Here's what I was able to come up with. If there's an easier way to do it, I would be happy to change it. Criticism, good or bad, is always welcome. 
this is how my MP-Burning portion is called.
I tried to figure out how to get the user set preference for MP, but I couldn't make it work, so I figured 50% of your MAX is pretty good.
The full script is pretty user friendly, or as user friendly as I can make it. It includes a few new script related preferences, which will allow, or disallow options to be done. The MP-Burn is an option users can shut off.
EDIT: I forgot about License to Chill, and April Shower (HOT) I'll have to script that in too
Stealing these lines from Zarqon:
if (numeric_modifier("Base Resting MP") < 40 && item_amount($item[Frobozz Real-Estate Company Instant House (TM)]) > 0 && use(1,$item[Frobozz Real-Estate Company Instant House (TM)])) {}
if (numeric_modifier("Base Resting MP") < 10 && retrieve_item(1,$item[Newbiesport™ tent]) && use(1,$item[Newbiesport™ tent])) {}
and making nun-restoring faster.

this is how my MP-Burning portion is called.
set_property("autoManaRestore", "false"); // this saves your meat
set_property("autoManaRestore", "true");
void mp_burner()
int burn = my_mp() * .85;
string body;
body = visit_url ("campground.php");
cli_execute("burn " + burn + " mana");
if(get_property("nunsVisits") < 3 && my_maxmp() * .85 > my_mp() ) // I figured having 15%, or less of your max MP was a good place to restore MP
cli_execute("burn " + burn + " mana");
if(get_property("expressCardUsed") == "false" && $item[Platinum Yendorian Express Card].available_amount() > 0 && my_maxmp() * .85 > my_mp() ) // I figured having 15%, or less of your max MP was a good place to restore MP
use(1, $item[Platinum Yendorian Express Card]);
cli_execute("burn " + burn + " mana");
int mpburn = my_mp() * .50; // I figured having 50% of your MP left was a good place for rollover
if ($item[heart of dark chocolate].available_amount() > 0 && get_property("_darkChocolateHeart") == "false" && my_maxmp() - my_mp() > 50)
use (1, $item[heart of dark chocolate]);
cli_execute("burn " + mpburn + " mana");
if(get_property("_eternalCarBatteryUsed") == "false" && $item[eternal Car Battery].available_amount() > 0 && my_maxmp() - my_mp() > 50)
use(1, $item[eternal Car Battery]);
cli_execute("burn " + mpburn + " mana");
if(get_property("oscusSodaUsed") == "false" && $item[Oscus's neverending soda].available_amount() > 0 && my_maxmp() - my_mp() > 200 )
use(1, $item[Oscus's neverending soda]);
cli_execute("burn " + mpburn + " mana");
if(contains_text(body,"_free.gif") && my_maxmp() - my_mp() > 150)
cli_execute("burn " + mpburn + " mana");
else // when there's nothing left, this will fire off
cli_execute("burn " + mpburn + " mana");
mp_burner(); //this loops it back around to grab all free restorers until there are none left.
The full script is pretty user friendly, or as user friendly as I can make it. It includes a few new script related preferences, which will allow, or disallow options to be done. The MP-Burn is an option users can shut off.
EDIT: I forgot about License to Chill, and April Shower (HOT) I'll have to script that in too
Stealing these lines from Zarqon:
if (numeric_modifier("Base Resting MP") < 40 && item_amount($item[Frobozz Real-Estate Company Instant House (TM)]) > 0 && use(1,$item[Frobozz Real-Estate Company Instant House (TM)])) {}
if (numeric_modifier("Base Resting MP") < 10 && retrieve_item(1,$item[Newbiesport™ tent]) && use(1,$item[Newbiesport™ tent])) {}
and making nun-restoring faster.

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