Bug - Fixed When logging in, main frame displayed before it is fully created

Post r10225 (r10233) I'm not seeing the bug anymore either! I'm gonna mark this bug as fixed.

That's another step towards v14.9
As recently as r10223 I was able to click General --> Graphical CLI on the login window and it would open the main frame without logging in, and it was good. When I updated to r10231, this no longer worked. Removing CommandDisplayFrame from initialDesktop in GLOBAL_prefs.txt (in r10231) let me open a very un-decorated GCLI from the login window, and this was good enough. (At that time Show All Displays generated a debug log, which may or may not be tangential.)

So now, in r10239, choosing Graphical CLI (or any of the other General options I've tried) on the login window still doesn't open the main frame. However, now that Show All Displays is fixed, that option does open the main frame, but only if I've already clicked one of the other General options that don't open the main frame.

Admittedly, my own behavior (i.e. using KoLmafia without logging in to KoL) is probably an edge case. Is KoLmafia's behavior in r10239 working as intended?
Nope. I, too, frequently open the gCLI before logging in in order to do something with ASH. That no longer works.
Marking this un-fixed.
I also am known to open the gCLI and futz around with things before logging in. Admittedly this is a mode of operation that we only tangentially support, since there's a good number of things you can do while not logged in that will generate a NPE. Still, it's good to have available to test ASH functions, tweak preferences, prototype new code, etc.
Revision 10241 rolls back 10225, unfortunately. Now, I can get the gCLI before logging in. Doing so illustrates the bug shown in this bug report very clearly:

I start KoLmafia and get the Login frame
I go to the menu bar and ask for the Graphical CLI
- The upper left corner of the Adventure Frame appears
- The little corner moves to be centered on the Login Frame
- The complete Adventure Frame appears, centered on and covering the Login Frame