string();

Returned: Cotton Candy Carnie

> ash have_familiar($familiar[Unconscious Collective]);

Returned: true

That's the same before and after doing refresh all on the CLI. I suspect it's linked to have_familiar() returning true which it probably shouldn't unless it's your current familiar.
I've noticed that similarly, it seems to take a few adventures to be able to reset the proper familiar type displayed in the character pane if using CHIT, if not a few familiar swaps. Outside of mafia, KOL updates this properly. So, it seems that something is getting stuck in Mafia's memory and incorrectly reported, or however the technological wording is for that...
If you ever get into a situation where the familiars are wrong and are not updated when you visit qterrarium.php, please post the HTML from your terrarium page here.
I had a problem with it bugging out trying to remove a piece of foldable familiar equipment:

Stealing bugged beanie from the Baby Bugged Bugbear...
Cannot make familiar requests in Quantum Terrarium.

I believe this was triggered by running the maximizer, but I can't find it in more detail in my session log.
I also just had

Maximizer: 5item,meat,0.5initiative,0.1da 1000max,dr,0.5all    res,1.5mainstat,mox,-fumble,mox,0.4hp,0.2mp 1000max,3mp regen,0.25spell    damage,1.75spell damage percent,2familiar weight,5familiar    exp,10exp,5Mysticality experience percent,-200combat 25max,+equip pool cue
96    combinations checked, best score 3,908.09
Stealing ironic moustache from the Mini-Hipster...
Cannot    make familiar requests in Quantum Terrarium.

[edit] Once I manually unequipped the ironic moustache, the maximizer was able to continue. It was trying to convert it to the chiptune guitar presumably because the maximizer string is valuing Item Drop higher than whatever +10 familiar weight would give on that familiar.
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If you ever get into a situation where the familiars are wrong and are not updated when you visit qterrarium.php, please post the HTML from your terrarium page here.
I'm guessing this was a reply to @VladYvhuce but if not

> ash my_familiar().to_string()

Returned: Pocket Professor

> ashq visit_url("qterrarium.php")

Preference relayCounters changed from 274:Fortune Cookie:fortune.gif:262:Fortune Cookie:fortune.gif:266:Quantum Familiar loc=*:cutemeteor.gif to 274:Fortune Cookie:fortune.gif:262:Fortune Cookie:fortune.gif
Preference relayCounters changed from 274:Fortune Cookie:fortune.gif:262:Fortune Cookie:fortune.gif to 274:Fortune Cookie:fortune.gif:262:Fortune Cookie:fortune.gif:266:Quantum Familiar loc=*:cutemeteor.gif

> ash have_familiar($familiar[Mini-Hipster])

Returned: true

And this account has 0 IotMs so it definitely doesn't have a Mini-Hipster in it's regular terrarium. It was the Quantum Familiar prior to the Pocket Professor.
If your Quantum Familiar changes after a combat in the Haunted Bedroom, mafia is attempting to parse qterrarium.php before the post-combat choice is resolved and throwing an error. Likely affects other chained adventures.

Sorry I don't have a log to show the error (was running autoscend and by the time I stopped it, it was off the CLI and the error doesn't go in the session log). It's something like "A choice follows this fight immediately".
If you ever get into a situation where the familiars are wrong and are not updated when you visit qterrarium.php, please post the HTML from your terrarium page here.
Uh.... How would I go about checking all that? I'm not as tech-savvy as most people here.
I'm guessing this was a reply to @VladYvhuce but if not

> ash my_familiar().to_string()

Returned: Pocket Professor

> ashq visit_url("qterrarium.php")

Preference relayCounters changed from 274:Fortune Cookie:fortune.gif:262:Fortune Cookie:fortune.gif:266:Quantum Familiar loc=*:cutemeteor.gif to 274:Fortune Cookie:fortune.gif:262:Fortune Cookie:fortune.gif
Preference relayCounters changed from 274:Fortune Cookie:fortune.gif:262:Fortune Cookie:fortune.gif to 274:Fortune Cookie:fortune.gif:262:Fortune Cookie:fortune.gif:266:Quantum Familiar loc=*:cutemeteor.gif

> ash have_familiar($familiar[Mini-Hipster])

Returned: true

And this account has 0 IotMs so it definitely doesn't have a Mini-Hipster in it's regular terrarium. It was the Quantum Familiar prior to the Pocket Professor.
I think 20735 may have fixed this stuff.
If your Quantum Familiar changes after a combat in the Haunted Bedroom, mafia is attempting to parse qterrarium.php before the post-combat choice is resolved and throwing an error. Likely affects other chained adventures.

Sorry I don't have a log to show the error (was running autoscend and by the time I stopped it, it was off the CLI and the error doesn't go in the session log). It's something like "A choice follows this fight immediately".
Hoping this is addressed in r20739, but its untested