Bug - Fixed Zombie Slayer quest tracking


Apparently, "questscouncil.txt" is missing the text that Zombie Slayer needs to match, so Mafia knows when I'm done? (And so Guide can tell me when I'm done)

Please find a transcript of my discussion with Ezandora below.

[15:50] Lxndr: hm. Ezandora's Guide isn't playing well with Zombie
[15:52] Ezandora: the other side is crowded. the dead will have nowhere to go
[15:53] Ezandora: (what specifically is broken? I've never ascended zmobie)
[15:54] Lxndr: it doesn't recognize quest beginnings or endings.
[15:54] Lxndr: at least insofar as the spooky forest quest
[15:54] Lxndr: quest
[15:55] Ezandora: that might be mafia's quest tracking... try loading the quest log and clicking around
[15:55] Lxndr: yeah, if I load the quest log, it adds the quests I started. but doesn't seem to subtract the quests I completed.
[15:56] Ezandora: click on "completed"
[15:56] Lxndr: ahh, yup
[15:56] Lxndr: so do I bug-report you, or mafia?
[15:59] Ezandora: probably mafia?
[16:00] RUPATUPA: If its various quest prefs are wrong, it's Mafia's fault.
[16:02] Ezandora: oh, interesting. questscouncil.txt has support for sneaky pete, heavy rains, and ed the undying, but I guess zmobie slayer wasn't added


Staff member

Now give us the council text for starting the quests and finishing them and visiting while the quest is underway. Ditto for the quest log.

And then there is a chance that we'll be able to address your concerns.

Until then, nope.


Quest log appears unchanged. I can update my quest status by visiting the log, Mafia recognizes them.

Happy to bring the rest of the text to you. I'm goigg to start a new Zombie run next week

How do I format it for Mafia?

(P.S. it seems to already be on the wiki? How can I make that palatable to y'all?)
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Active member
Capture the HTML code for the 22 events on a non-modified way - no relay scripts munging up the text. Paste each set of text inside [html][/html]blocks.

The problem with wiki text is that often KoL will be inconsistent regarding spacing. One space or two after periods? Who cares! One space or two inside a sentence? Doesn't matter!


New member
Zombie Slayer - Level 9 quest - during

Capture the HTML code for the 22 events on a non-modified way - no relay scripts munging up the text. Paste each set of text inside [html][/html]blocks.

The problem with wiki text is that often KoL will be inconsistent regarding spacing. One space or two after periods? Who cares! One space or two inside a sentence? Doesn't matter!

I'm not sure exactly what is needed here. Something like this (option 1):

<center><table  width=95%  cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td style="color: white;" align=center bgcolor=blue><b>Council of Loathing</b></td></tr><tr><td style="padding: 5px; border: 1px solid blue;"><center><table><tr><td><center><img src="http://images.kingdomofloathing.com/otherimages/../adventureimages/metaldoor.gif" width=100 height=100></center><p><p>"Did you fix whatever the deal was with Black Angus?" calls the voice from behind the door.
"Oh, right, Black Angus," you reply. "Yeah, I'm on it. No problem. Have that wrapped up any time now."<p><centeR><a href="town.php">Back to Seaside Town</a></center></td></tr></table></center></td></tr><tr><td height=4></td></tr></table></centeR></body>

Or (option 2) this, where I chopped out the text and put my own <HTML> tags on:

<HTML>"Did you fix whatever the deal was with Black Angus?" calls the voice from behind the door.
"Oh, right, Black Angus," you reply. "Yeah, I'm on it. No problem. Have that wrapped up any time now."</HTML>


Staff member
Option 1 is adequate, since we just need enough of the HTML to determine a unique identifying string.

Easiest way to do this is via CLI: debug on; council; debug off

(alternately, click on the council between debug on/off, or just make sure you don't have any relay scripts that might be acting on council.php when you view source)


New member
Clarification pls?

Option 1 is adequate, since we just need enough of the HTML to determine a unique identifying string.

Easiest way to do this is via CLI: debug on; council; debug off

(alternately, click on the council between debug on/off, or just make sure you don't have any relay scripts that might be acting on council.php when you view source)

I did the CLI thing:

> debug on; council; debug off

Council of Loathing

"Did you fix whatever the deal was with Black Angus?" calls the voice from behind the door.

"Oh, right, Black Angus," you reply. "Yeah, I'm on it. No problem. Have that wrapped up any time now."

Did you mean to say "Option 2 is adequate"?


Staff member
I did the CLI thing:

> debug on; council; debug off

Council of Loathing

"Did you fix whatever the deal was with Black Angus?" calls the voice from behind the door.

"Oh, right, Black Angus," you reply. "Yeah, I'm on it. No problem. Have that wrapped up any time now."
Look at the generated debug log in your Mafia folder.

Did you mean to say "Option 2 is adequate"?
Option 2 is also adequate even if you don't bother wrapping it in those bogus HTML tags.


New member
Zombie slayer quest text

Look at the generated debug log in your Mafia folder.

Option 2 is also adequate even if you don't bother wrapping it in those bogus HTML tags.

I would do if I had any idea where to find them, but I spent 15 minutes googling that and didn't get anywhere. Some day I may workout how to explore the hard drive on a Mac, and... I can imagine the amazing things I'll discover.

Thanks for confirming bogus tags are adequate.


Staff member
~/Library/Application Support/KoLmafia

He also told you to not waste your time using bogus tags.


New member
ZS - start of level 10 quest - council text

<center><table  width=95%  cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td style="color: white;" align=center bgcolor=blue><b>Council of Loathing</b></td></tr><tr><td style="padding: 5px; border: 1px solid blue;"><center><table><tr><td><center><img src="/images/otherimages/../adventureimages/metaldoor.gif" width=100 height=100></center><p><p>"Eventvwrbot, we've just received some grave and urgent news."
"About the source of the zombie plague?" you ask.
"Well, no. Apparently there are giant piles of garbage falling out of the sky at the Nearby Plains," replies the Councillor. "We need you to find out what's going on, and put a stop to it."
"Garbage? Okay, littering is <i>lame</i>, sure, but don't we have bigger problems right now?"
"Look, when we eventually do figure out a cure for the zombie plague, do you think the Kingdom's citizens are going to want to live underneath piles of giant banana peels? It needs to be taken care of now, before it gets out of hand!"
"Good grief," you sigh. "All right, fine."
<p><centeR><a href="town.php">Back to Seaside Town</a></center></td></tr></table></center></td></tr><tr><td height=4></td></tr></table></centeR><script>parent.charpane.location.href="charpane.php";</script></body>

I'm puzzled that no-one else is doing these.


Can confirm that Mafia still does not recognize the Tavern Cellar Quest (questL03Rat) getting finished. Gets stuck at step2.


What is the text when completing it ?

We currently check for :

if ( location.contains( "place=barkeep" ) )
if ( responseText.contains( "have a few drinks on the house" ) ||
responseText.contains( "something that wasn't booze" ) ||
responseText.contains( "a round on the house" ) )
QuestDatabase.setQuestProgress( Quest.RAT, QuestDatabase.FINISHED );


The wiki had something (though there may be a hidden html issue in there as we don't have source code), so try r17059.


The wiki had something (though there may be a hidden html issue in there as we don't have source code), so try r17059.

I had already been done with it when I noticed Ezandora's Guide still having the quest open. I will try and remember to check this when I do the path again. Thank you!