Malibu Stacey
Active member
Yep relay browser. The preferences menu says "Stop automation, or show relay warning, when Wandering monsters with fixed turn are due" for that option.
KoLmafia v18.11 r19036
You can check your counter preference. If it has the loc=* it won't show the warning, I think.
19237:Vote Monster:absballot.gif:19254:Digitize Monster loc=* type=wander:watch.gif
19237:Vote Monster loc=*:absballot.gif:19254:Digitize Monster loc=* type=wander:watch.gif
This combat did not cost a turn
Preference _voteFreeFights changed from 0 to 1
Preference lastVoteMonsterTurn changed from 489083 to 489622
Preference relayCounters changed from 19237:Vote Monster loc=*:absballot.gif:19254:Digitize Monster loc=* type=wander:watch.gif to 19254:Digitize Monster loc=* type=wander:watch.gif
Preference relayCounters changed from 19254:Digitize Monster loc=* type=wander:watch.gif to 19254:Digitize Monster loc=* type=wander:watch.gif:19248:Vote Monster:absballot.gif
This combat did not cost a turn
Preference _voteFreeFights changed from 1 to 2
Preference lastVoteMonsterTurn changed from 489622 to 489633
Preference relayCounters changed from 19254:Digitize Monster loc=* type=wander:watch.gif:19248:Vote Monster:absballot.gif to 19254:Digitize Monster loc=* type=wander:watch.gif
Preference relayCounters changed from 19254:Digitize Monster loc=* type=wander:watch.gif to 19254:Digitize Monster loc=* type=wander:watch.gif:19259:Vote Monster:absballot.gif
10163 government-issued candy 855701086 mochiball.gif multiple t,d 5 government-issued candies
Item government-issued candy Effect: "Standard Cheer", Effect Duration: 20
2447 Standard Cheer mochiball.gif 0a44269adec20e7f6c44972e7e290a15 use 1 government-issued candy
Effect Standard Cheer Muscle: +1, Mysticality: +1, Moxie: +1, Maximum HP: +1, Maximum MP: +1, Damage Absorption: +1, Damage Reduction: 1
You acquire government-issued candy (2)
10161 virgin jello shot 615419235 celloshot.gif multiple t,d 5
Item virgin jello shot Effect: "Sugar Rush", Effect Duration: 100
10162 mutated candy lump 627332640 vglob2.gif multiple t,d 5
Item mutated candy lump Effect: "Slightly Mutated", Effect Duration: 20
2446 Slightly Mutated vglob2.gif 53bd0e4774833233c6bdd382969ca4a2 use 1 mutated candy lump
Effect Slightly Mutated Mysticality: +15, Spooky Damage: +15
10160 licorice snake 205645323 licsnake.gif multiple t,d 5
Item licorice snake Effect: "Whippin' It Good", Effect Duration: 20
2445 Whippin' It Good licsnake.gif ee6c594b8781e800bfb9c4d710468f5b use 1 licorice snake
Effect Whippin' It Good Critical Hit Percent: +5
I just recently had an issue where mafia did not recognize "+20 Damage to Unarmed Attacks" as my _voteLocal1 modifier. It looks like it was recognized properly by VOTE_PATTERN but may have failed the call to Modifiers.parseModifier() - I can't really test it any more since my votes were already made but I do have the HTML if that would be helpful (unless this is just an issue because I've messed with my own mafia too much).
I asked this once, and got this response:
Always curious what this or that tech-savvy user chooses to change. Some of those things can end up as official mods.In my own build...
Which is fair.
Once we support "Unarmed Damage" (as opposed to "Weapon Damage" or "Ranged Damage", we will certainly support enchantments that affect it.
Always curious what this or that tech-savvy user chooses to change. Some of those things can end up as official mods.
I seem to recall lost having a private build, from which a number of things became "official", after I looked at them and added them - which were enough to make me add him as a dev.![]()