I forget what maximizer setting I was using. I use some pretty complicated ones at times, so I hit some strange corner cases. I can't find anything in my logs.Weird, the only time I have an issue is when I run BCA. I can always make another one, see if that helps. Thanks for the info, Crowther![]()
Given the +10 moxie, it's probably going to be picked over any other shirt. Since there aren't many other shirts anyway, if BCA starts using another shirt you can autosell it. However, I'm hard pressed to guess what shirt it would prefer over Pete's.Is it possible to get the script to always equip the Sneaky Pete's Leather Jacket whenever on the Sneaky Pete path, the same way the script prioritizes Boris' Helm when it is on the Boris path?
I can understand the astral shirt. Now that Pete's shirt is out, I doubt you'll be taking that option again. I'm confused about the knob goblin elite shirt, but I'd have to look closely at the maximizer strings and mafia's tie breaking formula. I thought mainstat would win out over offstat. The elite shirt only has +5 muscle.It actually had the knob goblin elite shirt for a good chunk of turns in the middle of a Sneaky Pete run earlier. It also opts for the astral shirt if you have that, though since I discovered that, I just run with the belt or no astral item.
manually use the book (since mafia's "use" doesn't actually work for it for some reason, simply saying that you've already read the book but never actually using it)
Mind providing more details about that?
if (my_path() != "Avatar of Boris" && my_path() != "Zombie Slayer" && my_path() != "KOLHS") {
if (item_amount($item[wang]) > 0) cli_execute("untinker wang");
I have tweaked a couple of things of the script to avoid wasting turns in useless stuff during Sneaky Pete, but I don't know what to edit to prevent it from getting the wand, any help?