Bug - Not A Bug Relay - Adventure Again not as expected


Staff member
All of this occurs in the relay browser. I don't think any relay scripts are interfering. I suspect it is an unintended side effect of some of the choice chaining work but it could be operator error.

Forest Village -> Science Tent -> Fight Tentacle

Tentacle fought and defeated.

(Note, used "main menu" to get to town)

Town->Wrong Side->Neverending Party

(First visit to party)

Reject Quest.

Get a new page with title "Adventure Again:" and one link, "Back to Forest Village".

Expected something that would have returned me to the Wrong Side of Town or a link that, if selected, would adventure at the party.
That's a KoL bug, at least based on all the times it has been reported there.

OK. I didn't recognize it as the same problem. I have seen similar things in other areas and I know some of those did not make an impression on me until some choice adventure reworking.
KoLmafia has a couple places where it inserts an "Adventure Again" or "Return To" link, if none is present, so that you don't have navigate through the map to get somewhere sensible. For example, when you defeat the last duck in a zone to go back to the farm.

(On that note, in my Plumber runs, I've noticed that when you beat the boss in the Lair, there is no link to go back to the top of the tower to see Princess Ralph in the Prism; you have to navigate to get there. Perhaps I will save the HTML of the page and insert one this thime through, although this is my last Plumber run, I expect.)

There is no code anywhere in KoLmafia where we CHANGE a KoL-provided Adventure Again link.