New Content - Implemented 2019 IOTM Fourth of May Cosplay Saber


Looking at item #10251...
Unknown item found: Fourth of May Cosplay Saber (10251, 651314979)
10251 Fourth of May Cosplay Saber 651314979 may4sword.gif weapon 0
Fourth of May Cosplay Saber 100 Mus: 0 1-handed saber
# Item Fourth of May Cosplay Saber: 
# Item Fourth of May Cosplay Saber: Use the Force on Enemies
Item Fourth of May Cosplay Saber Muscle Percent: +20, Mysticality Percent: +20, Moxie Percent: +20, Spooky Damage: +4, Stench Damage: +4, Hot Damage: +4, Cold Damage: +4, Sleaze Damage: +4, Spooky Resistance: +1, Stench Resistance: +1, Hot Resistance: +1, Cold Resistance: +1, Sleaze Resistance: +1
Looking at item #10250...
Unknown item found: Fourth of May Cosplay Saber kit (10250, 328783447)
10250 Fourth of May Cosplay Saber kit 328783447 may4swordkit.gif usable t 0
Item Fourth of May Cosplay Saber kit Free Pull
Appears to be both a 1h weapon and an offhand item

has an "upgrade" link (like squeeze on ice sickle)

<a href="main.php?action=may4">[upgrade]</a>

leads to

Upgrade Your May the Fourth Cosplay Saber

<td><center><img src="/images/adventureimages/may4swordbig.gif" width="100" height="100"></center><p>You visit a vendor at the local May the Fourth celebration.  You can only afford a single cheap, disposable upgrade.  Hopefully it'll last the whole day!</p><center><form style="margin: 0px 0px 0px 0px;" name="choiceform1" action="choice.php" method="post"><input type="hidden" name="pwd" value="77040fb965cc7f6e65d24da70a2f7a3b"><input type="hidden" name="whichchoice" value="1386"><input type="hidden" name="option" value="1"><input class="button" type="submit" value="Enhanced Kaiburr Crystal"><font color="blue"><b>Regenerate 15-20 MP per Adventure</b></font></form><p></p><form style="margin: 0px 0px 0px 0px;" name="choiceform2" action="choice.php" method="post"><input type="hidden" name="pwd" value="77040fb965cc7f6e65d24da70a2f7a3b"><input type="hidden" name="whichchoice" value="1386"><input type="hidden" name="option" value="2"><input class="button" type="submit" value="Purple Beam Crystal"><font color="blue"><b>+20 to Monster Level</b></font></form><p></p><form style="margin: 0px 0px 0px 0px;" name="choiceform3" action="choice.php" method="post"><input type="hidden" name="pwd" value="77040fb965cc7f6e65d24da70a2f7a3b"><input type="hidden" name="whichchoice" value="1386"><input type="hidden" name="option" value="3"><input class="button" type="submit" value="Force Resistance Multiplier"><font color="blue"><b>Serious Resistance to All Elements (+3)</b></font></form><p></p><form style="margin: 0px 0px 0px 0px;" name="choiceform4" action="choice.php" method="post"><input type="hidden" name="pwd" value="77040fb965cc7f6e65d24da70a2f7a3b"><input type="hidden" name="whichchoice" value="1386"><input type="hidden" name="option" value="4"><input class="button" type="submit" value="Empathy Chip"><font color="blue"><b>+10 to Familiar Weight</b></font></form><p></p><form style="margin: 0px 0px 0px 0px;" name="choiceform5" action="choice.php" method="post"><input type="hidden" name="pwd" value="77040fb965cc7f6e65d24da70a2f7a3b"><input type="hidden" name="whichchoice" value="1386"><input type="hidden" name="option" value="5"><input class="button" type="submit" value="Maybe Later"></form><p></p></center></td>

Can't open a second kit if you already have one opened

You already have a May fourth cosplay saber!

already drunk today, more tomorrow
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7311    Use the Force, %playername!    may4sword.gif    5    0    0
7311    Use the Force, AlbinoRhino!    may4sword.gif    5    0    0

Using the skill leads to a choice:

Encounter: Using the Force
Took choice 1387/2: "You will go find two friends and meet me here."

HTML for the choice page:


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It appears that making the choice ends the fight. However, mafia says "You are currently in a fight." when you try to do anything afterward that you would not normally be able to do during a fight (even "Refresh Session" will give this message. I thought maybe that would detect that you aren't mid-combat.). Entering 1 more combat and letting it resolve normally (ie don't use the new skill) seems to clear the issue up.
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You can also use visit_url("fight.php"); to get mafia to figure out that you are, in fact, not in a fight.

The fight end works like a rollover runaway, so the monster shouldn't get added to the combat queue (it currently is, which is probably not trivial to fix, since that happens when you start the combat, so you would have to effectively backtrack when the skill gets cast).
The banish lasts 30 turns (no idea how it works with rollover)
Telling him to bring friends makes the next three encounters in any zone where the monster is among the regular combats that monster instead. These 'friends' are also not added to the queue, and I didn't notice any intro text to the fight to indicate they are special.
The force all drops seems to acquire all the non-conditional drops of the monster, even if you stole them during the preceding fight.

Oh, the 'rollover' runaways also don't count for pantsgiving (and probably not stinky cheese either).
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does the cosplay +10fam weight not register with maximizer? even when my +meat will be higher with cosplay+robort, maximizer chooses the garbage sticker
does the cosplay +10fam weight not register with maximizer? even when my +meat will be higher with cosplay+robort, maximizer chooses the garbage sticker
I couldn't get monster level upgrade to show up there or in modtrace, so probably a work in progress.
maximizer is picking cosplay now, there hasn't been any code updates so maybe some sale data elsewhere a restart/rollover fixed?
Mafia will automatically recognize unknown items and try to parse their enchantments, but only once per session. So it won't pick up on the upgrade you put on your saber when you do it, but it will notice it if you restart mafia after applying it.
I saw an "initial support for cosplay saber" commit a week or so back, did a cli command get added to upgrade the saber?
We normally add such cli commands as part of adding maximizer support. But with items that can only be changed once per day, we tend not to add maximizer support, as it's so easy to end up with unintended consequences.
Thanks for all the work on supporting the cosplay saber! It looks like the only thing left that's not supported is the skill "Use the Force, %playername%".
if (get_property("_saberMod") == "0")
visit_url("choice.php?pwd&whichchoice=1386&option=OPTION NUMBER");

1 = regen 15-20 mp
2 = +20 ML
3 = +3 all res
4 = +10 lbs
5 = skip it

edit: the space between the equals sign & OPTION NUMBER, is a quirk of the forum and shouldn't be there.

and, more simply, you can use

if (get_property("_saberMod") == "0")
run_choice(OPTION NUMBER);

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