Bug - Cannot Reproduce Volcano Solve not working

Gemelli told me in kmail at the time that in /dev discussions, when Riff learned that KoLmafia would auto-solve new mazes without blinking, he lost his enthusiasm to make new mazes. Gem and I discussed whether this was an issue that I could/should address in KoLmafia by, perhaps, recognizing new mazes and delaying auto-solving them for a week or so. We/I concluded that although it was sad to make Riff sad, I wasn't going to do that.

Riff might or might not have ever actually made new mazes, but, for good or for ill, I take credit/blame for influencing him to not do so.
Okay then, "Good" for you!

(I adore being able to use air quotes when a word really does mean both its true definition and its opposite at the same time.)