New Content Quantum Familiar Support

Sometimes, things like this also occur in the Mafia window.

[Edit/Update]: If this type of situation occurs in the mafia window, and you tell it to auto-adventure, it will hit an infinite loop where it thinks you have no familiar when it's time to swap to familiars again, and you have to declare world peace to stop it.


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Stealing ironic moustache from the Mini-Hipster...
Cannot     make familiar requests in Quantum Terrarium.
Still happens in r20746

as does

> ash my_path()

Returned:     Quantum Terrarium

> ash my_familiar().to_string()

Returned:     Mini-Hipster

> ash     have_familiar($familiar[Steam-powered Cheerleader])

Returned:     true
Stealing ironic moustache from the Mini-Hipster...
Cannot     make familiar requests in Quantum Terrarium.
Still happens in r20746

as does

> ash my_path()

Returned:     Quantum Terrarium

> ash my_familiar().to_string()

Returned:     Mini-Hipster

> ash     have_familiar($familiar[Steam-powered Cheerleader])

Returned:     true
I have the same issue.

maximizer is trying to do a
steal & fold & equip
instead of
unequip & fold & equip

stealing cannot be done in QF while unequipping from currently equipped familiar can be done.

in fact, removing the steal command works as well. if you use CLI command for
fold & equip
it will unequipped, fold, and then equip properly with no issue. just maximizer adds the unnecessary steal step that does not work in QT
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r20747 should fix both issues, but is untested
Thanks @gausie
Verifying the equipment changing is a matter of running autoscend and seeing if it breaks when it gets the Hipster or Bugbear so it might take a few days but the have_familiar() change looks good

> ash have_familiar($familiar[Antique Nutcracker]);

Returned: false

> ash my_familiar().to_string();

Returned: Lil' Barrel Mimic
Antique Nutcracker was the previous familiar before the Lil' Barrel Mimic on this account when I logged in on it today. I had it play enough adv's to advance to the next familiar once so it would have "seen" both today and this account has an Antique Nutcracker in it's non-Quantum Terrarium too so it passes both tests.
Couldn't find another topic on the path, so I'm posting this here. This is KOL bug, not tied to mafia. Last night, I tried doing a Quantum Terrarium run. A number of my items ceased to exist until I abandoned the run and forsake ronin. By "cease to exist", I mean that they were completely gone from both inventory and storage. Not "this item is too old to use" which would unlist them from "things I can use" viewing. They were completely unlisted in "show everything" and not even findable in search/filter. I did check this without mafia, to see if it was a mafia bug. Same behavior. Figuring it must then be a problem with the path, I abandoned the path. Doing so brought back the Songboom Boombox as a "too old for the path" item. But both my Cosplay Saber and Beachcomb were still completely missing. Those only came back after I forsake ronin. I have filed a KOL bug report on this, as it was a very stressful experience. I'm posting this here in case others wish to spade it further, and as a warning about the path until it gets fixed.
Couldn't find another topic on the path, so I'm posting this here. This is KOL bug, not tied to mafia. Last night, I tried doing a Quantum Terrarium run. A number of my items ceased to exist until I abandoned the run and forsake ronin. By "cease to exist", I mean that they were completely gone from both inventory and storage. Not "this item is too old to use" which would unlist them from "things I can use" viewing. They were completely unlisted in "show everything" and not even findable in search/filter. I did check this without mafia, to see if it was a mafia bug. Same behavior. Figuring it must then be a problem with the path, I abandoned the path. Doing so brought back the Songboom Boombox as a "too old for the path" item. But both my Cosplay Saber and Beachcomb were still completely missing. Those only came back after I forsake ronin. I have filed a KOL bug report on this, as it was a very stressful experience. I'm posting this here in case others wish to spade it further, and as a warning about the path until it gets fixed.
It has nothing to do with that path, or any particular KoL change. It's a rare KoL glitch that makes items not show up in various places, until a quick backend thing is done to make them show up again.

It is generally met with about 20 bug reports in 5 minutes (as well as being mentioned in just about every chat channel), and quickly gets fixed after that.
It has nothing to do with that path, or any particular KoL change. It's a rare KoL glitch that makes items not show up in various places, until a quick backend thing is done to make them show up again.

It is generally met with about 20 bug reports in 5 minutes (as well as being mentioned in just about every chat channel), and quickly gets fixed after that.
Ok. Well, this is the first I've ever encountered or heard of it. So, please forgive my ignorance in assuming it was the path.