New Content - Implemented December 2019 IotM - Red-Nosed Snapper

Malibu Stacey

Active member
10345	red-spotted snapper roe	593931020	redroe.gif	grow	t	0
Item	red-spotted snapper roe	Free Pull

Familiar ID is 275.

Blue text says
Increases Item Drops from Monsters
(Even moreso underwater)
Tracks enemies and retrieves new items from them
so I'd guess it's a regular Fairy but with a higher multiplier in underwater zones.

Forum thread with spading and info on the drops ->
These are what I could find in the mall.
10361	guffin	546213618	cccoccoon.gif	food	t,d	5
guffin	3	1	awesome	0	0	0	0	Unspaded
# Item guffin
10351	patch of extra-warm fur	734345806	spacefur.gif	potion, usable	t,d	5
Item	patch of extra-warm fur	Effect: "Furrier Than Thou", Effect Duration: 20
2525	Furrier Than Thou	spacefur.gif	32e5886efc29d83ed915e979ac4ad7f8	use 1 patch of extra-warm fur
Effect	Furrier Than Thou	Cold Resistance: +5
10370	micronova	202645961	micronova.gif	none, combat	t,d	5
# Item micronova: Vaporizes an enemy and causes all of its items to drop
10352	industrial lubricant	294103515	lubecan.gif	spleen, usable	t,d	5
industrial lubricant	1	1	awesome	0	0	0	0	Unspaded
Item	industrial lubricant	Effect: "Industrially Lubricated", Effect Duration: 30
2536	Industrially Lubricated	saucedrops.gif	b950be382d75b4b6945fdb7422bd1b55	chew 1 industrial lubricant
Effect	Industrially Lubricated	Initiative: +150
10350	human musk	735594651	potion16.gif	none, combat	t,d	5
# Item human musk: Banish an enemy for the rest of the day
10369	livid energy	196580972	magicicing.gif	spleen, usable	t,d	5
livid energy	1	1	awesome	0	0	0	0	Unspaded
Item	livid energy	Effect: "Lividly Energized", Effect Duration: 60
2530	Lividly Energized	magicicing.gif	4ca9741b4fe30ce0ca04dced76308ec7	chew 1 livid energy
Effect	Lividly Energized	Maximum MP Percent: +50, MP Regen Min: 3, MP Regen Max: 5
10356	organic potpourri	325989674	sachet.gif	potion, usable	t,d	5
Item	organic potpourri	Effect: "Potpourri Committed", Effect Duration: 20
2526	Potpourri Committed	sachet.gif	1394a0b4d47903bc761b2243f4babf84	use 1 organic potpourri
Effect	Potpourri Committed	Stench Resistance: +5
10359	powdered madness	668204281	disease.gif	none, combat	t,d	5
# Item powdered madness: Instantly dispatch a foe (limit 5/day)
10354	vial of humanoid growth hormone	757472551	bloodvial.gif	spleen, usable	t,d	5
vial of humanoid growth hormone	1	1	awesome	0	0	0	0	Unspaded
Item	vial of humanoid growth hormone	Effect: "HGH-charged", Effect Duration: 30
2532	HGH-charged	strboost.gif	7be8277e6e14523c347c8130f0ef2307	chew 1 vial of humanoid growth hormone
Effect	HGH-charged	Experience Percent (Muscle): +50
10366	Mer-kin eyedrops	948852416	blackdrops.gif	potion, usable	t,d	5
Item	Mer-kin eyedrops	Effect: "Sea Seeing", Effect Duration: 20
2535	Sea Seeing	blackdrops.gif	909be96379dbcd8eaaf6e18d57c5c3e3	use 1 Mer-kin eyedrops
# Effect Sea Seeing: +30% Item Drops from Monsters (Underwater only)
10357	boot flask	793163131	flask.gif	drink	t,d	5
boot flask	3	1	awesome	0	0	0	0	Unspaded
# Item boot flask
10362	Shantix™	761212866	pill6.gif	spleen, usable	t,d	5
Shantix™	1	1	awesome	0	0	0	0	Unspaded
Item	Shantix™	Effect: "Thou Shant Not Sing", Effect Duration: 30
2534	Thou Shant Not Sing	notes.gif	2809cb3503d6b274b418832b485a8e26	chew 1 Shantix™
Effect	Thou Shant Not Sing	Experience Percent (Moxie): +50
10363	goodberry	961219400	goodberry.gif	none, combat	t,d	5
goodberry	item	[HP]	[HP]	0	0	0
# Item goodberry: Restores all of your HP
10364	non-Euclidean angle	781860531	angle.gif	spleen, usable	t,d	5
non-Euclidean angle	1	1	awesome	0	0	0	0	Unspaded
Item	non-Euclidean angle	Effect: "Different Way of Seeing Things", Effect Duration: 30
2533	Different Way of Seeing Things	angle.gif	d983a3ac448e84f420b4c15d3fcf6f81	chew 1 non-Euclidean angle
Effect	Different Way of Seeing Things	Experience Percent (Mysticality): +50
10367	extra-strength goo	587387994	plantgoo.gif	potion, usable	t,d	5
Item	extra-strength goo	Effect: "Gooed Enough For Government Work", Effect Duration: 20
2527	Gooed Enough For Government Work	plantgoo.gif	c3aed4f4cf78c7fd3cb8912e470e76df	use 1 extra-strength goo
Effect	Gooed Enough For Government Work	Sleaze Resistance: +5
10353	unfinished pleasure	151864264	unfpleasure.gif	potion, usable	t,d	5
Item	unfinished pleasure	Effect: "Pleasant Forecast", Effect Duration: 20
2529	Pleasant Forecast	unfpleasure.gif	f12ba142ed49935e586a135a12b4d863	use 1 unfinished pleasure
Effect	Pleasant Forecast	Spooky Resistance: +5
10368	envelope full of Meat	191943714	envelope2.gif	usable	d	5
# Item envelope full of Meat
The envelope cannot be traded.
Last edited:
Revision 19633 adds a bunch of items and effects:
Revision 19634 marks it as an underwater familiar
The above items drop after killing 11 enemies of the tracked phylum, which also ends the tracking. As such, it would be helpul if mafia could get 2 built-in preferences: redSnapperTrackPhylum for the selected phylum and redSnapperTrackHunted for the number of enemies encountered.

Some observations:
- the "adjusting your fish" choice adventure tells you your current phylum and progress count.
- chosing nevermind doesn't change the phylum OR the progress
- getting the reward resets the progress to 0
- setting the phylum resets the progress to 0 (even if you set it to the already active phylum).
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As of half an hour ago, finding the reward no longer resets the phylum to nothing, so I removed that part.

Phylum and hunted count both persist over rollover. Ascension resets the count but not the phylum (heh).
Field: Location = [choice.php?forceoption=0]
Encounter: Adjusting Your Fish

[color=green]> choice[/color]

[b]choice 1[/b]: Guide me!
  select = [b]cat[/b] (22 options)
    beast => beasts
    bug => bugs
    constellation => constellations
    construct => constructs
    demon => demons
    dude => dudes
    elemental => elementals
    elf => elves
    fish => fishies
    goblin => goblins
    hippy => hippys
    hobo => hobos
    horror => horrors
    humanoid => humanoids
    merkin => merkins
    orc => orcs
    penguin => penguins
    pirate => pirates
    plant => plants
    slime => slimes
    undead => the undead
    weird => weirds
[b]choice 2[/b]: (secret choice)

[color=green]> choice[/color]

[color=red]You aren't in a choice adventure.[/color]

Field: Location = [choice.php?forceoption=0]
Encounter: Adjusting Your Fish

<span class='guts'>Stafflesby rotates its antlers until it catches the signal of some nearby penguins, and starts leading you in that direction.</span>
Field: Location = [choice.php?forceoption=0]
Encounter: Adjusting Your Fish

<p>Stafflesby is currently guiding you towards: <b>penguins</b>.  You've found <b>0</b> of them so far.</p>


<span class='guts'>Stafflesby rotates its antlers until it catches the signal of some nearby the undead, and starts leading you in that direction.</span>
19640 should track everything properly in redSnapperPhylum and redSnapperProgress. Something weird probably happens when you visit the page to choose a phylum for the first time, if you haven't picked one yet, but that once per account occurrence seems not worth handling.

Tracking can't work for monsters where mafia doesn't know their phylum, but that shouldn't be a big deal.
If I equip my grouper and do "maximize sea", KoL puts a snow suit on it. When I equip my snapper and do "maximize sea", KoL puts a das boot on it. The snapper can breath underwater, so that's not what I want. I looked in familiars.txt and the snapper does say "underwater", so I have no idea what is wrong. Thanks.
If I equip my grouper and do "maximize sea", KoL puts a snow suit on it. When I equip my snapper and do "maximize sea", KoL puts a das boot on it. The snapper can breath underwater, so that's not what I want. I looked in familiars.txt and the snapper does say "underwater", so I have no idea what is wrong. Thanks.

Using human musk doesn't update the banishedMonsters property. It's an all day banish same as Tryptophan dart or Batter Up.
Using human musk doesn't update the banishedMonsters property. It's an all day banish same as Tryptophan dart or Batter Up.

Also, per the wiki, first 3 are free, afterwards it takes a turn. It would be nice to track this as well.