New Goodies Incoming for


Staff member
Some of you may have noticed that today the site went down for a couple hours. There's some changes going on and we moved to a new server (much more powerful). What's nice about the new home for the site is the automatic builds will no longer be handled by my home pc, which in turn means they shouldn't go down with my internet, huzzah!

Check out the new builds site

Still in the process of setting it up and configuring it, the old builds site will still work for the near future term until I can get Jenkins fully configured.
Yeah which is why I did the zip instead probably more useful for scripting purposes.
I think automated updaters will prefer the .jar, and won't want to download the large file unless it's actually newer than the version they already have. I would expect Theraze's link to get more use for both of those reasons.

Unless you would prefer that people download the .zip to save bandwidth on your end, in which case I imagine an auto-updater will work to incorporate unzipping, but they will still want a quick page to check on the latest version.
The zip link I linked will always have the most recent file in it, the link Theraze linked you'd have to scrape I think to get the direct link to the jar. There's some api stuff I haven't digged into yet though that might make it easier though. Will have to poke at it more though.
If anyone is interested in scripting the new build server. is the API for the main "job" you can use it to get the latest build # and then go to<NUMBER>/api/json (Ex: ) which will give you the latest JAR build in this example it is KoLmafia-16702.jar which means to download the build you go to
Sorry about the downtime earlier... Jenkins decided it needed an 87gb log file...
Not sure where you would like this but I just tried to upload an image as an attachment and got

Imageinfo Failed: <pre>sh: 1:/usr/bin/identify: not found</pre>

It was a PNG file so I think this is not user error :-)
I notice the "Daily Builds" button near the top of the forums site is still directing users to Is this intentional, to remain until the new implementation is fully functional?

As a side note, would it be possible to have some notification on the builds site that you are migrating? I've set a few people up with Mafia and directed them to check that site occasionally, but I no longer can contact them to indicate the builds site will be changing and they are not likely to read the forums.
The builds page will eventually redirect to Jenkins automatically. All the auto updaters will need to be converted to the new site to work.
I will be shutting down and redirecting on Monday Feburary 29th, 2016. In the next few days hopefully I'll be able to setup some new direct links for the latest builds directly on the forums.