Edscension - Your #1 Karma Farming Script

I'm using a freshly checked out version of Chown's fork and the script is aborting when trying to maximize before doing Oil Peak.

No +combat = no assassins, delaying...
Delaying kitchen till you got some more resistance
No +combat = no assassins, delaying...
A-Boo Peak: 90
Oil Peak with ML: 30
Mind control device already at 10
200 combinations checked, best score 58.75
maximizing 'ML 120 max, sleaze res, 0.25 hp'
200 combinations checked, best score 58.75
Putting on Knob Goblin elite helm...
Equipment changed.
Wielding Knob Goblin elite polearm...
Equipment changed.
Putting on Knob Goblin elite pants...
Equipment changed.
Putting on badass belt...
Equipment changed.
Our prediction for Muscle was not correct. Predicted 20.0, but got 27.0.

I did the oil peak manually and the error didn't reappear until I got to the airship.

Trying to imbue Cat with glorious wisdom!!
ed_edSkills => 10
Fantasy Airship Fly Fly time
72 combinations checked, best score 1.55
maximizing 'exp, -0.5 ml, 0.01 hp'
72 combinations checked, best score 1.55
Putting on Knob Goblin elite helm...
Equipment changed.
Wielding Knob Goblin elite polearm...
Equipment changed.
Putting on Knob Goblin elite pants...
Equipment changed.
Putting on badass belt...
Equipment changed.
Our prediction for Muscle was not correct. Predicted 20.0, but got 27.0.
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I am using this exclusively on one character. I have a local mod so that it never casts whatever the +ML buff is. I always run out of meat so I just get the card from the deck and autosell it at the beginning of a run. I have seen my meat get as low as 4K so it would be an improvement if the script was a little more aware of meat requirements and took steps to get meat when needed. I buffed Mus and Init in the beginning of the run and the early terns went much more smoothly in terms of automation. I look forward to an upgrade version when someone gets time :-) Thank you.
I'm finding that the script can no longer reliably detect if Upgraded Legs is present.. Nearing the end of day 2, once the big Island has been opened (war has started), it keeps trying to upgrade legs, and loops as the hippy camp can't be accessed due to the war going on.

[453] The Castle in the Clouds in the Sky (Top Floor)
Encounter: All The Rave
You acquire an item: Mick's IcyVapoHotness Inhaler
> Post Adventure done, boop.
> Inhaler obtained!
> Doing leg-day.
> maximizing 'exp, -equip filthy knitted dread sack, -equip astral belt'

equip acc1 Bonerdagon necklace

cast 1 Blessing of Serqet
You acquire an effect: Blessing of Serqet (10)
> maximizing 'exp, -equip filthy knitted dread sack, -equip astral belt'

cast 1 Purr of the Feline
You acquire an effect: Purr of the Feline (10)
> Pre Adventure done, beep.
> Automating stage 0 of Ed Battle at Hippy Camp
> Post Adventure done, boop.
> Doing leg-day.
> maximizing 'exp, -equip filthy knitted dread sack, -equip astral belt'
> maximizing 'exp, -equip filthy knitted dread sack, -equip astral belt'
> Pre Adventure done, beep.
> Automating stage 0 of Ed Battle at Hippy Camp
> Post Adventure done, boop.
> Doing leg-day.
> maximizing 'exp, -equip filthy knitted dread sack, -equip astral belt'
> maximizing 'exp, -equip filthy knitted dread sack, -equip astral belt'
> Pre Adventure done, beep.
> Automating stage 0 of Ed Battle at Hippy Camp
> Post Adventure done, boop.
> Doing leg-day.
> maximizing 'exp, -equip filthy knitted dread sack, -equip astral belt'
> maximizing 'exp, -equip filthy knitted dread sack, -equip astral belt'
> Pre Adventure done, beep.
> Automating stage 0 of Ed Battle at Hippy Camp
> Post Adventure done, boop.
> Doing leg-day.
> maximizing 'exp, -equip filthy knitted dread sack, -equip astral belt'
> maximizing 'exp, -equip filthy knitted dread sack, -equip astral belt'
> Pre Adventure done, beep.
> Automating stage 0 of Ed Battle at Hippy Camp
> Post Adventure done, boop.
> Doing leg-day.
> maximizing 'exp, -equip filthy knitted dread sack, -equip astral belt'
> maximizing 'exp, -equip filthy knitted dread sack, -equip astral belt'
> Pre Adventure done, beep.
> Automating stage 0 of Ed Battle at Hippy Camp
> Post Adventure done, boop.
> Doing leg-day.
> maximizing 'exp, -equip filthy knitted dread sack, -equip astral belt'
> maximizing 'exp, -equip filthy knitted dread sack, -equip astral belt'
> Pre Adventure done, beep.
> Automating stage 0 of Ed Battle at Hippy Camp
> Post Adventure done, boop.
> Doing leg-day.
> maximizing 'exp, -equip filthy knitted dread sack, -equip astral belt'
> maximizing 'exp, -equip filthy knitted dread sack, -equip astral belt'
> Pre Adventure done, beep.
> Automating stage 0 of Ed Battle at Hippy Camp
> Post Adventure done, boop.
> Doing leg-day.
> maximizing 'exp, -equip filthy knitted dread sack, -equip astral belt'
> maximizing 'exp, -equip filthy knitted dread sack, -equip astral belt'
> Pre Adventure done, beep.
> Automating stage 0 of Ed Battle at Hippy Camp
> Post Adventure done, boop.
> Doing leg-day.
> maximizing 'exp, -equip filthy knitted dread sack, -equip astral belt'
> maximizing 'exp, -equip filthy knitted dread sack, -equip astral belt'
> Pre Adventure done, beep.
> Automating stage 0 of Ed Battle at Hippy Camp
> Post Adventure done, boop.
> Doing leg-day.
> maximizing 'exp, -equip filthy knitted dread sack, -equip astral belt'
> maximizing 'exp, -equip filthy knitted dread sack, -equip astral belt'
> Pre Adventure done, beep.
> Automating stage 0 of Ed Battle at Hippy Camp
> Post Adventure done, boop.
> Doing leg-day.
> maximizing 'exp, -equip filthy knitted dread sack, -equip astral belt'
> maximizing 'exp, -equip filthy knitted dread sack, -equip astral belt'
> Pre Adventure done, beep.
> Automating stage 0 of Ed Battle at Hippy Camp
> Post Adventure done, boop.
> Doing leg-day.
> maximizing 'exp, -equip filthy knitted dread sack, -equip astral belt'
> maximizing 'exp, -equip filthy knitted dread sack, -equip astral belt'
> Pre Adventure done, beep.
> Automating stage 0 of Ed Battle at Hippy Camp
> Post Adventure done, boop.
> Doing leg-day.
> maximizing 'exp, -equip filthy knitted dread sack, -equip astral belt'
> maximizing 'exp, -equip filthy knitted dread sack, -equip astral belt'
> Pre Adventure done, beep.
> Automating stage 0 of Ed Battle at Hippy Camp
> Post Adventure done, boop.
> Doing leg-day.
> maximizing 'exp, -equip filthy knitted dread sack, -equip astral belt'
> maximizing 'exp, -equip filthy knitted dread sack, -equip astral belt'
> Pre Adventure done, beep.
> Automating stage 0 of Ed Battle at Hippy Camp
> Post Adventure done, boop.
> Doing leg-day.
> maximizing 'exp, -equip filthy knitted dread sack, -equip astral belt'
> maximizing 'exp, -equip filthy knitted dread sack, -equip astral belt'
> Pre Adventure done, beep.
> Automating stage 0 of Ed Battle at Hippy Camp
> Post Adventure done, boop.
> Doing leg-day.
> maximizing 'exp, -equip filthy knitted dread sack, -equip astral belt'
> maximizing 'exp, -equip filthy knitted dread sack, -equip astral belt'
> Pre Adventure done, beep.
> Automating stage 0 of Ed Battle at Hippy Camp
> Post Adventure done, boop.
> Doing leg-day.
> maximizing 'exp, -equip filthy knitted dread sack, -equip astral belt'
> maximizing 'exp, -equip filthy knitted dread sack, -equip astral belt'
> Pre Adventure done, beep.
> Automating stage 0 of Ed Battle at Hippy Camp
> Post Adventure done, boop.
> Doing leg-day.
> maximizing 'exp, -equip filthy knitted dread sack, -equip astral belt'
> maximizing 'exp, -equip filthy knitted dread sack, -equip astral belt'
> Pre Adventure done, beep.
> Automating stage 0 of Ed Battle at Hippy Camp
> Post Adventure done, boop.
> Doing leg-day.
> maximizing 'exp, -equip filthy knitted dread sack, -equip astral belt'
> maximizing 'exp, -equip filthy knitted dread sack, -equip astral belt'
> Pre Adventure done, beep.
> Automating stage 0 of Ed Battle at Hippy Camp
It decided it needed Ka and started trying to farm the hippy camp. Alas the war had started and so the area was unavailable and the script looped. It could probably not do that and farm elsewhere instead :-)
Just finished my first three day run ever with this. I am using the fork without local modifications. In general the beginning is rocky because the ML is not well adjusted to HP so the Hippies win a lot of fights, it still has trouble with meat if I don't summon and sell the baseball card before starting, I have to open the ground floor of the castle manually and it tries to adventure in the hippy camp when the camp is not available either because the funds are not there to open the island or the war has already started. But... 3 days.
It's been forked multiple times; that's a good sign that developers like it and have tried to improve it. For users like you, the situation is more complicated; which version do I use is a common question. The answer to that depends on what the different forks are best at. One excels at Ed the Undying runs, while another is more general purpose.
So thoughts on this script? I'm looking at this as an alternative to bumcheek's script but ideally i want near-full automation :)

You won't get that with the fork I am using which was linked to circa September. I have all the Ed skills. It is too aggressive in the beginning and often drops me out to manage what happens after the first fight. It tries to adventure in the Hippy Camp when it is not available - in the beginning when the Island is not open due to a lack or meat or during the Isle War. It thinks it has opened the Ground Floor of the Castle when it has not. Sometimes if you get to exactly 0 HP it doesn't know what to do. It deliberately does not eat or drink although it spleens like crazy :-) I am running it on one character and BCCA on another and generally speaking BCCA needs less intervention during the run. I still have to eat, drink and spleen but as long as I don't do anything significant "outside" of BCCA it does fine, automation wise.
For players with VIP access, the script should be modified to get the 'Dances with Tweedles' buff from The Mad Hatter by using a '"DRINK ME" potion' and equipping a 'filthy knitted dread sack'. This buff gives +40% meat from monsters for 30 turns, which is helpful for the Nun's quest.

It would also be helpful if the script used any remaining stone wool in the inventory in order to extend the duration of Sinuses for Miles by 3 turns for this quest.
Finished a 0-IoTM 3-day run (3/775) today, with 6 adventures to spare. Done with 25 starting points (12 previous HC Ed ascensions).

Only issue was that I needed to do A-Boo peak manually at the end.
So I'm running chown's fork per Frob's suggestions (and because the original still doesn't recognize clingy pirate) but it's getting stuck in a permanent loop trying to adventure at the secret government laboratory despite having less than 1/4 of the base stat required to go there. Manually adventuring to acquire the rebreather and then letting it run again still adventures at the laboratory, at which point it now gets stuck at too many undyings about 1 in 5 combats. Is this normal?

I'd like to apologize for the initial content of this post, I was getting really irritated at having the script not be exactly what I was expecting and shouldn't have vented on you. The gist of what's been removed is that the script no longer casts buffs by itself and seems to not include the rebreather as mandatory when maximizing for exp and then adventuring in the secret government laboratory, leaving it stuck in an infinite loop where it maximizes, attempts to adventure, puts on the rebreather, maximizes, ...

I can solve this by closeting everything but 3 accessories, leaving the rebreather and 2 misc items. This still doesn't seem like it's going to produce me anywhere near a 3 day run, though, considering i'm at 2/117 and it has yet to attempt anything other than fighting in the laboratory.

Alright, so I guess I should have waited a bit longer. It might be a good thing to note that it won't actually do any quests until it reaches level 10 somewhere. The maximizer infinite loop bit is still an issue, though.
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The script seems to be purposely avoiding buying any spleen items, now. On day 3 it ran itself out of adventures at 20/35, being nowhere near completion of the run. Day 4 has come and gone, and it didn't buy a single one, putting me at 4/646. It appears to have made the attempt on the very last adventure, but for whatever reason it used a talisman of renenutet during the combat which overrode its message about wanting to delay in order to shop. I don't understand this behavior, as on the first 2 days while it was leveling it purchased and used the 15 ka spleen items while around 40-50 adventures remaining. It's shown itself plenty capable of getting one in fewer adventures than it would receive.

The only reason I can see for this behavior would be to reduce adventure count at the expense of day count, which is pretty much exactly the opposite of the point of the entire thing.
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Sorry for the delay. I was AFK for an extended period. I have not seen any issues with the secret lab, probably because the character that has been running the script does not have access to the Island. I'm not going to be any help there.

I have reported concerns with buff casting. Specifically it boosts ML beyond the character's ability to cope and it casts buffs that are strategically incorrect such as lowering combat and then wanting to find Ninja assassins. Sometimes it resolves this itself and a couple of times I have just run manually and accomplished the desired task after the buffs ran out.

One of my early runs refused to spend Ka on the spleen. I never figured out why and did much of the run manually. The problem has not reoccurred but I think it is a scripting error and not a deliberate decision to choose adventure count over day count.

With Crimbo on the horizon I am not likely to dig into this script enough to fork it yet again but if the primary authors remain silent I am amused enough by it that I would consider doing so in a few weeks.
It finished up around 5/960, with a few more maximizer and misc issues requiring manual intervention. It bought a mummified beef haunch, then I had to abort it out of grabbing upgraded legs when it had only a few turns left but not enough to finish the run, so I think there may be some priority issues. We'll see how the second run goes - so far I've had to get the ball rolling with ka a few times when it buys itself down to 0 and then goes and fights something requiring 4 undyings to defeat, but it has starting buffing and spleening again, and it managed to put on the personal ventilation unit without help.

I'd happily send you a charter if you were to tinker with the script, but they're going at about $90 right now. I could probably offer you some day passes, but that doesn't really help testing a hardcore script.
It finished up around 5/960, with a few more maximizer and misc issues requiring manual intervention. It bought a mummified beef haunch, then I had to abort it out of grabbing upgraded legs when it had only a few turns left but not enough to finish the run, so I think there may be some priority issues. We'll see how the second run goes - so far I've had to get the ball rolling with ka a few times when it buys itself down to 0 and then goes and fights something requiring 4 undyings to defeat, but it has starting buffing and spleening again, and it managed to put on the personal ventilation unit without help.

I'd happily send you a charter if you were to tinker with the script, but they're going at about $90 right now. I could probably offer you some day passes, but that doesn't really help testing a hardcore script.

If you're happy to drop $90 on a charter for someone else to try to fix this, you might as well buy 20 Ed skill points with Mr As and see if that helps. At the very least it should give you the mys, spell damage and defense buffs that could help you at the start.
If you're happy to drop $90 on a charter for someone else to try to fix this, you might as well buy 20 Ed skill points with Mr As and see if that helps. At the very least it should give you the mys, spell damage and defense buffs that could help you at the start.

I think you might be missing a point. I have similar errors and have all the skill points I can accumulate. The hope is that one of the authors will be able to continue maintaining the script. In my experience the start has been one of the issues because the script just piles on ML without any consideration for survival.
If you're happy to drop $90 on a charter for someone else to try to fix this, you might as well buy 20 Ed skill points with Mr As and see if that helps. At the very least it should give you the mys, spell damage and defense buffs that could help you at the start.
There's a 'but' in there. I would actually be happy to send him a charter if they were going for the same prices as the other 4, which is barely 1 Mr A. I assumed that would be clear from both that and the sentence after it.

Either way, I'm done with Ed for a couple months while the Dreadsylvania season is going on, so it's not a pressing issue.
This lovely script just finished my first ed ascension at 4 days 943 turns with little interference on my part beyond occasionally un-stucking it.