BetterTrainer - Empower your guild trainer (with AoB support)


Active member
BetterTrainer is a relay override script that empowers your guild's skill trainer, as well as your Avatar of Boris skill tree. It shows skills in a 2-column table and highlights those your already bought and/or permed. If you hover your mouse over a skill, it will show the description as a tooltip.

This script was inspired by rlbond86's Improved Guild Trainer.

To install, enter in the gCLI:
svn checkout

This script is very young and may have bugs. If something goes wrong, you can click on the "View the original skill table" to use the vanilla skill table.

Here's a preview of what the script does:

Note: This relay override script does not support Internet Explorer.

  • 2020-12-10: Added support for Avatar of Boris
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This is cool, and is working for me.

Would it be reasonable to have an option to cast the non-combat ones from that interface? e.g. I'm a pastamancer, I'd like to bind a thrall right from this handy list of thralls...
Good to know.

I tried to make the page as compact as I could, and I'm not sure if the guild trainer page has enough room for casting buttons at this point. Is there a particular feature that the Skills page (from the top menu) is lacking?
Good to know.

I tried to make the page as compact as I could, and I'm not sure if the guild trainer page has enough room for casting buttons at this point. Is there a particular feature that the Skills page (from the top menu) is lacking?
My main 125 usable skills and 153 combat and passive skills, so that page is a bit unwieldy, even if I use the options. I generally use the Mafia interface, but that relies on me remembering what a spell is called.

I was thinking either something like a [text link] similar to inventory or a context menu. I don't think it would replace the skills page, just be a way to let me avoid it every now and then.
This looks awesome and works exactly as one would expect.

I had previously been using Improved Guild Trainer as my guild trainer relay override script, and it did a good job, but is nowhere near as fancy as this.

Thanks for all of the work you put in. It really shows :)
My main 125 usable skills and 153 combat and passive skills, so that page is a bit unwieldy, even if I use the options. I generally use the Mafia interface, but that relies on me remembering what a spell is called.

I was thinking either something like a [text link] similar to inventory or a context menu. I don't think it would replace the skills page, just be a way to let me avoid it every now and then.

I thought about this over the weekend, but I'm afraid it's far beyond the scope of this project. The guild trainer is where we go to buy our class skills, and this script tries to help with the shopping process. Browsing, organizing, and casting skills is another story, and it wouldn't make sense to put it inside the guild trainer. It would belong in a separate relay script that provides an improved skill casting experience.

Your question gave me ideas about building such a script. A customizable, multi-tabbed skill UI would be awesome and help people manage hundreds of skills. Regretfully, I am far underqualified to create one--I don't have enough skill in web development or UX to build it, and my account doesn't own enough skills to seriously playtest it. I wish I had the time and knowledge to build it, though.
that's fine. One of the hard parts of development is deciding what's out of scope. It's a very helpful script already and I'll be using it.

Thank you!
BetterTrainer now supports Avatar of Boris!

This update may cause conflicts for anyone who is using another relay override script for the Dungeoneer's Association (da.php). If you do, please let me know, and I may consider splitting this functionality into a separate script.