Feature - Implemented whichplace Relay Overrides

Thanks lcpd! That is exciting. I can be patient for something that sounds so awesome.
Added support for place.php, shop.php, and store.php in 13927. It would be harder to support choice.php since the choice number is determined by parsing the page rather than from the URL. It didn't seem all that useful to support peevpee.php.
I love you!

Time to rewrite some scripts so I can commit an improved verison to SVN. Woods and manor in particular need to be fixed for place.php...
I should probably post this as a bug report but let's start here:
If you import say place.manor1.ash into a Master Override script and try to call it with "main@place.manor1()" it fails with the following error
Expected }, found main@place (masteroverride.ash, line 447)

The } is expected because that would be the end of the switch-statement the call was in.
Interesting. It thinks that place.manor1 is an invalid script name! I can certainly see why that might fail to parse.
This is the commit where that other feature was added. It is currently replacing the period with an underscore, which not surprisingly makes it not work. It looks easy to make that not happen (just add a period to the regex on line 399 of Parser.java), but I don't actually know why non-alphanumeric characters were replaced with underscores to begin with, so I don't know if there would be any unexpected side effects.
I think it is because it takes the name after the "script"-parameter as the name when you call the function, and those often contain spaces which I guess will not work on some systems perhaps?
Added support for place.php, shop.php, and store.php in 13927. It would be harder to support choice.php since the choice number is determined by parsing the page rather than from the URL. It didn't seem all that useful to support peevpee.php.

As the number of choice.php locations increases and grows and the game grows in complexity, I find myself writing more and more little scripts to tweak choice pages. And so does Bale.

It would be sweet to be able to have choice.###.ash relay scripts so we could release them to svn and not step on each other's toes. Bumping this thread to start a discussion to see how this might be implemented.
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