VIP Hopping! Quick clanhop to BAfH for all VIP room goodies!

Ahh.. So it is. It seems the problem was me looking for "badmoon" rather than "bad moon". But that is a problem with me vs. the English language since Swedish tends to write words as one word and I sometimes forget that English doesn't...
edit: this is a good example of how reading a thread before posting is often smart
my question is no longer relevant..

thanks for the awesome script and clan though :)
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Thanks for this, Bale... I've been using it for quite a while, and it makes things very convenient...

But it seems one thing is missing -- the original intention of BAfH, rollover adventures. If there's any interest, I'd love to be able to call something like "bafh rollover" to just hop over there and not switch back. Saving the clan you were swapping from, and being able to return with "bafh return" or something would be a nice touch.

I slapped together a clan hopping script for myself ages ago, but with the leader swapping, whitelist requesting, and everything else you have going on in here, it looked primitive in comparison.

Anyway, I imagine that's not a big deal for the majority of the people who are using this script, but being stuck in somewhat extended aftercore, it seemed like it might be nice.
I'll consider adding that support.

One of the reasons I never thought about it is that I already have a clanhopping script HERE. That meets all my clanhop needs. You can just use clanhop bafh and it'll go there since it has some fuzzy matching ability.
I'll consider adding that support.

One of the reasons I never thought about it is that I already have a clanhopping script HERE. That meets all my clanhop needs.

Fair enough. Any thoughts on adding the leader-swapping bit to that script? Either one should accomplish what I have in mind here...

I should say, though, this isn't a feature I'd really use myself (well, I might if it was around, but I don't feel like I'm missing anything by not having it). I just have a tendency to look at things from all angles, and it seemed like it might be useful to someone. If nobody else seems interested, by all means, ignore me ;)
Your interest is enough and you made a good case about why the feature would be valued here. I've updated the script in the first post.

Two new commands added to bafh:
  • rollover
    (or night, or sleep)
  • return
    (or home, or return home)

They do just what you asked for.
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I've been having some trouble with the script lately, especially in regards to the crimbo-command. The following is an example:

> ash import <bafh.ash>; int origin = origin_clan(); goto_clan(90485); visit_vip("crimbo"); goto_clan(origin);

Hopping over to Bonus Adventures from Hell.
Unable to invoke crimbo
Returning to home clan.
Returned: true

> ash import <bafh.ash>; int origin = origin_clan(); goto_clan(90485); visit_url("clan_viplounge.php"); visit_vip("crimbo"); goto_clan(origin);

Hopping over to Bonus Adventures from Hell.
You have a present under the Crimbo tree in your clan's VIP lounge!
Unable to invoke crimbo
Returning to home clan.
Returned: true

For some strange reason the mirror didn't work either today (it usually does) and gave the following messages:

> ash import <bafh.ash>; int origin = origin_clan(); goto_clan(90485); visit_url("clan_viplounge.php"); visit_vip("mirror"); goto_clan(origin);

Hopping over to Bonus Adventures from Hell.
You have a present under the Crimbo tree in your clan's VIP lounge!
Mirror stream closed.
Returning to home clan.
Returned: true

> ash import <bafh.ash>; int origin = origin_clan(); goto_clan(90485); visit_vip("mirror"); goto_clan(origin);

Hopping over to Bonus Adventures from Hell.
Mirror stream closed.
Returning to home clan.
Returned: true

Going there manually worked just fine though:

You have a present under the Crimbo tree in your clan's VIP lounge!
Visiting Looking Glass in clan VIP lounge
You acquire an item: "DRINK ME" potion
Visiting Crimbo Tree in clan VIP lounge
You acquire an item: Crimbo Candy Cookbook

Well of course that didn't work!

If you're going to import my script to use it in your own ways, then I'd suggest you do it correctly. The command is not "crimbo". My script is capable of parsing that and converting it into "crimbotree get", but you bypassed the parser. Same problem with "mirror". Try using "glass".

Parse_command() takes a wide variety of inputs to help out users with poor memories, but when you bypass the parser, then you really need to know what you're doing.
Hmm... But what is the difference to what I used up there and this one? Well, ok I admit that it uses "glass" and not mirror but the crimbo-command is the same.

import <bafh.ash>

int origin = origin_clan();
visit_vip("pool 3");
visit_vip("pool 3");
visit_vip("pool 3");

Taken from your post here
There are historical reasons why "crimbo" used to work. Before mafia added a command to actually visit the tree, I had to use visit_url() and "crimbo" was the command I created. Now that mafia has the ability built in, I switched to using mafia's method so "crimbo" is no longer a valid command although the parser will pick it up and convert it to "crimbotree get" so that it works if used normally.
I noticed you did not include the snack machine. I presume it is because your clan does not have one. What code would be needed for me to incorporate visiting the snack machine into my breakfast script so I could get snacks?
You can only use the snack machine if you started the day in a clan with the snack machine, so I don't think it is at all relevant to a script that hops clans to use stuff in a different clan. Irrelevant here.

However, if your rollover clan does have a snack machine. (bafh has a snack machine.) Then you can use it with the "chips" command. I just learned about it by using the CLI help command.

[COLOR="#808000"]> help snack[/COLOR]

chips type [,type [,type]] - buy chips from your clan's snack machine
Gave a little present to BAfH.

You install the fax machine in your clan's VIP Lounge. Inside the crate there was a promotional bonus package from the manufacturer. Score!
Is there apt to be a "bafh shower" gCLI command for the new April Shower VIP lounge clan furniture, somewhere in the future, by any chance?
Yes. I'll add it as soon as KoLmafia adds it.

Okay, I'll do it even if KoLmafia doesn't add a shower command, but I'm giving Veracity a chance to add shower support first.
I always do; it would be foolish to get impatient before people have even gotten all the new recipes and stuff onto the wiki.
Thanks to slyz and Veracity, shower is now a valid command for bafh.

  • shower cold
  • shower ice
  • shower cool
  • shower moxie
  • shower lukewarm
  • shower mysticality
  • shower warm
  • shower muscle
  • shower hot
  • shower mp

Please download the new version!