Rollover Management

Well, then that makes sense that there's an error in my script! I've fixed it, hopefully it works properly now.
new version errors out with the message
WARNING: Unreachable code (Rollover Management.ash, line 371)
[COLOR=red]Function     'maximize( string )' undefined. This script may require a more recent     version of KoLmafia and/or its supporting scripts. (Rollover     Management.ash, line 411)[/COLOR]


Can you please tell me what gear you have on when this happens?
It says which items I had in the CLI log I posted in that post, let me repost just the relevant part:

2016 combinations checked, best score 326.00
Putting     on insulting hat...
Equipment changed.
Holding sturdy cane...
Equipment     changed.
Putting on Corporal Fennel's Lonely Clubs Club Jacket...
Equipment     changed.
Putting on psychic's pslacks...
Equipment changed.
Putting     on offensive moustache...
Equipment changed.
Putting on Bram's     choker...
Equipment changed.
Putting on hamethyst necklace...
Equipment     changed.
Also, it seems to be still doing first adventure optimization and then pvp optimization. But that is redundant now that you are using
1 PVP, 10 ADV, -tie
10 PVP, 1 ADV, -tie

those two would automatically put adv / pvp boosting stuff in the empty slots. So you only need to run the maximizer once.
The point of running adv first and then pvp (or vice versa) was for when using maximizer strings of
pvp -tie
adv -tie
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new version errors out with the message
WARNING: Unreachable code (Rollover Management.ash, line 371)
[COLOR=red]Function     'maximize( string )' undefined. This script may require a more recent     version of KoLmafia and/or its supporting scripts. (Rollover     Management.ash, line 411)[/COLOR]

This is what happens when I work with no caffeine. It's fixed.

Also, it seems to be still doing first adventure optimization and then pvp optimization. But that is redundant now that you are using
1 PVP, 10 ADV, -tie
10 PVP, 1 ADV, -tie

those two would automatically put adv / pvp boosting stuff in the empty slots. So you only need to run the maximizer once.
The point of running adv first and then pvp (or vice versa) was for when using maximizer strings of
pvp -tie
adv -tie

This SHOULD be fixed now too. I found the issue.
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I just noticed that during a jarlsberg run, if you have not eaten until full when running this script, it will tell you that you can still eat a fancy hot dog, even though jarlsberg can't eat things he didn't conjure himself.
noticed something in G-lovers.
it says
You can still cast [COLOR=#FF0000]Pastamastery[/COLOR]
You won't receive [color=#FF0000]bonus turns[/COLOR] from your     campground, think about installing a Maid to clean things up
even though pastamastery and maid are not available during G lover run
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adv optimization is:
adv, +switch Disembodied Hand, +switch Trick-or-Treating Tot -tie
and I really think it should be
10 adv, 1 pvp fights, +switch Disembodied Hand, +switch Trick-or-Treating Tot -tie
to make sure unused slots are at least doing something.

v1.10 has added the functionality of using the spare slots when optimizing pvp. (by doing "10 pvp fights, 1 adv"). But not the vice versa situation where optimizing turns, where it still does "adv" instead of "10 adv, 1 pvp fights"

For example, in my current run the only difference between the two is whether or not "makeshift garbage shirt" is equipped in the chest slot to give +3 pvp. both of them equip the other relevant items in the relevant slots.

I have already made the change in my copy. just change line 469 to
maximize("10 adv, 1 pvp fights, +switch Disembodied Hand, +switch Trick-or-Treating Tot -tie", false);}
and line 472 to
maximize("10 adv, 1 pvp fights, +switch Disembodied Hand, +switch Trick-or-Treating Tot -tie", false); maximize("10 pvp fights, 1 adv, -tie", false);}

actually... could make them 20 adv, 1 pvp fights to make absolutely sure it will never prioritize a pvp fight over an adventure. (only instance where 10 to 1 ratio is not enough is if you have two 1 handed weapons giving 5+ pvp, vs a 2 handed weapon giving 1 adv exactly, at the moment no such item exists. there is only one +1 adv/rollover weapon and it is a 1 handed item)
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this change has been made. thanks. I'll look at the others this week.
Glad to help... actually, this one doesn't directly affect the script directly anymore... but the current notes on the "void preferences" function are misleading. Changing that function only changes the default preferences for a brand new character. For an existing character they need to change it via CLI commands.

void preferences101()
if (get_property("ps_preferences_set") == "true") {return;}
set_property ("ps_cheatdeckcard1", "ancestral recall");     // Three turns is great!
set_property ("ps_cheatdeckcard2", "island");             // 6 turns is even better!
set_property ("ps_cheatdeckcard3", "1952 Mickey Mantle");     // 10k meat is ALWAYS a nice bonus.  :)
set_property ("ps_spacegateVaccine", "3");             // 1 rainbow +3 each element resist, 2 +50% each stat, or 3 +30 monster level
set_property ("ps_manaburn", "true");                 // set this to false if you don't want to burn your free MP restorers - TRUE SETTING WILL NOT USE MEAT!
set_property ("ps_geniewish1", "more wishes"); 
set_property ("ps_geniewish2", "more wishes"); 
set_property ("ps_geniewish3", "more wishes"); 
set_property ("ps_checkfamiliar", "true");        // set this to false if you don't want to know about familiar free drops, and free runaways
set_property ("ps_checksource", "true");         // set this to false if you don't want to know about your Source Terminal 
set_property ("ps_dailydeeds", "true");            // set this to false if you don't want to do all daily deeds
set_property ("ps_rollover", "turns");             // set this to turns for rollover turns, or pvp for pvp fights
set_property ("ps_preferences_set", "true");
print("prererences set", "green");

my suggestion
void preferences101()
if (get_property("ps_preferences_set") == "true") {return;}
set_property ("ps_cheatdeckcard1", "ancestral recall");     // Three turns is great!
set_property ("ps_cheatdeckcard2", "island");             // 6 turns is even better!
set_property ("ps_cheatdeckcard3", "1952 Mickey Mantle");     // 10k meat is ALWAYS a nice bonus.  :)
set_property ("ps_spacegateVaccine", "3");             // 1 rainbow +3 each element resist, 2 +50% each stat, or 3 +30 monster level
set_property ("ps_manaburn", "true");                 [COLOR=#0000cd]// use gCLI command "set ps_manaburn=false" if you don't want to burn your free MP restorers - TRUE SETTING WILL NOT USE MEAT![/COLOR]
set_property ("ps_geniewish1", "more wishes"); 
set_property ("ps_geniewish2", "more wishes"); 
set_property ("ps_geniewish3", "more wishes"); 
set_property ("ps_checkfamiliar", "true");        [COLOR=#0000cd]// use gCLI command "set ps_checkfamiliar=false" if you don't want to know about familiar free drops, and free runaways[/COLOR]
set_property ("ps_checksource", "true");         [COLOR=#0000cd]// use gCLI command "set ps_checksource=false" if you don't want to know about your Source Terminal [/COLOR]
set_property ("ps_dailydeeds", "true");        [COLOR=#0000cd]// use gCLI command "set ps_dailydeeds=false" if you don't want to do all daily deeds[/COLOR]
set_property ("ps_rollover", "turns");             [COLOR=#0000cd]// use gCLI command "set ps_rollover=turns" for rollover turns, or "set[/COLOR][COLOR=#0000ff] ps_rollover=pvp" for pvp fights[/COLOR]
set_property ("ps_preferences_set", "true");       [COLOR=#0000cd]// ???[/COLOR]
print("prererences set", "green");
changes have been highlighted in blue.

also... does "ps_preferences_set" reset the preferences to default if you set it to false?
in actually ed the undying. get the error:
Unable to parse housing!
which is happening when checking the campground
Minor bug fix today. The script was looking at Heart of Dark Chocolate, and saying handmade hobby horse was still available.
Whenever I run this script it destroys my current mood when fighting the snowman, I also get a red error when I run it about code being unavailable. (I'll update the post later tonight when I run it.) Also, if I have 0 adventures it hangs when trying to fight witchess w/ 0 adventures.

It's not a red message, just a warning:

Changing "Miniature Sword & Martini Guy" to "Miniature Sword & Martini Guy" would get rid of this message. (Rollover Management.ash, line 56)
WARNING: Unreachable code (Rollover Management.ash, line 371)
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Whenever I run this script it destroys my current mood when fighting the snowman, I also get a red error when I run it about code being unavailable. (I'll update the post later tonight when I run it.) Also, if I have 0 adventures it hangs when trying to fight witchess w/ 0 adventures.

It's not a red message, just a warning:

Changing "Miniature Sword & Martini Guy" to "Miniature Sword & Martini Guy" would get rid of this message. (Rollover Management.ash, line 56)
WARNING: Unreachable code (Rollover Management.ash, line 371)

First: This is very easy to fix. The issue isn't even in my script, it's in the snojo.ash script by bale. Simply open the .ash file, and remove these 2 lines:

	cli_execute("mood clear");

	cli_execute("mood x-32-f");
OR, simply change the x-32-f to whatever your custom mood is for the snowmen.

Second: As far as Changing "Miniature Sword & Martini Guy", this is a mafia issue, not a script issue. This has been brought up many times in years past.

If you don't have a Miniature Sword & Martini Guy, then simply remove this from the script " Miniature Sword & Martini Guy," which is located on line 56 of the script, and you won't have the message anymore.

Third: I added a check for adventures before it runs witchess fights. It should completely skip it now if you have 0 available.
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With the decommission of Witchess Set the script now hangs because Witchess is still at the campsite, but just gives an message when you try to use it.
With the decommission of Witchess Set the script now hangs because Witchess is still at the campsite, but just gives an message when you try to use it.

I don't follow what you mean. I still have a working Witchess Set in my campground. Please provide a link, or more information.
Ok, It was a quick fix. I updated it, the script should work properly now. If you have any issues, please let me know!

Since it was such a tiny fix, I'm not posting an update for it on the first forum post.
Everytime i run this script it spends 10k meat for something, which i am not sure for what. And if i don't have 10k meat in my inventory, script stops working and gives me this error: "You don't have enough meat in inventory".
I'm pretty new to the game, so prob i am the one missing smt. But i am not sure what.