KGB Briefcase 1st use setup


This is a simple script that first resets your briefcase, so it starts fresh, and resets the dials. It then forces your KGB briefcase to:
Turn on first light, open, and turn the crank, open martini hose, open the 2 drawers, and setup the buttons on top of the case.

This script is intended for use by people that can't figure out how to do it on their own. This script will get you martinis. I leave that up to the player, as better martini's can be obtained.

I really don't see updating this script, so I'll just add it here. (That and I'm having issues with SVN...)

Please see AlbinoRhino's post below for a working script.

After downloading, you will need to put the file into your scripts folder.
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I just had someone in /clan say that this script didn't work for them.

I see that the initial visit_url() calls don't have the second parameter.

It looks like the script assumes that the initial dial positions is always the same, and goes from there without checking (by using the return value from at least some visit_url() calls). Is that actually true?
It looks like the script assumes that the initial dial positions is always the same, and goes from there without checking (by using the return value from at least some visit_url() calls). Is that actually true?

This is the way it looks to me. It would be much more beneficial to examine the current state of the Briefcase and then go from there to complete the necessary setup actions. This would also be helpful if the script aborts mid-run for some reason. Right now, it looks like everything is open loop.
I just had someone in /clan say that this script didn't work for them.

I see that the initial visit_url() calls don't have the second parameter.

It looks like the script assumes that the initial dial positions is always the same, and goes from there without checking (by using the return value from at least some visit_url() calls). Is that actually true?

From what I've seen, the initial dial positions are always the same. They have been for me atleast...

I changed the initial resets.

This is the way it looks to me. It would be much more beneficial to examine the current state of the Briefcase and then go from there to complete the necessary setup actions. This would also be helpful if the script aborts mid-run for some reason. Right now, it looks like everything is open loop.

I'm not sure how to check the briefcase to see what's open, and what's not. I wrote it to reset the case, because you never know what people might have done to it (lol).

I'm not an advanced script writer, so adding aborts mid-run if something goes wrong is beyond me. I personally have had no issues with the script, and thought I would release it, so others who aren't advanced players can get their briefcase setup for the time being, until Ezandora (and the NO clan) have written their script.

That being said, If you have suggestions, please pass them on! I'm open to suggestions, and criticism (nicely please)
You inspired me to finish the script I started the other day for basically this same purpose. I don't usually publish my scripts but, eh, what the hell. This script requires zlib. It will go as far as opening the drawers and then die until the next day (unless you reset the prop '_aaa_KGBcaseReset' to anything other than today_to_string() to run it again).


You inspired me to finish the script I started the other day for basically this same purpose. I don't usually publish my scripts but, eh, what the hell. This script requires zlib. It will go as far as opening the drawers and then die until the next day (unless you reset the prop '_aaa_KGBcaseReset' to anything other than today_to_string() to run it again).

This looks much fancier than mine! I'll try it tomorrow, hopefully it will work better!
I was leery of putting in much error/state checking since it involves quite a few server hits, as is. Which was why I tried to limit it to one run per day. It will happily keep using your daily clicks if you keep running it. I guess the actuators eat into the daily limit, if not the others ? (I'm really not that sure how this thing works yet.) The response text appears to be injected into the "Results" box which is already on the page. So the page html doesn't actually change when you capture it. So, the next easiest way I could see to check the case's state was to reload the page and look for the images of the drawers, etc. Which I didn't do. At least, not yet. Just capturing the visit_url() response was giving me stale text even when the browser had updated the "Results" box. Ah well, it's a work in progress...
It should probably be set to only run once per ascension unless you force it.... I believe I had it that way to begin with and now I'm not sure why I changed it.
Here is a slightly improved version, if anyone is interested.

The script now requires input.
"kgb.ash r" = completely resets the case, once per ascension.
"kgb.ash c" = crank the handle 11 times, once per day.

Also, more control over the output printed to the cli (via zlib verbosities). Edit the values at the top of the script to change them.

