Bug - Fixed Wizard's Card Shoppe credits irredeemable in HC


While you're in hardcore, you can not redeem your credits. Presumably this is to prevent someone from getting a card sleeve and wrecking utter devastation. (You still can trade cards in for credit)

Coinmasters doesn't account for this.


As you can see, I managed to score a few rares this run, it pushed me over the threshold in Mafia's internal credit counter and is allowing me to buy a single foil rare.

I can't actually buy the rare.

> inv alice
//I do not have any cards in my inventory, they're all floating in the aether presumably
//Use the Coinmasters interface in order to buy a single foil for 100 credits
Visiting the Game Shoppe...
Game Shoppe successfully looted!

> refresh inv

Refreshing     closet...
Examining consumables in closet...
Examining equipment in     closet...
Examining miscellaneous items in closet...
Updating     inventory...
Requests complete.

> inv alice
//No single Alice's Army foil detected.

I'm bringing this up now for the future cases where a Coinmasters shop may be disabled for being in HC.