New Goodies Incoming for

The IP address must have been picked up by another person at DigitalOcean since the server went down =p
Is there a consumable json or xml page for the change log? I like to have my script display all new updates since the last build I downloaded so I know what changed. I could consume the changes page, but it would be doing a lot of string manipulation around the html.
Would y'all kindly consider doing a mod-rewrite or forward of (with nothing trailing) such that it redirects either to or to ? That was the link I relied on for builds, but alas, it points to the apache2 default config page.

Maybe you have something cached? Clicking the link in your post (to ensure we're looking at the same URL) shows the same page as for me now.
Right you are - I must have missed that earlier. Thanks for the tip!

-edit- I made this if anyone else is interested in having the link point directly to the downloadable build:
// ==UserScript==
// @name        Redirect to builds
// @namespace
// @description Redirect to list of downloadable builds, instead of to info about latest build
// @include     **
// @exclude     **
// @exclude     **
// @version     1
// @grant       none
// ==/UserScript==
var allURLs,thisURL;

allURLs = document.evaluate("//a[contains(@href,'')]",document,null,XPathResult.UNORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null);
for (var i=0;i<allURLs.snapshotLength;i++) {
    thisURL = allURLs.snapshotItem(i);
    thisURL.href = ""
Last edited:
I'm having trouble downloading from the site. The .jar file truncates at 7,340,032 bytes, and having had this happen several times (same file size), it's getting old.

Sadly I overwrote the last version of KoLmafia before I realised, and now have an unworkable setup =/ Any suggestions?
I remember someone else posting about that issue a while ago. I feel like it was a cache issue of some type.

I resolved it by leeching off my neighbour's internet connection. Seems that a slow connection will often fail. The odd thing is that it failed with the same file size every time.
I resolved it by leeching off my neighbour's internet connection. Seems that a slow connection will often fail. The odd thing is that it failed with the same file size every time.

Yeah, this would be consistent with lost's recollection that the last time this occurred, it was a cache issue -- your ISP sounds like it's caching the incomplete response from when it got interrupted the first time and serving that on subsequent requests.
This is getting tiresome. After 12 (twelve!) attempts to download the latest update, it fails, terminating the download at file sizes varying between 7 and 9MB. This doesn't look like a caching issue.
Though I'm currently building my own to save server hits on +0 maximizer equipment changes, just tried and it downloaded the 12.17mb first attempt.

Tried a different browser? Doesn't look like a hosting issue...