Bug Bander runaways not tracking properly (possibly snokebomb and others as well)


Noticed my script was choking in the last several days while doing runaways. 3 snokebomb, 3 navel, ~30 from a heavy bander, etc.

First I noticed snokebomb was failing to work even though mafia recorded _snokebombUsed=1 so I entered a combat manually and indeed the snokebomb option was not there (implying I'd already used 3)
So I manually set _snokebombUsed=3 and moved on.

Then I started to watch the script do bander runaways, and it started fine, but then the _banderRunaways counter stopped incrementing even though runaways were happening successfully. My script prints out a log of what it's going to do:

> Doing bander runaway #1 (maximize 1.0 familiar weight +equip stinky cheese eye +equip Pantsgiving +equip Buddy Bjorn)

[1070511] Barf Mountain

<ok, first one worked>

> Doing bander runaway #2 (maximize 1.0 familiar weight +equip stinky cheese eye +equip Pantsgiving +equip Buddy Bjorn)

[1070511] Barf Mountain

<sweet, second one worked>

> Doing bander runaway #2 (maximize 1.0 familiar weight +equip stinky cheese eye +equip Pantsgiving +equip Buddy Bjorn)

[1070511] Barf Mountain

<uhhh, we already did #2>

> Doing bander runaway #3 (maximize 1.0 familiar weight +equip stinky cheese eye +equip Pantsgiving +equip Buddy Bjorn)

[1070511] Barf Mountain

<huh, ok well it incremented to 3>

> Doing bander runaway #3 (maximize 1.0 familiar weight +equip stinky cheese eye +equip Pantsgiving +equip Buddy Bjorn)

[1070511] Barf Mountain

<dang still says 3>

> Doing bander runaway #3 (maximize 1.0 familiar weight +equip stinky cheese eye +equip Pantsgiving +equip Buddy Bjorn)

[1070511] Barf Mountain

<stilllll says 3>

> Doing bander runaway #3 

<urf, abort script manually>

So at this moment I've done 6 successful bander runaways (I aborted before the 7th), but in my prefs I see: _banderRunaways=2

Yesterday I saw the bander reporting it had done 19/30 runways, so the script tried to do more, but the runaways failed with the bander overdrunk message:

He slumsily tosses you onto his back, but he's waggerving so much that you fall off pretty quickly. You escape the fight, but just barely. It's just as well, though. Your butt is getting pretty sore.

Has perhaps something changed in the messages the server is returning to denote a runaway is successful, or in the way mafia handles those messages/counters? I can provide more loglines if it helps
Bander checks for responseText.contains( "his back, and flooms away" or responseText.contains( "speed your escape. Thanks" ), Snokebomb checks for responseText.contains( "throw the smokebomb at your feet" )

Did you perhaps have some sort of text changing effect or item active?
Probably the current Item of the Month.

Now that we can tell that a fight did not a take a turn, maybe we can check for the runaway action plus not taking a turn to track those things.
So, we have Bander (with Ode), Stomping Boots and Greatest American Pants which can give free runaways?

So if we are using no turn and last command was to run away, we just need to work out which.

Or is there anything else?
So, we have Bander (with Ode), Stomping Boots and Greatest American Pants which can give free runaways?

Plus: creepy grin, give your opponent the stinkeye, fire the jokesters gun, shattering punch, snokebomb, navel ring
There's a load of combat skills and items that produce a runaway (usually combined with a banish), but this is a broader problem than various combat ending abilities that may or may not succeed, this probably fucks up tracking of, say, otoscope uses as much as everything else.
FWIW, this past run (after I got the June Spoon), my Cat Burgler heists counts were way off (Mafia thought I had 2 and KoL told me I had 5).
I realize this is anecdotal, but I don't have any more info than that. I'll look into html of fights in my next run.
Confirmed on cat burgler messages not incrementing "_catBurglarCharge"

This is the HTML (with spoon equipped) of a few fights:
ck-Burglar looks around for unlocked windows <i>panned</i> accessible vents
ck-Burglar <i>rands</i> <i>aground</i> casually, definitely just loitering <i>panned</i> <i>lot</i> <i>facing</i> <i>krugh</i> joint at all.
ck-Burglar stands around casually, definitely just loitering and <i>yacht</i> <i>defacing</i> the joint at all.
ck-Burglar watches carefully to see if there <i>lamarr</i> any guards <i>stand</i> when they change shifts.
ck-Burglar watches carefully <i>bamboo</i> see if there are any guards <i>brand</i> <i>denne</i> they change shifts.
ck-Burglar does some stretching exercises to <i>there</i> for his upcoming heist.

From FightRequest.java (line 4100):
			case FamiliarPool.CAT_BURGLAR:
				if ( responseText.contains( "takes note of any security cameras in the area" ) ||
					responseText.contains( "watches carefully to see if there are any guards and when they change shifts" ) ||
					responseText.contains( "looks around for unlocked windows and accessible vents" ) ||
					responseText.contains( "stands around casually, definitely just loitering and not casing the joint at all" ) )
					Preferences.increment( "_catBurglarCharge" );

Also, this additional insertion of words into the message does not happen 100% of the time.
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Also noticed that my "_chestXRayUsed" was off by 1 (Mafia thought it was 2 when KoL told me it was 3).
Likely there are a number of other things impacted by this Spoon that will mess with tracking and scripts too.

Edit: you can add not recognizing the completion of the black forest to this list.
(I think I might be better off not equipping the spoon give the wacky-ness it injects)
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Those all use a unique skill instead of Run Away, so there's no ambiguity.

Naval Ring is on a normal runaway (in fact, it shares a this count with the Greatest American Pants).

Also noticed that my "_chestXRayUsed" was off by 1 (Mafia thought it was 2 when KoL told me it was 3).
Likely there are a number of other things impacted by this Spoon that will mess with tracking and scripts too.

Edit: you can add not recognizing the completion of the black forest to this list.
(I think I might be better off not equipping the spoon give the wacky-ness it injects)

Yeah, all combat skill tracking that relies on the return message is going to be at risk.
Those all use a unique skill instead of Run Away, so there's no ambiguity.

Various item-based runaways throw a wrench in the mix (especially since some have < 100% success rate), with funkslinging: tattered scrap of paper, louder than bomb, green smoke bomb, turds key, ice hotel bell...

Naval Ring is on a normal runaway (in fact, it shares a this count with the Greatest American Pants).
(It's also unambiguous which is used -- bander / boots preclude the use of gap / navel when active. Unclear if Ode needs to be active for Bander to override navel.)
We can add the molybdenum tool drop recognition to the list.
Can probably update that and similar handling if the pieces of the message that do or do not change can be identified. All we need is a unique string that appears in the html for the tool message but not otherwise.
I deleted my CCS, created a new one, and now flyering works as expected.

And Black Forest tracking is yet another thing that the spoon breaks.
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Add Reanimator wink to the list. Glad I came across this thread before posting another - and can script a work around (unequip spoon whenever a wink, banish, or free kill can take place)
If an admin wants to rename this thread to something like "Rune Spoon breaks tracking/runaway counters" or whatever is most descriptive of the bug that's great by me