What am I doing wrong? (Goal: purchase one raffle ticket if I log in as my main)


Goal: purchase one raffle ticket if I log in as my main ("Lxndr")


if (my_name() == "Lxndr") {
cli_execute("raffle 1");


Result: Nothing. No error messages, no nothing.
> ashq print( "help" == "HElp" )


> ashq print( "help" == "help" )


That was changed fairly recently.

> ashq if ( my_name() == "bmaher" ) { cli_execute( "raffle 1" ); }

Visiting the Raffle House...
You acquire raffle ticket
Requests complete.

So the command still works, and still gives output. I don't see any way to not get an error message of some kind (or success message) from that command.
Two things. One, the top of that wiki page says that my_name returns in all lowercase. You aren't checking for your name in lowercase. Two, string comparisons were made case sensitive a while ago and the lower part of the wiki page is out of date.
Okay, I tried lowercase, it's working.
Any ideas how I can make it trigger only if I have no raffle tickets?
Two things. One, the top of that wiki page says that my_name returns in all lowercase. You aren't checking for your name in lowercase. Two, string comparisons were made case sensitive a while ago and the lower part of the wiki page is out of date.
So that's why my character specific settings stopped working months ago! Thanks !
Okay, I tried lowercase, it's working.
Any ideas how I can make it trigger only if I have no raffle tickets?

Try this: (modified from my loginScript)

	// Buy raffle tickets every day
	if(my_name().to_lower_case() == "lxndr" && get_property("_loginRaffle") == "") {
		if(visit_url("main.php").contains_text("map7beach.gif") && my_path() != "Zombie Slayer")
			cli_execute("raffle 1 " + (can_interact() && my_meat() > 1000? "inventory": "storage"));
		set_property("_loginRaffle", "done");

Although, come to think of it, I could have just checked for available_amount() of raffle tickets. Not sure why I didn't do that since they are actual items...
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Okay. Here's something better:

	int ticket_qty = 1;
	if(available_amount($item[raffle ticket]) < ticket_qty && my_name().to_lower_case() == "lxndr" && visit_url("main.php").contains_text("map7beach.gif") && my_path() != "Zombie Slayer")
		cli_execute("raffle " + ticket_qty + (can_interact() && my_meat() > ticket_qty * 10000? " inventory": " storage"));
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I'm checking your inventory instead of setting a daily preference. That means if you bought a raffle ticket outside of mafia it will still know that you did this and it will act properly. (Daily raffle tickets are kept as items in inventory until rollover when they disappear.)

Also, I set the number of raffle tickets to buy with a variable, so you can change the daily number of tickets by editing a single number at the top.