Modifier Maximizer


This thread is for feedback, bug reports, and suggestions related to the Modifier Maximizer feature, added in r7460. It is similar to the existing Basement helper, but appears in KoLmafia itself rather than the relay browser, and you get to choose what attribute you want to boost (or a combination of attributes, with individual weights). You can find it in the Tools menu, or can add it to your startup tabs or windows via Preferences.

This feature has a long way to go before it's complete, but I think you'll find it quite useful already. The main limitations at the moment are:
* only effects are suggested, not equipment changes.
* boosting your max HP or MP does not accurately predict the amount of the change.
* elemental phials aren't considered when boosting resistances.
It looks really nice already. One thing I noticed is that looking for HP modifiers doesn't show things that increase muscle at all, even though that's often the biggest source of +HP. Same with MP and myst.
Yeah, the HP/MP options have quite a bit of work left before they'll be fully usable...

In preparation for adding equipment suggestions, I need to get clarification on some odd cases. If anyone has current information about these, I'd appreciate it:
1. What's the current status of the belief that a single piece of Brimstone gives no ML bonus? I'd heard that this had been changed, or found to be incorrect, but it's still being claimed as true on the Wiki.
2. Is it absolutely confirmed that the Disembodied Hand never counts toward Brimstone bonuses? I'm not sure if whoever originally claimed this was aware that only distinct pieces of Brimstone count, so they might have been testing with a Bludgeon in their own hand too.
3. Just to double-check: Clownosity can be granted by the Hand, but never the Hatrack, right?
4. Slime Hate is known not to be affected by the Hand. What other exceptions are there?
5. Would someone with Travoltan Trousers and a moxie magnet, with their myst substantially higher than their moxie, please try equipping both at once? Does your MP get based on your myst (as it would with the Trousers alone) or your moxie (as it would with the magnet alone)?
1. Dunno.
2. It has been absolutely confirmed that brimstone in the disembodied hand does nothing.
3. Correct.
4. Aside from the Slime Hate, that's it.
5. Can't help you.
I would be happy to loan travoltan trousers to you (JH) or someone else I know well on the forums to verify, but my man with the johnnypants is a SC at the moment.
I would be happy to loan travoltan trousers to you (JH) or someone else I know well on the forums to verify, but my man with the johnnypants is a SC at the moment.
I'd certainly appreciate that - and I'm currently a high level S, so I'm in a good position to test this.

r7463 adds support for elemental phials - for example, if you request resistance to two or three elements, it will suggest a phial that makes you immune to one without being vulnerable to the other(s). That's one less item on the limitations/bugs list...
jasonharper said:
5. Would someone with Travoltan Trousers and a moxie magnet, with their myst substantially higher than their moxie, please try equipping both at once? Does your MP get based on your myst (as it would with the Trousers alone) or your moxie (as it would with the magnet alone)?

One of my alts is able to help test this out. As a level 30 Sauceror, his unbalanced stats are: Mus 171, Myst 863, Mox 180.

MP= 1294 wearing neither the Travoltan Trousers or the moxie magnet
MP= 863 wearing both items
MP= 1294 wearing just the Trousers
MP= 863 wearing the Magnet only
I've noticed that it doesn't know about exclusive effects, like love songs and snowcones. After using a black snowcone, it still recommends using a blue snowcone to increase item drops for example.
Maximization of HP & MP should be fully working in r7465.

Handling mutually exclusive effects is going to take some more work, I hadn't even considered the need for that.
for meat drops, and item drops with 0% (no buffs, birthday suit) , I have a current score of 100, so is base (0%) a score of 100 ?

Possibly i'm interpretting this wrong!


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For meat & item drops, the score includes your inherent 100%. That seemed more useful than showing the bonus alone; this way, the score is exactly proportional to your expected drops.
For meat & item drops, the score includes your inherent 100%. That seemed more useful than showing the bonus alone; this way, the score is exactly proportional to your expected drops.

well, when you put it that way it makes perfect sense! thanks :)

Look great, excellent feature! :)
I think this needs to show cost in fullness/drunk/spleen next to the relevant items. Additionally, could there be an option to always show cost even if you already have an item in your inventory? Sometimes I'd be more prone to use a few cheaper items and sell a more expensive one that provides a larger bonus (semi-rares typically). Showing a count of your current stock of something would be useful as well.
I am currently in BM and tried to play with this (v7463). I tried to maximize my main stat and was getting every buff regardless of whether it was actually available to me. Is that supposed to happen? Or is BM/HC not supported at all? Note I also tried a meat limit of 1000, and saw no change in the items listed (e.g., uber-pricy pressure of whatevers were still there). This seemed odd.

Also also, regarding the logic of it...if the item is in your inventory, does it bother checking the mall price and culling the list?
It's very much a work in progress. Ideally it would be able to exclude all buffs that you don't have access to, but that's a feature for some time in the future after jason has the basics working.
To get the price limit to do much of anything, you have to tell it to check prices - which is off by default, to save server hits. Only NPC-buyable item prices are inherently known to mafia. If a boost doesn't have a price shown, then its price was not considered when deciding to include it in the list.

It's NEVER going to be possible to guarantee that every boost in the list is actually possible to acquire. The action for obtaining an effect is specified by an arbitrary CLI command, so this is equivalent to being able to infallibly predict whether a command will succeed or fail (including commands that have not yet even been dreamed of, and calls to user-written scripts).
Sorry to not add anything meaningful to this thread, but I have been suggesting this feature for years now and I am _so_ pleased that it's finally being implemented. Thanks so much to everyone who is contributing. :dqp-
As of r7471 it's now making equipment suggestions, but only weapons & accessories right now due to performance issues - that's taking about 15 seconds on my old 400 MHz machine, maximizing all the slots would be unbearably slow. It does seem to be making good suggestions for the slots it supports, however.

Some notes on how it ranks different equipment combinations, which is actually a 4-stage process:

* If a combination meets all minimum values that you specified, it automatically wins over a combination that failed, regardless of score.

* Otherwise, the combination gets scored according to your specified weights, exactly as effect-based boosts are scored.

* There are fairly often going to be ties between items that have equal values for the modifiers of interest, but might have other bonuses or penalties. To help choose the most useful item in such situations, there is also a tiebreaker score: it has positive weight for all the stats that are generally beneficial, negative weight for the few for which lower numbers are better, and zero weight for things that are only conditionally useful (ML, combat rate, rollover adventures, etc.). The current tiebreaker expression is:
1 familiar weight, 1 initiative, 1 exp, 1 item, 1 meat, 0.1 DA 1000 max, 1 DR, 1 all res, -5 mana cost, 1.0 mus, 0.5 mys, 1.0 mox, 1.5 mainstat, 1 HP, 1 MP, 1 weapon damage, 1 ranged damage, 1 spell damage, 1 cold damage, 1 hot damage, 1 sleaze damage, 1 spooky damage, 1 stench damage, 1 cold spell damage, 1 hot spell damage, 1 sleaze spell damage, 1 spooky spell damage, 1 stench spell damage, 1 critical, -1 fumble, 1 HP regen max, 1 MP regen max, 1 critical hit percent, 0.1 food drop, 0.1 booze drop, 0.1 hat drop, 0.1 weapon drop, 0.1 offhand drop, 0.1 shirt drop, 0.1 pants drop, 0.1 accessory drop
I'd welcome any suggestions on tweaking that to better reflect the actual worth of the various modifiers, I didn't put a whole lot of thought into the current weights beyond making sure they have the right sign. Note that you'll be able to maximize nothing, and get a generic outfit based on the tiebreaker alone.

* If the tiebreakers are tied, combinations are ranked via simplicity: 2 points for every slot that matches your current equipment, 1 point for every slot that's left empty. The idea is that, among all the permutations that give the same scores, choose one that doesn't unnecessarily shuffle existing equipment around, and that doesn't put on equipment that gives you no benefit at all.
Things that should be more valuable
  • familiar weight
  • -MP cost
  • exp
  • MP regen

Things that should be less valuable:
  • 1 all res
I'd love to make the tiebreakers directly configurable via a script, so I could do outfit(optimize(foo,bar,bah,zub)). If I understand correctly what you're describing.

Random bug report: Maximizing Meat Drop doesn't seem to offer Cyclops Eyedrops, even with the most liberal inclusion settings.