Winning the verbosity mini


Here's a cute little script that puts on your most verbose gear. It doesn't work real well about the proper gear for your familiar, but heck with it. It still saves me a lot of time.

It'll pull stuff from Hangks or your closet if you enable those mafia preferences.

In case you want to know which gear has the most characters so you can acquire it, RoyalTonberry has made this list.


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I keep getting an error as soon as I try to run this.

Removing the empty row at the top of the script I get this (git it before as well =P )

> call F:\KoLMafia\scripts\PvP Verbosity.ash

Variable 'null' cannot be indexed (PvP Verbosity.ash, line 29)
Line 30 should be
item fam = gear[$slot[familiar]][0];
There was a missing ]. What's weird is that the script worked before without it.