Edscension - Your #1 Karma Farming Script

Alas it is broken for me. It does not realize that Cobb's Knob is already open. It keeps adventuring in the Outskirts and suine the presence of the encryption key to decide whether to continue, or not. Since the key was consumed when the Knob was opened it fails. Setting ed_day1_cobb=finished looks like it should force things but so far it hasn't.
I was thinking of adding the fax machine since this path is now out of restriction. I wanted people's opinion on what to fax. I'm think the lobsterfrogman since I hate the randomness of it but I'm open to suggestions.
I was thinking of adding the fax machine since this path is now out of restriction. I wanted people's opinion on what to fax. I'm think the lobsterfrogman since I hate the randomness of it but I'm open to suggestions.

Make what to fax a variable, and just have it initialized/defaulted to the monster of your choice.

I agree with that choice because the Zerg Rush is one of the cases where the script almost consistently fails to heal, presumably because 0 HP does not send Ed to the Underworld.

Are you going to fork and share or have you gotten one of the original authors interested in maintaining this? I considered doing so but then the 2016 runs became available so I have 12 items to obtain before I get back to Ed.
So this is an update to chown's fork.

Use it at your own risk. I tested it with no variable previously entered. So it seems to set it to lobsterfrogman. I haven't tried any other monsters yet.

A link in the relay would be needed but at the moment I just want to test the function. I only have one account that is running it and it worked well with a very low number of skills unlocked. I currently default to lobsterfrog man but can take two variable: the monster to fax "ed_WhatToFax" and the min level needed to fight that monster "ed_LvlNeededToFax". That way if someone wants to fight something easier to kill, he can do it earlier.

I'm thinking of adding a note to doBedtime() to warn the user if he didn't use the fax because his level was to low but that function already needs some correction. Like warning that you are out of adventure but still can eat and drink. At the moment we get the "print("Done for today (" + my_daycount() + "), beep boop");" even if there is still stuff to do. I'll try to fix that but don't have the time right now.

Opinion and comments are welcome.


Ok so I was reading through the comments and it seems some users are having trouble with the +ml at the start of the run. Personally I run Mental A-cue-ity from the pool table and by the time it runs out, I can deal enough spell damage to survive. Would people be interested if I coded that in?

I'm also thinking of introducing some garbage bag farm at the start. If I'm lucky enough to get How to Avoid Scam, I quickly get enough meat for the entire run. Plus I get the funfunds to buy the Dinsey face paint, helping to make up the for the difference in stats gain from the pirates.

I think it would be easy to import the deck of everycard from CCA script. What card should it pull?
Ok so I was reading through the comments and it seems some users are having trouble with the +ml at the start of the run. Personally I run Mental A-cue-ity from the pool table and by the time it runs out, I can deal enough spell damage to survive. Would people be interested if I coded that in?

I'm also thinking of introducing some garbage bag farm at the start. If I'm lucky enough to get How to Avoid Scam, I quickly get enough meat for the entire run. Plus I get the funfunds to buy the Dinsey face paint, helping to make up the for the difference in stats gain from the pirates.

I think it would be easy to import the deck of everycard from CCA script. What card should it pull?

Some of my ML problems occurred because the script acquired the +ML skill and then cast it before any adventures. It's the difference between unconditionally maxing ML and trying to bound it above by some understanding of "safe".

I am not sure whether the script was designed to work for a character's very first Ed run but my observation has been that it got much "smoother" as the number of starting skill points increased. So if the survival strategy is to deal spell damage, then it may need to make darn sure that is what the first points are spent on.

Not sure I care about garbage bag farm but that is because I don't have access to the area. But I can't see any harm as an option. Similar comments apply to the Deck of Every Card.

I have a few weeks of sub-optimal 2016 standard runs to complete before I return to this script as a primary tool.
Ok. I just need to come up with a logic for the +ML. It is simple for the islands since the mob don't get initiative, so just need to calculate the damage that can be dealt in 3 undying I think. For anyone who doesn't have the charters, it would be a bit harder since the hippies can get initiative.
I'm using a freshly checked out version of Chown's fork and the script is aborting when trying to maximize before doing Oil Peak.

I did the oil peak manually and the error didn't reappear until I got to the airship.

I am also having the same problem with the muscle prediction being wrong.

Additionally, it shows internal error, ed_ccadv "skipfirstlife", alternating between this error and the muscle prediction error.

Any idea how to resolve this issue? The script was running fine on Day 1 and 2, but not Day 3 (today).

Thanks in advance for the answers.
Im getting this error:
Bad monster value: "clingy pirate" (ed_combat.ash, line 416)

how do i fix it?
If you're comfortable with editing ASH scripts, you can fix this with a find and replace. Look for:
$monster[clingy pirate]
On line 416 of ed_combat.ash. Replace it with:
$monster[clingy pirate (male)] || $monster[clingy pirate (female)]
There might still be other errors.
thanks wrld, i managed to fix this.

For some reason, every time i fight monsters that i cant 1 shot, it keeps saying casting storm of scarab 60 times until it gets the error and tells me to do this on my relay browser. It wasnt a problem at low levels but now i do 90% of my stuff manually because of this combat error:
Strategy: C:\Users\Computer\Downloads\ccs\default.ccs [default]
Round 0: frostmoore wins initiative!
ed_combatHandler: 0
ed_edCombatCount => 467
ed_diag_round => 0
Round 1: frostmoore casts STORM OF THE SCARAB!
KoLmafia thinks it is round 2 but KoL thinks it is round 1
ed_diag_round => 1
Round 2: frostmoore casts STORM OF THE SCARAB!
KoLmafia thinks it is round 3 but KoL thinks it is round 1
ed_diag_round => 2
Round 3: frostmoore casts STORM OF THE SCARAB!
KoLmafia thinks it is round 4 but KoL thinks it is round 1
Round 61: frostmoore casts STORM OF THE SCARAB!
KoLmafia thinks it is round 62 but KoL thinks it is round 1
ed_diag_round => 61
Somehow got to 60 rounds.... aborting

fixed this, i turned all my storm of scarab in the edcombat.ash into fist of the mummy. hopefully after a few ascensions of ed i can finally actually unlock the fist of the mummy lol

Unsolvable bug found:
It finds the black market but it keeps adventuring there endlessly for no reason

alright this script doesnt work anymore, it never completes any of the quests from lvl 11 onwards
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Get some strange errors now and again. Script was trying to complete the trapper quests but kept flagging up an error "Our prediction for cold resistance was not correct. Predicted 4.0, but got 9.0" - managed to bypass by manually completing this quest line

I also seem to get on occasion, a message about mafia thinks its round 2 when its actually round 1. Again, manually playing for a while resolved this.

Is having The Crown of Ed the Undying a necessity? I kept receiving an error about not having this item so I amend the .ash file to stop the script keep searching for this.

Other thank that, working really nicely!
I also seem to get on occasion, a message about mafia thinks its round 2 when its actually round 1. Again, manually playing for a while resolved this.

Is having The Crown of Ed the Undying a necessity? I kept receiving an error about not having this item so I amend the .ash file to stop the script keep searching for this.

The first point is not a specific issue with this script. I see it often and elsewhere but I don't recall it being enough of a problem to track down.

I don't have a Crown and this script has never generated an error for me. Perhaps that is because I won't call something an "error" unless the script actually fails or stop?
The first point is not a specific issue with this script. I see it often and elsewhere but I don't recall it being enough of a problem to track down.

I don't have a Crown and this script has never generated an error for me. Perhaps that is because I won't call something an "error" unless the script actually fails or stop?

When you say you've seen it often, has there been any workaround that seems to resolve this? It really is quite frustrating.

Also this "Our prediction for cold resistance was not correct. Predicted 7.0, but got 12.0" error is frustrating. Both of these stop the script.

The Crown issue really was strange but yes it would stop the script when it could not equip it (because it doesn't exist in my inventory)
nothing manually completing the quest doesn't fix :)

So first run done, i think it was about 820 turns with minimal effort. Thank you for this wonderful script!
Freed up a character to do Ed runs. So far script had trouble with the dinghy - it got the plans, never seemed to buy the planks and was looping. I made the dinghy manually and it got past that. It tried to do the Tavern Cellar and looped. I tried to go there manually to check status and KoL told me to talk to the bartender. So I did and the script worked well. I am going to try and fix things if I can figure them out easily. If there are enough changes and the original author(s) don't return I will probably copy everything, add my changes and host in SVN on SourceForge unless someone else volunteers to do that first.
Today's hiccup was the Barr. It did not take the Step Away choice for the insult contest when it had 0 insults. Abort and restart got it out of the loop.