So now is loading fine, but is a completely different site. I assume that's caused by recent changes.
That is now also fixed.
Is there a link to download the latest build on the new build page? I can't seem to find one...
Would y'all kindly consider doing a mod-rewrite or forward of (with nothing trailing) such that it redirects either to or to ? That was the link I relied on for builds, but alas, it points to the apache2 default config page.
Is there a consumable json or xml page for the change log? I like to have my script display all new updates since the last build I downloaded so I know what changed. I could consume the changes page, but it would be doing a lot of string manipulation around the html.
But I'll have to bookmark that page, it is not linked from the daily build link at the top of the forums? is a good page for that.
But I'll have to bookmark that page, it is not linked from the daily build link at the top of the forums?
// ==UserScript==
// @name Redirect to builds
// @namespace
// @description Redirect to list of downloadable builds, instead of to info about latest build
// @include **
// @exclude **
// @exclude **
// @version 1
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
var allURLs,thisURL;
allURLs = document.evaluate("//a[contains(@href,'')]",document,null,XPathResult.UNORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null);
for (var i=0;i<allURLs.snapshotLength;i++) {
thisURL = allURLs.snapshotItem(i);
thisURL.href = ""
I remember someone else posting about that issue a while ago. I feel like it was a cache issue of some type.
I resolved it by leeching off my neighbour's internet connection. Seems that a slow connection will often fail. The odd thing is that it failed with the same file size every time.
Maybe you have something cached? Clicking the link in your post (to ensure we're looking at the same URL) shows the same page as for me now.