Feature - Implemented Warning for Mohawk Wig not equipped in Top Floor of Giant Castle


After forgetting for the N'th time, it occurred to me to ask whether it'd be possible for an 'are you sure' warning for adventuring in Top Floor of Giant's Castle if you have a Mohawk Wig, can equip it, haven't got it equipped, and haven't completed the Giant quest. Given the very low non-combat rate, it can take a long while to get non-combats, so is always frustrating when a small mistake stops you using one.


Staff member
The amulet and titanium umbrella NCs have an option that skips the adventure and ensures that it will immediately reoccur. The mohawk wig one does not have such an option?

Fair enough for us to warn, then - like we supposedly warn about Hand Chalk in the Library (although I can't say I have ever been warned; perhaps it is broken?).

Also fair enough to suggest a Bug Report to KoL suggesting that they add an option to the choice, to be consistent with the amulet and titanium umbrella choices. :)