Warn if item creation costs adventures?


I've noticed recently that in the item manager tab, when I go to craft some advanced foods/drinks, mafia is no longer warning that this action is going to cost adventures, and simply goes ahead and creates them. I suspect that I might have accidentally disabled this warning somehow, but haven't been able to find anything directly about it. I'd really rather not be spending 28 adventures to craft 28 of a food item. So, my questions is simply, "How do I make mafia warn me again if item creation is going to cost me adventures?"
Ok. After finishing a grey goo run and going back to a casual to do some more fiddling with things, I finally got it figured out.
1: Go to Item Manger.
2: Go to the Crafting section.
3: Click on Fine Tuning.
4 Set the 3 adjustable numbers to 0.
5: Set "Value of items in inventory" to "Free".
6: Disable "require in-a-box".
7: Attempt to craft something that costs 1 or more adventures to craft, and the "You are about to spend x adventures to craft [amount] [item name]" warning shows up.

I'm guessing that back when my settings all got reset, I hadn't remembered that this was a thing. At least, it wasn't noticeable until I accidentally started dumping a lot of adventures into crafting higher quality foods/boozes to sell in order to buy the crimbo gift lab items I was consistently unable to acquire normally.