Feature - Implemented Visit Hermit Link when buying permits


Is it possible to get a "Visit Hermit" link when manually buying a hermit permit from the market? Similar to the link we get when acquiring a worthless item.
We could.

I tend to simply visit the Hermitage in the Mountains and when it says you need a permit. click the "buy permit" link it presents - which buys the permit and immediately visits the Hermitage again.

That's a heck of a lot easier than clicking around to manually buy a permit.
I usually do that too, when I only have 1 worthless item to trade in. On days when the hermit has 2 clovers, or when I want to get multiple items all at once (especially on day 1), I tend to get the required number of worthless items and then go and buy the required number of permits.

I have the autopermit thing on, but that only buys 1 permit at a time (which is fine), but that then requires more clicks anyway to visit the hermit again.

Edit: Nevermind. You were too quick for me! Thank you very much.