[COLOR=Blue]Maximizing PVP... .. This might take a moment, we have a lot to check...[/COLOR]
Maximizing (1st time may take a while)...
1008 combinations checked, best score 41.00
Putting on psychic's circlet...
Equipment changed.
Holding Mer-kin stopwatch...
Equipment changed.
Putting on General Sage's Lonely Diamonds Club Jacket...
Equipment changed.
Putting on aerogel ascot...
Equipment changed.
Putting on stainless steel solitaire...
Equipment changed.
Putting on gold wedding ring...
Equipment changed.
2016 combinations checked, best score 326.00
Putting on insulting hat...
Equipment changed.
Holding sturdy cane...
Equipment changed.
Putting on Corporal Fennel's Lonely Clubs Club Jacket...
Equipment changed.
Putting on psychic's pslacks...
Equipment changed.
Putting on offensive moustache...
Equipment changed.
Putting on Bram's choker...
Equipment changed.
Putting on hamethyst necklace...
Equipment changed.
[COLOR=blue]Checking out the capmpground[/COLOR]
You haven't used all of your [color=#FF0000]free rests[/COLOR]
[COLOR=blue]Checking how you can LOUNGE around today...[/COLOR]
You can still relax in the [color=#FF0000]Hot Tub[/COLOR] today
You can still [color=#FF0000]Play Pool[/COLOR] today
You can still use your [color=#FF0000]Fax Machine[/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]Done Lounging around, lets check some other stuff...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=blue]Your wand is cold[/COLOR]
You can still [color=#FF0000]Summon a Demon[/COLOR] today
You can still grab a [color=#FF0000]Filthy Lucre[/COLOR] (speciality)
You can still play in the [color=#FF0000]ball pit[/COLOR]
You can still receive a [color=#FF0000]"blessing"[/COLOR] from the [color=#FF0000]Nuns[/COLOR]
You can still Check for a [color=#FF0000]Defective Token[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue]Checking Familiars[/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]Done checking familiars.[/COLOR]
You will receive 55 bonus MP at rollover, for a total of 1658
[COLOR=green]You have chosen to maximize PVP Fights.[/COLOR]
You will have 10 pvp fights after rollover. 10 fights for rollover, 0 fights from gear and passive skills, 0 from left over fights.
You will have 112 turns, after rollover. 40 turns for rollover, 26 turns from gear and passive skills, 35 from left over adventures.
Whatever is in [color=#FF0000]Red[/COLOR] can still be addressed
[COLOR=purple]Rollover Management complete, finished, done, concluded, ended, performed, it's a wrap, all over, buttoned up[/COLOR]
[COLOR=purple]Th-th-th-that's all folks![/COLOR]