Bug - Waiting for Info You cannot adventure there - Poop Deck


I've finished both the pirates and the new quest. I have pirate fledges on and tried to automate going to the poop deck, and it would not let me. I can adventure just fine in the relay browser. r13791.
The only validation, as far as I can tell, is that you have island access, which means having a dinghy dingy, a skiff, junk junk, or an extra-buoyant tank (as pete).
Actually... that sounds like a bug. I got the tank as sneaky pete, but I'm not sneaky pete anymore (haven't ascended but changed classes), but I can still access the island. What should we do here?
Report it as a KoL bug. Since you not having the motorbike or any other method of accessing the island, but it still being unlocked, is a bug in KoL itself.
If it isn't a KoL bug, and once the island is open it stays open, then we need an unlock preference which we set when we get any of the access methods or visit any of the island areas in the relay browser.
Or perhaps the motorbike settings should only be reset when ascending.

If so we'd have to check a bunch of stuff. Like do the unlocks still work when you drop path after setting them. The stat bonuses certainly don't work post prism, so we'd have to work out which of all the bonuses work or don't for post prism and path dropped. We'd then have to change all our processing to check whether you are currently Pete as well as having the motorbike setting for all those which don't work out of Pete.
Or we could kludge in an "if you are in aftercore, you necessarily had to unlock the island for a council quest, and therefore have it unlocked".
Well, that depends on the definition of aftercore, doesn't it? I guess if it's defined as "prism smashed", then yeah, you have to have unlocked the island by definition.
I have never, ever, heard somebody refer to "actions performed prior to smashing the prism" as "aftercore", since, until you have smashed the prism, you have not "completed" the run, and whatever arbitrarily large number of turns you spend doing something else are still "in run".

And since it is "smashing the prism" in an Avatar-type run that forces you to change to one of the standard classes and lose all the powers and benefits of the class you had while you were "in run", that is pretty much the only thing we could be talking about in this case.
If you gain island access via Pete's motorbike and then drop path, do you still have island access? Seems like a Whole Lot of Not Fun to test that...
If you gain island access via Pete's motorbike and then drop path, do you still have island access? Seems like a Whole Lot of Not Fun to test that...

Yeah, that was my thought, but we'd need to know to support it properly. Also same test for beach access, so that'd be two paths to drop !

I'd suggest at least waiting til TPTB say it's a bug or not.
r13797. Whilst we wait I've added KoLCharacter.mysteriousIslandAccessible(), which currently assumes that all can access after the king is deprismed as a kludge. We'll see what TPTB say. This also means we have just one place for changing when new ways of accessing the island are added.

I noticed some such availability checks are in KoLCharacter, others in QuestLogRequest. Maybe we should standardise this sometime?
If you gain island access via Pete's motorbike and then drop path, do you still have island access? Seems like a Whole Lot of Not Fun to test that...

Maybe cannonfire40 would be willing to do that for us. He seems to love that stuff. He can just finish it as as casual after all...
Gimme like 90min and I'll have my spademulti try it out. I need to do a lot of questing, apparently.

Edit: Looks like island and beach unlock are just flags (dropped path right before freeing king, could still access bigisland.php. Ascended, grabbed beach access, dropped path again. Can still access beach.)
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Incidentally, beach unlock being a flag dates back to NS11 days, when meatcar was untinkerable and people made it into a meat maid :P (There was the whole deal with the janitor dude saying "Here, I'll mark it on your map", so that makes narrative sense, mostly.)
r13812 makes the island and beach unlocks into preferences, to mirror KoL's flags. They are set whenever you acquire the particular items, or select the motorbike upgrade.

For now I'm leaving in the code that checks your inventory, motorbike upgrades and whether you have liberated the king, but that could be removed at some point. Perhaps we should also set the flags if any of the shops or adventure zones that require them to be opened to access are visited in the relay browser?
I've submitted the bug report about the perma-unlock 4/5 days ago and I have yet to receive a response. If I get any I'll post it here.