Debug Logs on OSX


New member
I'm a new user to KoLmafia. I've searched everywhere online and can't find much information in any of the docs about where the debug log is actually written to.
After reading through the source code, it appears that when debug logging is enabled, it just gets written to System.out. Is that correct?

Can anyone tell me where this goes to on OSX? I've fired up when running KoLmafia with debug logging turned on and gotten jack diddly squat from it. I've checked "All System Messages", "system.log", and "/var/log/system.log" (which I suspect are all the same thing). I've also looked through the other logging locations in Console's sidebar and I don't see anything that looks like it might have been generated by KoLmafia.

I even went into Java Preferences (via System Preferences) and checked the debug logging box there - still nothing.

Am I just being an idiot noob here or is there something weird going on?

(Mac OS version 10.9.2, Java 1.7u51, KoLmafia version 16.3 Mac app bundle)
Debug logs go into "~/Library/Application Support/KoLmafia/". They will be named DEBUG_<date>.txt
Also, if you're running a new enough version of OSX (10.5, I think), there will be a little document icon on KoLmafia's main window titlebar if a debug log has been generated. You should be able to drag that icon to your text editor to view the log, without having to dig around in folders.