New Content - Implemented walkie-talkie


Staff member
Actually, it is an "unused walkie-talkie", but a "walkie talkie", whose item description refers to it as being a "walkie-talkie". I submitted a bug report to KoL. I expect they'll fix the name, eventually; Gemelli said I had a "good point" and forwarded the bug report to Mister Skullhead.

Regardless, it is a reusable item which can be used to change your frequency.

-> returns a Javascript redirect
-> leaves you in choice.php

Choice #807 is "Breaker Breaker!"
It has a single option - 1 - with an extra parameter - newfreq=xxx


changes to frequency 4757 with the message

You set the frequency dial on the walkie-talkie to <b>4757</b>.

Yet another item manipulated via choice.php. I expect that you can walk away from choice #807, just as you can walk awy from the folder holder. And although we have it marked "usable", it is not consumed when you use it.

We should handle both of those things, at least. I have no idea what additional support we might want for changing frequencies.


Staff member
People can /kenneth # to change frequency, so I don't think that needs extra support. It should be marked reusable though.


Staff member
Revision 12992 does those three things: reusable, Free Pulls, and walking away from choice 807.

I'm leaving this open for now in case we decide we want an ASH function to change the frequency or something.

And for when they change the "walkie talkie" to the "walkie-talkie".


Staff member
I had no problem doing it.

Edit: and testing with a new character, it did not allow me to walk away.

I'm going to file a bug report.
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Staff member
That is definitely a change from earlier. An undesirable one. I filed a bug report. I also commented out that choice from the list of ones which can be walked away from. We'll just have to uncomment it when they fix the bug, eventually.
