Bug Weird tracking issue with Prof Lecture vs Meteor Showered


If you use a combat macro that casts Meteor Shower + Lecture and then ends the combat, Mafia tracking will fail to report that another lecture has been cast.
I suspect this happens because Mafia doesn't "see" you cast Meteor Shower and update your current famwt, and so because you're at say, 15/15 lectures already, it never thinks to update to 15/16 -> 16/16 -> 16/15. Casting Meteor Shower and then using the combat macro will allow the lecture count to update properly, (eg to 16/15).

Prior to the 07/22 daily flags change, it would track properly even when the combat macro does all of these things and ends the combat.
This is easily fixed with a debug log, if you're able to procure one.