The general purpose of the length function for me is to count the number of characters in substrings.
Allowing for easier modification of string values later should I be making a mistake, or borrowing code for another purpose.
Normally I would be working with html tags, and they are usually not very long strings.
string[int] tables;
string Html_table = "<table>";
string Html_table_end = "</table>";
void ParseTables(string source)
int count;
string temp = source;
while(contains_text(temp, Html_table))
tables[count] = substring(temp, index_of(temp, Html_table), index_of(temp, Html_table_end) + len(Html_table_end));
replace_string(temp, tables[count], "");
count = count + 1;
Allowing for easier modification of string values later should I be making a mistake, or borrowing code for another purpose.
Normally I would be working with html tags, and they are usually not very long strings.