Bug - Fixed Weird bug when basementing ("Unreasonably complex expression for...")


I don't even know.

I was messing with my damage outfit, with equipment organized by spell damage, and about to put on a sugar chapeau before floor 418.

Suddenly, Mafia went gray and started spewing "Unreasonably complex expression for The Beast with n Ears". Which is silly, because the next test was a muscle test.

I don't know how this would be reproduced, and I'm pretty sure it's not enough information, but at least here there would be a log.

Request 37 of 177 (Tower: Fernswarthy's Basement) in progress...
Putting on outfit: MUSCLE
Equipment changed.
Maximizing (1st time may take a while)...
176 combinations checked, best score 4311.0 (FAIL)
Unable to meet all requirements via equipment changes.
See the Modifier Maximizer for further suggestions.
You must have at least 5049.0 muscle.

Equipping "DAMAGE f=sombrero (#1407)".

> /count love song of distur

You have 74 love songs of disturbing obsession.

> shower Mysticality

Let's take a lukewarm shower.
You acquire an effect: Thaumodynamic (duration: 50 Adventures)
You took a lukewarm shower.
Equipping "MUSCLE (#1339)".

> use 6 ferrigno's

Verifying ingredients for Ferrigno's Elixir of Power (4)...
Verifying ingredients for scrumdiddlyumptious solution (2)...
Searching for "delectable catalyst"...
Search complete.
Purchasing delectable catalyst (2 @ 1,000)...
You acquire delectable catalyst (2)
You spent 2,000 Meat
Purchases complete.
Creating scrumdiddlyumptious solution (2)...
You acquire scrumdiddlyumptious solution (2)
Successfully created scrumdiddlyumptious solution (2)
Creating Ferrigno's Elixir of Power (4)...
You acquire Ferrigno's Elixir of Power (6)
Successfully created Ferrigno's Elixir of Power (6)
Using 6 Ferrigno's Elixir of Power...
You acquire an effect: Incredibly Hulking (duration: 90 Adventures)
Finished using 6 Ferrigno's Elixir of Power.
Equipping "DAMAGE f=sombrero (#1407)".
Sending you to Inventory.
Unreasonably complex expression for The Beast with n Ears
<repeat last line ad infinitum>

Edit: For future reference, what would be the correct procedure to make Mafia give more information if it's in perpetual gray?
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I've experienced this same thing a handful of times in the Red Queen's Garden, and once on Hamburglar. It seems to be triggered when you get a blank white page from the KoL servers in the middle of a fight with a scaling monster.
I believe there's a thread in another part of the forums with several such reports. I even posted in it after having had the same problem and making a debug dump.