Cooking and Mixing trophy helper sort of.


I spent 20 minutes yesterday scanning the list of cookable and mixablie items in mafia gui, and comparing to my crafting page to see if I could cook/mix any booze/food that I hadn't already discovered to help me move closer to the discovery trophies.

Then I realized that with the right set of words, mafia could do it for me!

small function to scan through a list of all items, discover which ones are food/booze, determine if you can create one, check if your've already discovered one, then let you know

void main() {
	print("Getting list of discovered food...");
	string foodpage = visit_url("craft.php?mode=discoveries&what=cook");
	print("Getting list of discovered booze...");
	string boozpage = visit_url("craft.php?mode=discoveries&what=cocktail");
	print("Running comparison..");
	// For loop Copyright (C) 1968 zarqon 

	for i from 1 to 4000 {
		item currentitem = to_item(i);
		string itemtype = item_type(currentitem);
		if (itemtype == "food") {
			if (creatable_amount(currentitem) > 0) {
				if (!contains_text(foodpage, to_string(currentitem))) {
					print(to_string(currentitem) + "    (cookable)");

		if (itemtype == "booze") {
			if (creatable_amount(currentitem) > 0) {
				if (!contains_text(boozpage, to_string(currentitem))) {
					print(to_string(currentitem) + "    (mixable)");

	// takes a while to run! can't tell when its the end!
	print("Comparison Complete!");

since this is discussion not repository heres a few points.

one, does mafia have select case ?

two, I'll probably add meat pastable items too, but i'm always wary of creating something with meatpaste incase I use something else important to create it.

three, should possible have an option to automatically cook, mix, paste (and possibly untinker) possible items to save more time.

four, will probably store each type (food, drink, meat pastable) in seperate arrays or something untill the end so that I can report each section together (only other way to do this is to loop each time, and is time conssuming.

five, do any of the functions I used hit the server (apart from visit_url of course)?

I remember someone doing a trophy progress script somewhere, this might be vaugly useful to them.
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one, does mafia have select case ?

The following works...

string itemtype = item_type(currentitem);
switch (itemtype)
case "food":
case "booze":
...and so on...

two, I'll probably add meat pastable items too, but i'm always wary of creating something with meatpaste incase I use something else important to create it.

Seems odd you feel that way about meat pastable items vs. any other kind of crafting since meat pasting is the only one that you can undo - via the Untinker.
The following works...

string itemtype = item_type(currentitem);
switch (itemtype)
case "food":
case "booze":
...and so on...

Seems odd you feel that way about meat pastable items vs. any other kind of crafting since meat pasting is the only one that you can undo - via the Untinker.

thanks for the switch, I I had vb in my head when I said select case!

thanks, I'm an odd person! i just know in my head that any food or booze I create will usually user lesser items to create it, so probably not going to use up anything important.

At the time I wrote it I forgot about untinkering and only remembered later on in on of my other points!
so the only way I could figure out to identify a meat-pastable item was to hold my own list of meat-pastables so now it will work with meat pastables too, in progress of adding autcreation.

I now have absolutly no idea if i'm doing this the right way, or if there even is a right way!

Now has features!

Identifies creatable booze food and meat-pastables which are yet undiscovered.
Has options to create undiscovered items (by type, ie can set to only create booze)

Will add untinker later.

anyone have a better way of identifying meat-pastable items?


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You might want to take a look at this script of mine: It makes no attempt to determine what sort of crafting is involved - it just assumes that anything with exactly two ingredients is likely to be made by one of the crafting types that generates discoveries.

Adding an ASH function to determine crafting type wouldn't be too much work, but I couldn't think of any reasonable uses for it besides this one script.
Damnit! I should have searched before writing mine, yours looks like it does exactly what mine is intended to do but with less code! although mine are vaugly catgorized.

i made a quick little lib to look up the crafting type
string [item] concoctions;
file_to_map("concoctions.txt", concoctions);

string craftType(item i) {
	if (concoctions contains i) {
		return concoctions[i];
	return "INVALID";

void main() {
	print("Crafting Type Library Thingy, looks up what sort of crafting is used to craft an item");
	print("badass belt: " + craftType($item[badass belt]));
	print("bitchin' meatcar: " + craftType($item[bitchin' meatcar]));
	print("Disco Banjo: " + craftType($item[Disco Banjo]));
	print("wet stunt nut stew: " + craftType($item[wet stunt nut stew]));
Just save the file somewhere under your scripts directory, import the lib into your script with
import <ScriptName.ash>;
and make calls to craftType(item)
hope that helps
i made a quick little lib to look up the crafting type
string [item] concoctions;
file_to_map("concoctions.txt", concoctions);

string craftType(item i) {
	if (concoctions contains i) {
		return concoctions[i];
	return "INVALID";

void main() {
	print("Crafting Type Library Thingy, looks up what sort of crafting is used to craft an item");
	print("badass belt: " + craftType($item[badass belt]));
	print("bitchin' meatcar: " + craftType($item[bitchin' meatcar]));
	print("Disco Banjo: " + craftType($item[Disco Banjo]));
	print("wet stunt nut stew: " + craftType($item[wet stunt nut stew]));
Just save the file somewhere under your scripts directory, import the lib into your script with
import <ScriptName.ash>;
and make calls to craftType(item)
hope that helps

that most certainly does help, much better than my big map of meat-pastables borrowed from the wiki!
hmm, I did the 10 clockwork keys trophy so decided to run it and see if there were any clockwork discoveries I was missing and it reported scary death orb

Getting list of discovered food...
76 current food discoveries.
Getting list of discovered booze...
38 current food discoveries.
Getting list of discovered meat-pastables...
45 current meat-pasteable discoveries.
Running comparison...

You have no undiscovered cookable food

You have no undiscovered mixable drinks

You have 1 undiscovered meat-pastables:
scary death orb

so I had mafia make it for me, (and a clockwork maid, and a chef head because they will be useful later)

but then it said

Getting list of discovered food...
76 current food discoveries.
Getting list of discovered booze...
38 current food discoveries.
Getting list of discovered meat-pastables...
50 current meat-pasteable discoveries.
Running comparison...

You have no undiscovered cookable food

You have no undiscovered mixable drinks

You have no undiscovered meat-pastables
Comparison Complete!

my current meat-pastable discoveries were 50 (from 45) and mafia didn't report having bought anything to make them so where did the other 4 come from, and how come it didn't report them earlier as being potential discoveries?! not a major issue, just a tad confusing.

I'm now contemplating having it do all of above, then work out which are the cheapest options to make based on current ingredients and prices of other ingredients then complete the trophies for me.
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I reworked this script, it should run much faster now and give a more accurate count of what discoveries you're missing. I also added support for jewelry and arms & armor.

Here's the output from running it on my character:

 > Generating list of items you've already discovered...
> Getting list of discovered meat-pastables...
> 109 current meat-pasteable discoveries.
> Getting list of discovered food...
> 70 current food discoveries.
> Getting list of discovered arms & armor...
> 25 current arms & armor discoveries.
> Getting list of discovered booze...
> 49 current booze discoveries.
> Getting list of discovered jewelry...
> 0 current jewelry discoveries.
 > Running comparison...
 > Comparison Complete!
 > You have 119/189 undiscovered cookable food:
 > Of which 73 require no special skills:
> Crimbo pie
> Knob sausage stir-fry
> Knob shroomkabob
> Knob stir-fry
> Knoll shroomkabob
> Knoll stir-fry
> banana cream pie
> banana spritzer
> bat haggis
> bat wing kabob
> bat wing stir-fry
> bean burrito
> beer basted brat
> brains casserole
> briny vinegar
> carob brownies
> carob chunk cookies
> catgut taco
> chorizo taco
> cool mushroom casserole
> cream of pointy mushroom soup
> enchanted bean burrito
> flask of baconstone juice
> flask of hamethyst juice
> flask of porquoise juice
> ghostly pickling solution
> ghuol egg quiche
> ghuol-ear kabob
> goat cheese pizza
> goat cheese taco
> herb brownies
> hippy herbal tea
> insanely spicy bean burrito
> insanely spicy enchanted bean burrito
> insanely spicy jumping bean burrito
> jug of baconstone juice
> jug of hamethyst juice
> jug of porquoise juice
> jumping bean burrito
> jumping bean taco
> mushroom pizza
> nutty organic salad
> papaya taco
> peach pie
> pear tart
> plain pizza
> pr0n cocktail
> pr0n taco
> pregnant gloomy black mushroom
> pregnant oily golden mushroom
> rat appendix kabob
> rat scrapple
> royal jelly taco
> sausage pizza
> skewered cat appendix
> sleazy fairy gravy
> spicy bean burrito
> spicy enchanted bean burrito
> spicy jumping bean burrito
> spicy mushroom quesadilla
> spooky glove
> spooky shroomkabob
> stuffed spooky mushroom
> super ka-bob
> tofu casserole
> tofu stir-fry
> tofu taco
> unwound clockwork grapefruit
> vial of baconstone juice
> vial of hamethyst juice
> vial of porquoise juice
> white chocolate chip brownies
> white chocolate chip cookies
 > Of which 13 require Advanced Saucecrafting:
> Frogade
> banana smoothie
> concoction of clumsiness
> cordial of concentration
> cranberry cordial
> fancy schmancy cheese sauce
> oil of oiliness
> oil of slipperiness
> ointment of the occult
> papotion of papower
> perfume of prejudice
> potion of potency
> salamander slurry
 > Of which 15 require The Way of Sauce:
> Connery's Elixir of Audacity
> Hawking's Elixir of Brilliance
> blackberry polite
> cold wad
> cologne of contempt
> concentrated cordial of concentration
> eyedrops of the ocelot
> hot wad
> peach lozenge
> pear lozenge
> plum lozenge
> potent potion of potency
> potion of temporary gr8tness
> sleaze wad
> stench wad
 > Of which 8 require Pastamastery:
> Knob lo mein
> Knoll lo mein
> boring spaghetti
> fettucini Inconnu
> olive lo mein
> painful penne pasta
> pr0n m4nic0tti
> ravioli della hippy
 > Of which 4 require Deep Saucery:
> pressurized potion of perspicacity
> pressurized potion of proficiency
> pressurized potion of puissance
> pressurized potion of pulchritude
 > Of which 6 require Tempuramancy:
> tempura avocado
> tempura broccoli
> tempura carrot
> tempura cauliflower
> tempura cucumber
> tempura radish
 > You have 74/123 undiscovered mixable drinks:
 > Of which 47 require no special skills:
> Mae West with a fly in it
> banana daiquiri
> blended frozen swill with a fly in it
> bloody beer
> bloody mary
> boilermaker
> calle de miel with a fly in it
> cool mushroom wine
> dew yoana lei
> especially salty dog
> extra-spicy bloody mary
> fine wine
> flaming mushroom wine
> flat mushroom wine
> gloomy mushroom wine
> green beer
> icy mushroom wine
> knob mushroom wine
> knoll mushroom wine
> lychee chuhai
> mandarina colada with a fly in it
> monkey wrench
> oily mushroom wine
> papaya sling
> perpendicular hula with a fly in it
> plum wine
> pointy mushroom wine
> prussian cathouse with a fly in it
> redrum
> rockin' wagon with a fly in it
> rum and cola
> salty dog
> screwdiver
> shot of flower schnapps
> shot of grapefruit schnapps
> shot of orange schnapps
> shot of peach schnapps
> shot of pear schnapps
> slap and tickle with a fly in it
> spooky mushroom wine
> stinky mushroom wine
> strawberry wine
> tangarita with a fly in it
> tequila sunrise
> vodka and cranberry
> whiskey and cola
> white Canadian
 > Of which 14 require Advanced Cocktailcrafting:
> Gordon Bennett
> Mae West
> bungle in the jungle
> calle de miel
> ducha de oro
> gimlet
> mandarina colada
> ocean motion
> pink pony
> rockin' wagon
> slap and tickle
> tangarita
> vodka stratocaster
> yellow brick road
 > Of which 10 require Superhuman Cocktailcrafting:
> berry-infused sake
> citrus-infused sake
> gin and tonic
> melon-infused sake
> mimosette
> rabbit punch
> tequila sunset
> vodka and tonic
> vodka gibson
> zmobie
 > Of which 3 require Salacious Cocktailcrafting:
> dew yoana salacious lei
> salacious lychee chuhai
> salacious screwdiver
 > You have 201/226 undiscovered meatsmithing recipes:
 > Of which 95 require no special skills:
> 17-alarm Saucepan
> 5-Alarm Saucepan
> Bjorn's Hammer
> Chelonian Morningstar
> Crimbo hat
> Crimbo pants
> Crimbo sword
> Disco Banjo
> Frost? brand sword
> Greek Pasta of Peril
> Hammer of Smiting
> Kentucky-fried meat crossbow
> Kentucky-fried meat staff
> Kentucky-fried meat sword
> Mace of the Tortoise
> Pasta of Peril
> Rock and Roll Legend
> Shagadelic Disco Banjo
> Squeezebox of the Ages
> Super Magic Power Sword X
> Tropical Crimbo Hat
> Tropical Crimbo Shorts
> Tropical Crimbo Sword
> basic meat crossbow
> basic meat foon
> basic meat kilt
> basic meat spork
> basic meat staff
> basic meat sword
> bow staff
> bowlegged pants
> bowler
> bubble bauble bow
> bubblewrap crossbow
> bubblewrap staff
> bubblewrap sword
> buffalo blade
> can cannon
> cardboard crossbow
> cardboard staff
> cardboard sword
> curdflinger
> dense meat crossbow
> dense meat staff
> dense meat sword
> dripping meat crossbow
> dripping meat staff
> dripping meat sword
> eXtreme meat crossbow
> eXtreme meat staff
> eXtreme meat sword
> flaming cardboard sword
> flypaper staff
> foon of fearfulness
> foon of fleshiness
> foon of foulness
> foon of frigidity
> foon of fulmination
> giant cheesestick
> glistening staff
> goulauncher
> grass blade
> grass hat
> grass skirt
> grease gun
> heart of rock and roll
> icy-hot katana
> muculent machete
> pestoblade
> potato pistol
> poutine pole
> ram-battering staff
> repeating crossbow
> savory crossbow
> savory staff
> savory sword
> seal-toothed rock
> soylent staff
> spaghetti with rock-balls
> squeaky staff
> starchy crossbow
> starchy staff
> starchy sword
> sticky meat kilt
> sticky meat pants
> stone banjo
> stone turtle
> styrofoam crossbow
> styrofoam staff
> styrofoam sword
> sword of static
> time helmet
> time sword
> time trousers
> wiffle-flail
 > Of which 40 require Super-Advanced Meatsmithing:
> 7-inch discus
> PVC staff
> Spirit Precipice
> asbestos crossbow
> asbestos meat stack
> asbestos staff
> asbestos sword
> bar whip
> bat whip
> carob cannon
> chrome crossbow
> chrome meat stack
> chrome staff
> chrome sword
> clown whip
> club of the five seasons
> demon whip
> gnauga hide whip
> hairy staff
> hippo whip
> hot cross bow
> linoleum crossbow
> linoleum meat stack
> linoleum staff
> linoleum sword
> meatspout staff
> non-stick pugil stick
> penguin whip
> projectile icemaker
> rainbow crossbow
> rattail whip
> shuddersword
> smoldering staff
> sword behind inappropriate prepositions
> tail o' nine cats
> teflon spatula
> velcro broadsword
> velcro paddle ball
> white whip
> yak whip
 > Of which 59 require Armorcraftiness:
> asbestos helmet turtle
> barskin buckler
> barskin cloak
> bat hat
> bat-ass leather jacket
> black belt
> black cowboy hat
> bubblewrap bottlecap turtleban
> cardboard box turtle
> catskin buckler
> catskin cap
> chrome helmet turtle
> clownskin buckler
> clownskin harness
> demon buckler
> demonskin jacket
> eelskin buckler
> eelskin hat
> eelskin pants
> furry green earmuffs
> furry kilt
> furry pants
> furry skirt
> gatorskin umbrella
> gnauga hide buckler
> gnauga hide chaps
> gnauga hide kilt
> gnauga hide skirt
> gnauga hide vest
> hippo skin buckler
> hippopotamus kilt
> hippopotamus pants
> hippopotamus skirt
> hipposkin poncho
> knobby kneepads
> linoleum helmet turtle
> meaty helmet turtle
> nasty rat mask
> penguin shorts
> penguin skin buckler
> penguinskin mini-kilt
> penguinskin mini-skirt
> ratskin belt
> reinforced furry underpants
> sebaceous shield
> six-rainbow shield
> teflon shield
> teflon swim fins
> tuxedo shirt
> velcro shield
> vinyl boots
> vinyl shield
> white snakeskin duster
> yak anorak
> yak toupee
> yakskin buckler
> yakskin kilt
> yakskin pants
> yakskin skirt
 > Of which 7 require depleted Grimacite plans:
> depleted Grimacite astrolabe
> depleted Grimacite grappling hook
> depleted Grimacite gravy boat
> depleted Grimacite hammer
> depleted Grimacite ninja mask
> depleted Grimacite shinguards
> depleted Grimacite weightlifting belt
 > You have 8/117 undiscovered meat-pastables:
> Harold's hammer
> boxing glove on a spring
> decaying wooden oar
> giant fishhook
> grass whistle
> office-supply crossbow
> present
> rusty old lantern
 > You have 42/42 undiscovered jewelry recipes:
 > Of which 15 require no special skills:
> baconstone earring
> baconstone pendant
> baconstone ring
> hamethyst earring
> hamethyst necklace
> hamethyst ring
> porquoise eyebrow ring
> porquoise necklace
> porquoise ring
> rainbow pearl earring
> rainbow pearl necklace
> rainbow pearl ring
> vampire pearl earring
> vampire pearl necklace
> vampire pearl ring
 > Of which 27 require Really Expensive Jewelrycrafting:
> Choker of the Ultragoth
> Earring of Fire
> Ice-Cold Aluminum Necklace
> Ice-Cold Beer Ring
> Ice-Cold Beerring
> Mudflap-Girl Earring
> Mudflap-Girl Necklace
> Mudflap-Girl Ring
> Nose Ring of Putrescence
> Pendant of Fire
> Putrid Pendant
> Ring of Fire
> Ring of the Sewer Snake
> The Ring
> Unspeakable Earring
> bezoar ring
> filigreed hamethyst earring
> filigreed hamethyst necklace
> filigreed hamethyst ring
> groovy prism necklace
> pulled porquoise earring
> pulled porquoise pendant
> pulled porquoise ring
> shark tooth necklace
> solid baconstone earring
> solid baconstone necklace
> solid baconstone ring
 > Be aware that the discovery pages may contain several recipes to create the same item, these will not be accounted for. In addition, some concoctions may be missing from mafia's data files as some items can be created through different means (for example, wad transmutation). Therefore, not all items can automatically be discovered with this script, and the total discoveries mafia reports may not match the actual total.
One thing I noticed right off the bat was you were only populating the arrays with items you could create, but I think people would rather have a list of everything they're missing not just the items they can create. I also grouped the items by skills needed to create them, and I removed the unnecessary count variables and just used the map's count() member function. I also sped up the script considerably by just using the map generated from concoctions.txt instead of checking every single item.


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This is an impressive leap over Jason's script, which credit due, got me most of the trophies. Thank you for sharing this with us!
nice script.

It is wrong about Frost™ brand sword, I discovered it and it claimed I didn't.

Also, I see no point in showing the the rainbow pearl jewelries. Even the wiki doesn't count them, as it wont be verified that they count as discoveries.
I would guess that is because of contains_string not handling ™ very well, I don't know what I could do about that.

New version, I made all the creation calls use try so if you can't create something (typically either because one of the components is too expensive or a nontradable item) the script will continue. Additionally I added some more error checking to make sure you actually have the skills or adventures required before doing any creation. I also removed the rainbow pearl jewelry by request, and added a flag to remove the depleted grimicite equipment (they're removed by default) and removed some items that can only be discovered from a recipe.


I would guess that is because of contains_string not handling ™ very well, I don't know what I could do about that.

New version, I made all the creation calls use try so if you can't create something (typically either because one of the components is too expensive or a nontradable item) the script will continue. Additionally I added some more error checking to make sure you actually have the skills or adventures required before doing any creation. I also removed the rainbow pearl jewelry by request, and added a flag to remove the depleted grimicite equipment (they're removed by default) and removed some items that can only be discovered from a recipe.

nicely done :) i'll take a proper look in a sec but from what i've read, some good work, glad you liked it enough to work on it :)

My original basis for the script was to list items I was missing in discoverey that I could actually create so I oculd just make them as I go along (i'm in no rush for the trophies) i'll check the script in a sec but possibly it would be an idea to list all items you could make but sectioning off the ones which you have everything needed for ?
ok, heres my proposed version 3 (I removed the minor revision number, seemed a waste of time lol)

Includes an option to set whether or not you show only creatable items, or all items which is set to show ALL by default.

// modify the following option to ONLY show items which you can create from items in your inventory
// note this will also (probably) mean that only items which are createable from inventory will be created if the below options are true
boolean showonlycreatableitems = false;

This will mean that people who don't have a lot of meat can have it autocreate items which have parts existing without any spending (if i've done it right!)

case "COOK":
				if (!contains_text(foodpage, to_string(currentitem))) {
					if (showonlycreatableitems == true) {
						if (creatable_amount(currentitem) > 0) {
					} else {

there was a fair bit of copying and pasting in this, so hopefully I didn't make any mistakes and break it. Since you've actually probably put in more work than me rinn, i'd appreciate your thoughts.

if your in agreement, the I propose a post in the actual scripts forum since this is functional now (assuming my last revision is ok) , although this thread can remain for discussion.

oh and now i've had chance to look at it closely, great work! although some of my grammar in the oringal release was shocking!


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should probably have a check for male/female if the items attempted to create are skirts/kilts.

The current try works fine, just took me a moment to figure out what was happening

You have 1/65 undiscovered meatsmithing recipes:
Of which 1 require no special skills:
sticky meat skirt
Verifying ingredients for sticky meat skirt (1)...
Verifying ingredients for basic meat skirt (1)...
Creating 1 meat stack...
You acquire an item: meat stack
You lose 100 Meat
Successfully created meat stack (1)
Purchasing skirt / kilt kit (1 @ 100)...
You acquire an item: skirt / kilt kit
Purchases complete.
Creating basic meat skirt (1)...
You acquire an item: basic meat kilt
Creation failed, no results detected.
Of which 0 require Super-Advanced Meatsmithing:
Of which 0 require Armorcraftiness:
and i'm an odd type of person :P

actually i'm not sure its necesary, mafia is good enough to fail gracefully, although it does create the basic meat kilt each time its run, as it can't find a meat skirt and it needs one, it assumes that any request to make one will yeild one so I now have 6 or 7 basic meat kilts from repetive running!

but in terms of mafia functionality is the fact that creatable_amount($item[ANY SKIRT]) returns a value other than zero if you are a male character a bug, I don't think it really is though and its hardly serious lol
If you have an item that it is going to try to make that you want to avoid you can just add it in under the unlist section of the code. I added in the time trappings and bow outfit items to keep my ingredients unused.

// Unlist the items that don't appear in the discoveries pages.
concoctions[$item[sticky meat skirt]] = "UNLISTED";
I must say that I LOVE how people work together to do things like this. I ran the code and it worked great. I would like to ask, however, if there is a way to push it out to a file, since I can't seem to copy and paste the results from the window.