To be totally safe, you could just open your settings file(s) and delete everything that starts with "_version_".
# Checks to see if you can get to an MCD and trys to get you one if you don't.
# Returns true if you now do, false otherwise.
# Heartbreaker's returns false, because it costs turns to set.
boolean has_mcd()
# Myst signs have the One True MCD
if (in_mysticality_sign()) return true;
# Muscle signs should buy it if they need it
if (in_muscle_sign()) return (retrieve_item(1, $item[detuned radio]));
# Moxie signs need to be able to get to the beach
if (in_moxie_sign()) return canadv($location[South of the Border], false)
# If it's your first ascension or you're in Bad Moon, tough luck
return false;
Do moxie signs really need the meat car to get to the Annoy-o-Tron, or just beach access?
That's still a server hit. It's just as bad.Can't you check the quest log for having completed the meatcar quest?
That's still a server hit. It's just as bad.
Oh right. I've been using my pageCache.visit_cached_url so that repeatedly checking the same page doesn't hit the server when I do it.
But... the point is that you do have to hit the server in this case. Right? Because you want to know if the page has changed to now meet your criterion (i.e. the beach now being open). Your cached stuff looks really neat, but still doesn't get around the problem here.
if (my_level() != get_property("lastCouncilVisit").to_int()) visit_url("council.php");