Yeah, but exactly HOW do you do it?

Obviously I am a total n00b, but I have read and reread wiki, forums, scripting instructions -- and none of them say what app to use to write the scripts, or how to save them. Notepad doesn't seem to work, saved either as .txt or .ash. I think I could manage to write the simple things I want to do, but I'm stumped before I start. HELP!
Yup notepad should work, so should wordpad...

Like Daychilde has already said, the fastest way to get a fix is to attachment//post the existing script and also copy/paste the error that shows up in the GCLI.

If your looking to start simple you will be looking at .txt scripts. These ones are the ones with just the same commands as in the GCLI and are listed in the "Basic Scripting" section of the user manual.
Thanks for reassuring me on using notepad. I went back to the absolute beginning and realized I had put the Mafia file in the wrong place. Once I moved it to the right folder, the saved scripts showed up when I clicked on "load scripts". After rollover I'll see if what I wrote works. Then we'll see if I have to bother you again. For n00bs like me, though, the info in the wiki and scripting guide might be a bit more explicit, I think, about what app to use for writing scripts. Some of us computer-savvy but non-programming types don't have that kind of info in our bloodstreams! :(
Haha I just always figured that if someone was computer illiterate they wouldn't be worrying about something as "complex" as what kind of text editor they would be using. (Not to mention they wouldn't usually have a whole array of different editors)
As a "newbie" windows user I would of though that the only text editor I would be familiar with is notepad//wordpad (Assuming no self installed software) and I highly doubt anyone is using "edit" (The MS-DOS Editor, run->"edit"or"", assuming your on XP).

Assumptions are bad apparently, haha yeah anything that strikes you as "confusing" would be nice to know about since to some of the more computer-saavy people we take it for granted.

Goodluck with getting it to work, but if it doesn't feel free to post in here. =D
This was such a refreshing thread to read, thank you flashygirl. You are the people we (well they) love to offer help in understanding scripting.
Notepad worked fine, thank you! My first script, called "dofirst" was simple, but successful!

buy 5 knob goblin pet-buffing sprays
acquire 3 scrumptious reagents
outfit farmer

The thing is, I am definitely NOT a new windows user, or new to computers -- in fact, part of my job is supervising and maintaining two computer labs, and I am generally known as a computer whiz at work. I can even write a little html. So the idea of using scripts didn't intimidate me, and I understood what was going in in at least some of the examples. But I'm just not a programmer. Using the basic scripts is probably all I'll ever want to do, but I do want to automate some things and I think I know how now. As I go along, I will keep my eye out for other basic-type things that would be useful to others like me.

But question: is breakfast (with box ticked) supposed to run automatically at login, or do you have to manually execute? Mine doesn't seem to get toast or use my advanced saucecrafting spell.
[quote author=Alexander Daychilde link=topic=631.msg2951#msg2951 date=1166072262]
There's one thing you can do that would greatly help: Jot down the things you learn. Post them here, if you don't mind -- it will help anyone who tries to compile a "scirpting for n00bs" ( ;-) ) guide...[/quote]

Hi, I'm new here, and this post (quoted) is what got me to join. I'm doing what daychilde suggested - a short run-through on my first script (although I'm thinking that it should, technically, be called a command file, but anyways...).

I should be finished the first one after rollover is done and I've done tinkering with my grammar.
I'm also including the mistakes and snags I've run into...

*cowers and waits for the newbie beating to commence*
This thread really gave me a warm and fuzzy feeling. In a world of RTFM screaming and games of Bash the Newbe, I appreciate the warm welcome and handy advice I have found here so far. I've also appreciated the inclination to explain instead of berating, even when berating was most definitely in order. Mostly I am trying to learn by dissecting scripts others have previously created and learning from that.

I have found that Programmer's File Editor has been a help to me. It has a number of nice features like allowing you to go directly to line x without having to count them like a toddler. When the error you are looking for is on line 75, this will make you smile. It is pretty ancient, but still works like a champ. It can be found at

I'd bet a nickel there are newer editors of a similar type, maybe someone could point the way.
I like Context. I normally just set the file type to javascript so some pretty formatting is done. I can't say if it is better than the program indicated, but I use Context for several other things too.

RTFM was a post I made a long time ago out of annoyance with users repeatedly saying "script please thanks bye" here in the forums, and in PM over kol. This has settled a lot since then, and was a sentiment brought on by shear annoyance more than anything.

Really I prefer teaching others to write scripts rather than writing scripts for others, but sometimes I feel compelled to write the script just because it interests me at the time. Tearing apart another larger script is a great way to learn how to write scripts, so is connecting together smaller scripts. I still look at other scripts for ideas for my own scripts. It helps when new features are implemented, and you just want an example of how to use the feature.
[quote author=dangerpin link=topic=631.msg3437#msg3437 date=1169689758]allowing you to go directly to line x without having to count them like a toddler. When the error you are looking for is on line 75, this will make you smile.
Yay for notepad and ctrl+g for goto line. ^^ Anyway currently I still use notepad, yeah gets a bit confusing when you have massive nested code but yeah, simple and most windows boxes have it.
Yay for notepad and ctrl+g for goto line.

I had no idea! You learn 6 things every day, thanks!

I like Context. I normally just set the file type to javascript so some pretty formatting is done.

A special helper feature for Cisco IOS! Holy cow, you have possibly given me more free time for KoLing! Thanks NFL.