Bug - Fixed When using spooky putty monster that contains nothing mafia things it acquires 2 shee


In Ronin, I pulled my Spooky Putty Monster and used it from the Item Manager to turn it back to a sheet, mafia removed the monster from inventory, but gained 2 sheets.

I think it is adding 1 to inventory as a response to "You acquire an item: Spooky Putty sheet" but is also adding one to the inventory in useitemrequest, not 100% sure, i'll need to ascend and pull another empty monster to double check.

			if ( responseText.indexOf( "squish it back into a sheet" ) != -1 )
				ResultProcessor.processResult( ItemPool.get( ItemPool.SPOOKY_PUTTY_SHEET, 1 ) );
				Preferences.setString( "spookyPuttyMonster", "" );


Just checked again, and this still happens, I think the function above only needs to set the preference, not invoke ItemPool.get since mafia sees the "you acquire an item" and parses from that.