Bug Vote Monster counter can be set 11 turns later than required.

Malibu Stacey

Active member
So I've seen this pop up occasionally as TourGuide uses the following logic to inform you when a Voting Wanderer is due
total_turns_played() % 11 == 1 && get_property_int("lastVoteMonsterTurn") < total_turns_played()

If you start the day with total_turns_played() % 11 == 1, the relayCounters property will have the Vote Monster entry set to total_turns_played() + 11 rather than total_turns_played().
> ash total_turns_played()

Returned: 1374968

> ash (total_turns_played() % 11)

Returned:    1

Putting on "I Voted!" sticker...
Equipment changed.

[904584] The Haunted Pantry
Preference lastEncounter changed from    Beware of Aligator to angry ghost
Encounter: angry ghost
Preference    _lastCombatStarted changed from 20221004181343 to 20221004181352
Preference    _voteFreeFights changed from 0 to 1
Preference lastVoteMonsterTurn    changed from 1374913 to 1374968
Preference _voteMonster changed from to    angry ghost
Preference relayCounters changed from 904594:Vote    Monster:absballot.gif to
Preference relayCounters changed from to    904594:Vote Monster:absballot.gif
Round 0: Malibu Stacey wins    initiative!
Round 1: You lose 9 hit points

It's not a massive issue as it's only an 11 turn difference but it's a difference from the actual behaviour in KoL hence reporting it.