VIP Hopping! Quick clanhop to BAfH for all VIP room goodies!

So - fair warning, and a big apology to bumcheekcity for the 20ish kmails before I managed to abort - if you are *not* whitelisted with your own clan (I wasn't, never clanhopped before with this toon), the script will go into an infinite loop sending him requests to whitelist, as you can't rejoin your own clan, and bassoon...
So - fair warning, and a big apology to bumcheekcity for the 20ish kmails before I managed to abort - if you are *not* whitelisted with your own clan (I wasn't, never clanhopped before with this toon), the script will go into an infinite loop sending him requests to whitelist, as you can't rejoin your own clan, and bassoon...

I dug into the script, and it looks like there are two bugs:

- goto_clan should only kmail bumcheekcity if the call is to access the bafh clan.
- goto_clan shouldn't recurse if it just failed getting into a clan.

see below for an (untested) attempt to fix the issue:
	if(page.contains_text("You have submitted a request to join") && target_id == 90485) {

didn't need to bother with the second point since the recursion call only occurs now on your origin clan. There's theoretically still an edge case where origin_clan == target_clan == bafh clan, i.e., you're trying to go to bafh from bafh, but you should already have access by definition to bafh in that case.
It's been over a year since the last response and only now is that bug reported? whoa. I guess I'll have to remember how this script works and take care of that.
:) Bet you thought you were done with this one. I also found a bug with the "return" command - the origin clan wasn't being parsed properly because of the new PVP Allegience section displayed. It was matching that first, and thus thought I was already "home" because my PVP Allegience matched the clan I was in previous to switching to bafh. Both are fixed in the attached script - figured it's small enough I'd just post it, but happy to diff if you prefer that. On a completely unrelated note, ever think about putting all this into a version control system somewhere? I'd recommend github if you don't have any preferences, happy to walk you through how to do it - git is fairly daunting at first, but it's actually pretty easy if you've got someone to explain the ins and outs - and github has a really nice code management interface. Anyways, see attached for fixes.


Updated with everything IronTetsubo suggets, fix for VIP swimming and also use the new get_clan_id() function.
Unfortunately, get_clan_id() isn't working properly yet (if you've done any pvp this season). It should be fixed within the next day.
Oh dear. Then let's just call this a pre-emptive update since it will be working within 24 hours.