Weatherboy's Completely Automatic Spaaace Script

spaaace 0.33
A Phantom on Grimace

Requires zlib


  • Automates combat if you have a combat spell, moxious maneuver, or as a TT with Headbutt and Kneebutt
    If not, uses the player's CCS but is not guaranteed to work
  • Manages Transpondent, including buying from the mall (configurable, including max price to pay)
  • Manages +items equipment and effects for gathering maps. Casts available +initiative buffs for the Escort Mission
  • Sniffs the first survivor you see since they are the monsters with maps (v0.3)


  • Appropriately equipped and skilled players can complete the quest immediately post-prism in about a minute.

0.29 Adds a no-skill seal clubber strategy (buff muscle > 300, prompt to use poshuns if not met by equipment).
0.3 Adds Olfaction support
0.31 Improved mood handling; won't add skills to mood if you don't have the skill
0.32 Strip out the combat stuff that sucked anyway; fix new place.php for the reward
0.33 Fixed repeating loop bug when you finish the quest


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v 0.29 posted. Adds no-skill seal clubber support. Not completely satisfied with its implementation, but it "works".

I'll probably continue to work on it to make it automatically buy whatever poshun a SC needs. Add another "perm a combat skill" nudge.
vars["spaaace_autocombat"] is essentially deprecated with this release, and so the code could also be cleaned up some. Just ran into time constraints w/ the whole "once per ascension" nature of the quest.

Thank you, slyz, for sponsoring this contest. This was a little more detailed than I first imagined, but it's been a learning experience. I played around with while vs if, did a little combat stuff (I realize I should convert all my combat stuff to a combat filter, and I might get around to it, I tried to add an "olfact the first survivor you see" but haven't been happy with the results compared to just having that in a ccs, which of course, my script overrides. *shrug* Again, time constraints.

I'm looking forward to stealing the charpane tracking stuff, altho, if you have the combat skill, with this script, the escort mission is just another trivial part of the quest. So... you know... is it necessary? Not for anyone but the newest of new characters, and at this point, my "no mr. store stuff multi" is almost skilled enough to no longer be considered "low skill" because of the all the skills picked up testing for me. :)
Would it be OK with you if I borrowed your combat code as a starting point for adding that capability to my script? I'll trade you my courage parsing code, though it's a poor deal for you given that it's just one regex.
Just a couple questions.

Any reason it over-rides Batbrain/my custom combat script in combat? I could finish off the monsters a lot easier with Drunken Baby Style (ran it briefly before remembering to break the prism and didn't have weapons equipped) and I'm pretty sure Moxious Maneuver isn't making the drops I need more likely. Also, any clue why it's equipping my stocking mimic rather than a fairy? Other than those quirks no issues as of yet.

Edit: Error:
0 escort advs remaining

Visit to Spaaace: The Domed City of Grimacia in progress...
You can't get to that area.

Appears to not have bought and used a transponder when I ran out of Transpondent.
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zlib spaaace_autocombat = false
(original release, was deprecated in v0.3) should let you use your ccs in combat instead of the pre-programmed logic. WtF wasn't out when this script was written.

zlib spaaace_buyfrommall = true
should buy transponders as long as they are less than int max_transporter_buy_price = 2000;
There is function logic that should ask you to buy if you don't any transponders and change the variable for you.
zlib spaaace_autocombat = false
(original release, was deprecated in v0.3) should let you use your ccs in combat instead of the pre-programmed logic. WtF wasn't out when this script was written.

zlib spaaace_buyfrommall = true
should buy transponders as long as they are less than int max_transporter_buy_price = 2000;
There is function logic that should ask you to buy if you don't any transponders and change the variable for you.

Thanks. I'm honestly surprised the autocombat isn't already setup so that's the default. Using Moxious maneuver was less efficient than shooting it with my BRC. Any clue about it's odd preference for my Stocking Mimic over a fairy type that would have been more helpful?
Familiar selection is handled by the zlib best_fam("items") function. I would ask about that over there.

I know moxious might not be the most efficient way, but everyone who is a moxie class is guaranteed to have MM. That's why it was selected for this script. What you can do, if there is a skill you'd rather use, add it to the do_combat() function.
void do_combat() {
	foreach sk in $skills[<your_skill>, moxious maneuver, cannelloni cannon, ...

Thank you for using my script and for continuing to bring your issues and suggestions.
Familiar selection is handled by the zlib best_fam("items") function. I would ask about that over there.

I know moxious might not be the most efficient way, but everyone who is a moxie class is guaranteed to have MM. That's why it was selected for this script.

I guess I'm just assuming that most users are making at least half way decent use of their CCS, and that many are using Batbrain to make even better use of it. So overriding it with what is likely to be an inferior choice of combat strategy as the default option strikes me as odd. But perhaps the CCS and Batbrain aren't used as widely as I thought.
To put things in perspective: The latest version of BatBrain has been downloaded 184 times. I'd say that there are quite a lot more Mafia users than that.
First off, thanks for taking the time and effort to create this for the public at large. Second, how do I "turn off" the maximizing outfit portion of this awesometastic script? Personally, I'd much prefer a few points less of +items with free mp rather than using the not so amazing bhh gear.

Good luck in the contest! I've tried a few of the others but yours is the only one I've used more than once so far.
void do_equipment() {
	// we're going to do two calls to this function
	if (available_amount($item[spooky little girl]) < 1 ) {
		if (get_property("battleAction") != "custom combat script") maximize("items", false);
		else maximize("items +muscle +melee",false);

That's the relevant code.. you can either change the maximize call to include +equip whatever, or you could create an outfit you want to use and use it instead of the maximizer. cli_execute("outfit spaaacesuit");

Thanks for the support!
My problem is that the seal clubber strategy really doesn't work. I'm not getting the message about buffing to 300 muscle, and equipping the bounty hunter rifle means you do about 5 damage each round. Isn't there a way to set it to use a melee weapon?
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Updated 8/13/2014 v.32

Fixed a critical bug caused by a change in KoL that prevented the script from obtaining the reward and exiting.

This script now relies on you to have a ccs that deals with combat. The code was clunky, imperfect, and only done as an experiment to see if I could develop a "generic" combat strategy for every player, regardless of skills or equipment.

The next update will hopefully add this to the svn. (I haven't had much luck getting mine to work yet)
Can anyone tell me the functional differences between this script and the one that stannius wrote?