Bug - Fixed Wumpus Cavern Helper


New member
After successfully finding the wumpus and killing it the cavern info is not resetting and mafia thinks the wumpus is still in the chamber it was from the previous cavern. Using KoLmafia v17.3 r17190.
Very strange. I have no idea when that broke. We have special code to recognize the wumpus when you are blind since "Adventuring in the Wumpus cave while temporarily blind is stupid, but since we won't clear the cave after defeating it if we can't recognize it, allow for it" - but the code to "clear the cave after defeating it" no longer seems to be there.

I have no idea when it got removed.

Fun fact: while testing this, I couldn't understand why the solver wasn't detecting bats correctly - until I noticed that I was wielding a certain rollover sword and the text on the page was a little peculiar...

Revision 17191 fixes both issues.
Delayed Wumpus cavern update vs Relay Browser refresh

I don't know if this always happened, or is an impact of a recent change, but:

When Hunting the Wumpus with the Relay Browser, the content of the relay browser seems to be updated BEFORE mafia processes what happened.

This means that whenever you move to a different chamber, on the relay browser, the deductions (if any), the text displayed under each of the 3 possible chambers and the map will ALWAYS be the ones from the previous chamber (a.k.a. obsolete) (nothing if this is your first hunt), and requires refreshing to see the up-to-date information.

Because of this, safely navigating the chambers with the relay browser requires refreshing the page at EVERY SINGLE STEP.
Wumpus hunting problems...

So it seems that KOLMafia's tracking of wumpus hunts, and its giving of hints in the choice adventures, seems to have been thrown off by something. I honestly haven't a clue what, but:

- the graphical version printed below seems to think I am consistently in a different room to the one I am actually in
- the hints below each choice in the choice adventures do not coincide with what the graphical version actually says
- it's gotten so confused that it said "possible Wumpus" by the "Leave" option at the start of going into the cave... and has frequently said "possible bats" or "possible pit" on chambers I know to be safe (including one "definite pit" on the chamber I had just come FROM, which I knew to be safe...
Yeah, I just went to the Wumpus cave in r19606 and it worked perfectly.
Kmail communication confirmed that you'd not updated in several weeks.
Unless I hear otherwise, this is fixed.