Bug - Fixed When parsing from post-combat text, autumn-aton has trouble with St. Patrick's Island


When I sent off my fallbot, things went pretty much okay:
Using 1 autumn-aton.

Send your autumn-aton to St. Patrick's Day Island
Preference _autumnatonQuests changed from 3 to 4
Preference autumnatonQuestLocation changed from to St. Patrick's Day Island
Preference autumnatonQuestTurn changed from 2570201 to 2570226
When I spent my first turn, things went less well:
Preference familiarSweat changed from 385 to 386
Preference autumnatonQuestLocation changed from St. Patrick's Day Island to St
Preference _concoctionDatabaseRefreshes changed from 585 to 586
That came from the combat line:
Only 22 more adventures before it returns from St. Patrick's Day Island.
It looks like only a handful of location names include a period, and most of them aren't ones you can send a fallbot to. Some of them are ones you can but probably wouldn't, as well:
> js Location.all().filter((l) => l.toString().includes("."))

Returned: aggregate location [12]
0 => Burnbarrel Blvd.
1 => The Shore, Inc. Travel Agency
2 => St. Sneaky Pete's Day Stupor
3 => Spring Bros. Solenoids
4 => Shadow Rift (Mt. McLargeHuge)
5 => The Wreck of the H. M. S. Kringle
6 => St. Patrick's Day Island
7 => The Tunnel of L.O.V.E.
8 => Mt. Molehill
9 => The Mansion of Dr. Weirdeaux
10 => The Crashed U. F. O.
11 => Gotpork Clock, Inc.
The culprit seems to be this regexp:
Pattern.compile("returns? from (.*?)(?:\\.| after)");
which, now that I'm here, I might as well just add the $ and make the PR myself. Cheers!
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