Well-known member
Thanks Bale! Tightened it up a bit, and added it locally. Only thing missing is a server-hit-less method of checking to see if Beelzebozo has already been defeated. Will be in the next release.
Also it's a relief to not feel so bloated anymore. Phew. Can you imagine if I had to deal with that every month?
int get_safemox(location wear) {
int high = 0;
foreach i,m in get_monsters(wear)
switch(m) {
case $monster[dr. awkward]:
case $monster[ancient protector spirit]:
case $monster[ol scratch]:
case $monster[frosty]:
case $monster[oscus]:
case $monster[zombo]:
case $monster[chester]:
case $monster[hodgman, the hoboverlord]: continue;
case $monster[clownlord beelzebozo]: if (get_property("choiceAdventure151") != "1") continue;
case $monster[conjoined zmombie]: if (get_property("choiceAdventure154") != "1") continue;
case $monster[giant skeelton]: if (get_property("choiceAdventure156") != "1") continue;
case $monster[gargantulihc]: if (get_property("choiceAdventure158") != "1") continue;
case $monster[huge ghuol]: if (get_property("choiceAdventure160") != "1") continue;
default: high = max(monster_attack(m),high);
if (high == 0 || high == monster_level_adjustment()) return 0;
return high + 7 - current_mcd();
Also it's a relief to not feel so bloated anymore. Phew. Can you imagine if I had to deal with that every month?