Version 16.4


Staff member
The following is an abbreviated version of the Subversion commit message logs. Please keep in mind that these messages are intended for other developers and they take the files which were modified into context in order to limit the amount of verbage. In general, they are not intended for general audiences and should not be treated as "official" documentation -- they are informal and abbreviated, at best.

If you do not understand what something says, try looking at the full version of the revision by following the accompanying link for the revision. The only difference is that the files which were modified will be listed, and sometimes, you can guess what happened from file names (though not always). If you still have no idea what happened, that's okay -- it probably doesn't relate to what you're doing with KoLmafia. ^_~

Furthermore, not everything marked as "fixed" is guaranteed to be fixed, not all changes are guaranteed to have a change. This is due the fact that both time and turns are finite and only a limited number of things can be tested. Some changes go in untested, assuming they would work, when they actually don't due to erroneous assumptions; alpha testers occasionally will be able to give feedback, but it's not always possible.

For example, if you read the revision logs for what changed between 10.2 and 10.3, the plus sign choice adventure was meant to get a use link. Something as seemingly insignificant as KoL using two spaces instead of one space in the sentence "It's actually a book. Read it." would mean the change didn't actually work -- anyone can verify that, in fact, the change didn't work for this very reason. If you ever encounter something like that, a non-accusatory mention of it (non-accusatory meaning anything that neither implies "ZOMG FALSE ADVERTISING" nor "You guys said this was fixed, but...") somewhere will usually result in the problem getting addressed.

Finally, if you've got a bug to report, make sure you read up on how to post a detailed bug report. While the rules outlined apply specifically to bugs related to scripting, many of them are applicable to KoLmafia bug reports in general. Most importantly, I hate the words "annoying" and "frustrating". Never use them when describing a bug/feature. Ever. Thanks. The abridged revision logs follow.

Revision: 13934
Island Decorator now uses meat drop for dirty thieving brgand from the monster

Revision: 13935
Arena parameters for Putty Buddy

Revision: 13936
Remove the method of acquiring Slicked-Back Do to remove some issues with the effect and intrinsic not being recognized as separate

Revision: 13937
Fix the Oily Woim effect in CoT/bjorn

Revision: 13938
When using a skill book, instead of checking for multiple possible failure methods, check for success

Revision: 13939
Fix a few data file entries

Revision: 13940
The Spooky Gravy Barrow -> The Spooky Gravy Burrow

Revision: 13941
Some initial Spring Break support

Revision: 13942
More Spring Break stuff.

Revision: 13943
Added three Pastaco recipes/items.

Revision: 13944
Added three skills

Revision: 13945
7 more recipes/items

Revision: 13946
Support including messages with curse items. Collect anticheese during breakfast if it is available.

Revision: 13947
When you get Beach Bucks from Yachtzee! you give up all of your moist beads

Revision: 13948
Add some Spring Break Beach content

Revision: 13949
More Spring Break Beach items

Revision: 13950
Cinco de Mayoween drinks, Brogre Brouture, Ultimate Mind Destroyer

Revision: 13951
Fix some multiuse flags, add an item

Revision: 13952
Recognize when the Break Time! register is empty and stop automation

Revision: 13953
Yachtzee! won't take more than 100 beads

Revision: 13954
Added some missing Spring Break Items. Some Spring Break skillbook support. Recognise learing Transcendent Olfaction.

Revision: 13955
Spring Break Beach Coinmasters added.

Revision: 13956
Fix typo in choice spoiler

Revision: 13957
Fix some plurals and multiusability flags

Revision: 13958
Break Time! has a new option

Revision: 13959
Underwater-only stuff works in The Sunken Party Yacht

Revision: 13960
Fix the previous commit

Revision: 13961
giant motorcycle boots are single equip

Revision: 13962
Sloppy Seconds Diner is not The Sunken Party Yacht

Revision: 13963
Yolo™ chocolates is multiusable, but KoLmafia thought it was not but thinks otherwise now.

Revision: 13964
Add support for using Shrap and Volcanometeor Showeruption against Dad Sea Monkee

Revision: 13965
Added default goals for Spaaace.

Revision: 13966
Corrupted stardust and pixel orbs use the same counter, so track them both with _corruptedStardustUsed. Sweet tooth gives +1 stomach capacity. The Sunken Party Yacht has underwater penalties.

Revision: 13967
Some Spookyraven stuff - LOADS still to come

Revision: 13968
More spookyraven

Revision: 13969
More spookyraven, hopefully avoid debug errors in Bedroom with Ghost Key.

Revision: 13970
Haunted Laundry Room

Revision: 13971
Some more items, plus Haunted Boiler Room

Revision: 13972
Most of what's needed for the stat gain change

Revision: 13973
Recognize Slow and Steady

Revision: 13974
Spookraven stuff

Revision: 13975
spookyraven quest items

Revision: 13976
Recognize when you can't use older stuff. This isn't used for anything yet.

Revision: 13977
more spookyraven quest items

Revision: 13978
restore cactuary

Revision: 13979
Correctly add New Location link to multiple unlocked locations in same zone

Revision: 13980
Add is_unrestricted( item/familiar/skill/string ) to see if something can be used

Revision: 13981
Block the use of items/familiars/etc in the current challenge path

Revision: 13982
Lots of Spookyraven monsters have changed Atk/Def/HP.
Add lastSpookyravenLightsOut, nextSpookyravenStephenRoom and
nextSpookyravenElizabethRoom settings.

Revision: 13983
full-length mirror is a semirare. Add search strings to recognize Lights Out
progress in three locations.

Revision: 13984
Food/booze/spleen give 0 adventures in Slow and Steady

Revision: 13985
Fix quest log parsing. At some point the quest log html changed slightly, breaking some quest parsing. Hopefully this fixes it. Also fix to parsing Manor completion. There is a KoL bug with MacGuffin header text on Completed Quest page (%playername rather than actually showing player name), which I've reported.

Revision: 13986
Sometimes Miscellaneous Quests are Other Quests, cope with that. Also change in name of Sea Monkee's quest.

Revision: 13987
Lets try a fix that works, shall we ?

Revision: 13988
Start tracking elemental planes quests, Hidden Temple quest, Spookyraven Babies quest, from quest log. Only have the finished text, if you have the started text, please report it in the bug report forum and I'll add it. Elemental planes quests don't reset on ascension (untested).

Revision: 13989
Add doll-eye amulet

Revision: 13990
Track Pool Skill modifiers on items and effects. Add link to "You Gain some Levels" (untested)

Revision: 13991
Remove screwdriver at the right stage of the untinker quest (untested).

Revision: 13992
Ghast Iron Gear outfit

Revision: 13993
Try to fix untinker quest properly. Added two semi-rare monsters.

Revision: 13994
Using the mortar-dissolving recipe doesn't get rid of it. Getting the wine bomb destroys the unstable fulminate.

Revision: 13995
KoL explicitly labels certain links following a fight as "againlink"

Revision: 13996
Get turnsplayed from charpane and api and make available in total_turns_played()
(turns_played() continues to be turnsthisrun)

Revision: 13997
sugar fairy is multiusable, but KoLmafia thought it was not. Fixed that.

Revision: 13998
have_familiar() now returns false if you are not allowed to use the familiar. Recall skills at the end of a Slow and Steady run. End of run items for Slow and Steady.

Revision: 13999
Track Beach Buck visits in Diner as _sloppyDinerBeachBucks. If you've got all you can get today, skip instead of abort when automating. Possessed sugar cube concoctions added.

Revision: 14000
Black Forest support. Doesn't include clues about Black Mass, if there is a way to survive it. Doesn't have a stop condition for opening Black Market. Does detect Black Market being opened text and sets questL11MacGuffin to step one if it isn't further than that (also does this when visiting Black Market).

Revision: 14001
Some food/booze spading.

Revision: 14002
Fitness Giant drops giant gym membership card

Revision: 14003
Fix Rotting Matilda - Thanks Primogenitor

Revision: 14004
Update library non-combat choices for new Haunted Library

Revision: 14005
Don't crash out with an error if you had open second floor as options in library on load. Some (partial) quest tracking additions (questL11Shen, questL11Ron, questM18Swamp, questM19Hippy.

Revision: 14006
Some improved/fixed early quest tracking - Larva, Rats, Bats.

Revision: 14007
Support for the new Louvre

Revision: 14008
Add ASH item.combat_reusable proxy field. The item.reusable field now applies
only to using an item outside of combat.

Revision: 14009
Fix a few typos in Louvre spoilers or logged encounter names

Revision: 14010
Add Stephen/Elizabeth Spookyraven, some Myst guild quest tracking, Salsa Satanica.

Revision: 14011
Lots of power and autosell updates

Revision: 14012
Quest tracking for Lady Spookyraven's Necklace quest. Adds preference manorDrawerCount to track Drawers checked, and preference poolSkill to track skill learned in Pool non-combat. Adds command "poolskill" which shows your current estimated pool skill, based on current spading on the mechanics. ie. Pool Skill = drunkenness up to 10, -2 for each drunkenness over 10, +1 for each time you've met the pool shark semi-rare up to 10 times, plus bonuses from equipment/effects, plus training in current ascension. The quest log in KoL doesn't show semi-rare or drunkenness portion.

Revision: 14013
Track Spookyraven Dance quest. Completed Spookyraven Necklance and Dance quests vanish from completed log when the later quests are started, so mark them complete if the later quest is started.

Revision: 14014
Spookyraven Babies quest tracking.

Revision: 14015
Fix a few spoiler labels for the Louvre

Revision: 14016
Recognise failure to cast Spaghetti Breakfast. Track Hippy Quest.

Revision: 14017
Add "spookyraven" command. Use "spookyraven on" to track Lights Out all the time.

Revision: 14018
Billiard Room pool balls are slightly better now

Revision: 14019
Fix errors revealed by checkitems

Revision: 14020
Crashed Space Ship items/skills/familiar

Revision: 14021
Arena parameters for Twitching Space Critter, thanks to BDrag0n.
Adventure zones for spaceship event.

Revision: 14022
space junk is multiusable, but KoLmafia thought it was not - Fixed that but have not tested fix.

Revision: 14023
Properly predict sombrero stats

Revision: 14024
Fix output from the "spookyraven" command

Revision: 14025
Ouija Board, Ouija Board allows turtle tamer buffs

Revision: 14026
Recognize failure to eat a hot dog from the stand due to being full

Revision: 14027
Fix outfits.txt entry

Revision: 14028
Add some Twitch Stream stuff (monsters mainly). I got an Ultimate Mind Destroyer! And so, add tracking for Buff Jimmy quests and Ultimate Mind Destroyer support. Added buffJimmyIngredients preference to track number of ingredients found. The other quests use physical items.

Revision: 14029
Set flyeredML to 10000 at end of war, regardless of whether Arena quest was completed or not. Should hopefully stop flyering being suggested in aftercore.

Revision: 14030
Better flyeredML fix. Add QuestDatabase.isQuestFinished(). Correct bad monsters.txt entry.

Revision: 14031
Add Shadow Avatar of Sneaky Pete as a variant of Your Shadow

Revision: 14032
The Noob Cave -> Noob Cave
The Frat House (Bombed Back to the Stone Age) The Orcish Frat House (Bombed Back to the Stone Age)
Fix spaces that should be tabs in consequences.txt for the various versions
of Lumpy, the Sinister Sauceblob

Revision: 14033
Fix typos.

Revision: 14034
Check Familiars are allowed before considering adding to Backpack (untested). You can't take government apart.

Revision: 14035
Fix typo in modifiers.txt

Revision: 14036
Unleash the Greash, Shovel Hot Coal, Pull Voice Box String added.

Revision: 14037
Track Steam Card and Thinknerd Package drops (_steamCardDrops, _thinknerdPackageDrops)

Revision: 14038
Tracking for the rest of the Spring Break Beach quests. New preferences (tacoDanCocktailSauce, tacoDanFishMeat, brodenBacteria and brodenSprinkles) to track progress that isn't related to items dropping.

Revision: 14039
Remove quest items when you hand in Spring Break quests (unverified)

Revision: 14040
Fix bjorn using restricted familiars, and have_familiar() reporting that restricted familiars are available

Revision: 14041
Quest log entry for Buff Jimmy's Cheeseburger

Revision: 14042
Methinks the Protesters Doth Protest Too Little is either a clover adventure or a semirare. Track it appropriately.

Revision: 14043
Some twitch event plurals

Revision: 14044
More plurals

Revision: 14045
Last quest log note for Spring Break Beach

Revision: 14046
Government is not a drink

Revision: 14047
Fix a couple of items.
Refactor to make it easier for "checkitems" and "checkeffects" to compare the
modifiers from the description with what we have in modifiers.txt.
We don't make that comparison, yet, but it should be possible to code it now.

Revision: 14048
Don't run after-adventure scripts after combats that lead directly into noncombats

Revision: 14049
Fix maximizer behavior when pullable/buyable is selected

Revision: 14050
Stats for Spookyraven bosses

Revision: 14051
Read ASH files in UTF-8

Revision: 14052
Equip requirement changed on blackberry galoshes

Revision: 14053
When reading ASH scripts, skip Unicode BOM characters at start of lines

Revision: 14054
Adjust minimum and maximum stat gains from a sombrero

Revision: 14055
Added some familiar items for new familiar. Raveosity and Clownosity now default to -tie in maximizer. Surgeonosity added as a default and is treated as a normal modifier now, as a set is not required.

Revision: 14056
Add familiar and equipment.

Revision: 14057
Add Lit Up effect. Update maximizer help to remove surgeonosity as a special case.

Revision: 14058
Prevent AdventureRequest.registerEncounter from logging the last "adventure" if
the last URL wasn't really an adventure.

Revision: 14059
A recipe

Revision: 14060
Back out my last submit. Nuts.

Revision: 14061
Two recipes

Revision: 14062
Two more Grill items.

Revision: 14063
Galloping Grill in Throne/Bjorn modifier

Revision: 14064
Your own black heart also restores full health.

Revision: 14065
Corrected output of poolskill command based on current spading of semi-rare.

Revision: 14066
Initial Pyramid Support - largely untested

Revision: 14067
Tracking for middle chamber, lower chamber, control room unlocks ( non-combat recognition untested). Moved a load of quest related code on combat win from FightRequest to QuestManager.

Revision: 14068
Only show link to Control room on Tomb Ratchet and Crumbling Wheel once unlocked.

Revision: 14069
11th anniversary stuff

Revision: 14070
Added some success messages to check for skill uses.

Revision: 14071
Track Hot Ashes drops (_hotAshesDrops)

Revision: 14072
You can use a boring binder clip in Bees Hate You

Revision: 14073
Show hot ashes drop count in daily deeds and character pane

Revision: 14074
Better quest tracking of Spookyraven quests, including Lady Spookyraven conversations. Some locations validated before autoadventuring based on quest status. Spookyraven quests update based on browser visits to the manor also.

Revision: 14075
Detect access to Spring Break Beach. sleazeAirportAlways preference is set when you use the charter document (set it to true manually to save future server hits if you've already done so). _sleazeAirportToday preference is set whenever KoL notices it is available, when you use a ticket, or if you try to adventure there it'll check if that plane is available at the airport, and set it if so.

Revision: 14076
Fixed quest tracking (hopefully) for Goblin King, Friars and Trapper. Extremity now tracked (currentExtremity). Possible fix for quest status detection for some spring beach quests, as I think ResultProcessor.gainItem() is hit before inventory increments.

Revision: 14077
Fix Highlands quest tracking.

Revision: 14078
government is not multiusable, but KoLmafia thought it was AND liquid smoke is multiusable, but KoLmafia thought it was not have been corrected.

Revision: 14079
little black book modifier, airplane charter plural

Revision: 14080
Ash soda is now multiusable

Revision: 14081
Fix stupid error in L9 quest tracking

Revision: 14082
Update quest text for L9 quest.

Revision: 14083
Fix typo, peels out has an 's'

Revision: 14084
Update some messages for killing frat boys during the war so they don't match messages from the Galloping Grill

Revision: 14085
Remove the Chalky Hand warning in The Haunted Billiards Room

Revision: 14086
Added effect durations for wads to modifiers.txt

Revision: 14087
and Prismatic

Revision: 14088
Unlock middle chamber if you are already adventuring there in relay browser, and haven't hit pyramid.php. Hit handleQuestChange on a redirect (eg adventure is a fight) to allow this sort of check.

Revision: 14089
Add White Citadel changes, improved tracking of Meatcar and White Citadel quests.

Revision: 14090
Cola Battlefield locations are listed under Rift rather than plains, so show Choice Adventure options under Rift rather than Plains so they appear when Battlefield locations selected.

Revision: 14091
When stocking the hot dog stand from storage, remove items from storage instead of from inventory

Revision: 14092
Don't provide a link to use a (now unusable) tomb ratchet when you get an ancient bronze token or ancient bomb

Revision: 14093
When auto-adventuring in Wine Cellar, don't choose a random corener to go to
since the Wine Cellar no longer has corners.
If Mayor Zapruder hasn't told you to go after Felonia yet, KoL won't let you
go in to the Burrow. Attempting to do so is not an encounter.

Revision: 14094
Sommelier Bounty is at the new Wine Cellar, combat rate in Whitey's Grove is now 85%, drop rate of white page is 5%.

Revision: 14095
Only 13 corks required for bounty after wine cellar change.

Revision: 14096
Update the recipe for making a talisman o' nam from snakehead charrrms

Revision: 14097
Remove black market map handling. Auto-craft the blackbird or crow when you have both pieces.
When both copperhead charm pieces drop, use that recipe for the Talisman o' Nam and auto-craft it.

Revision: 14098
Don't auto-create the copperhead talisman if you already have the snakehead talisman

Revision: 14099
Can meatpaste a picture of you. Am guessing it's not untinkerable, though wiki doesn't relate.

Revision: 14100
Replace hardcoded adventure IDs with constants. No functional change.

Revision: 14101
bowl of marinade now correctly marked as multiusable.

Revision: 14102
Display special KoL announcements from the login page

Revision: 14103
Picture of You CAN be untinkered

Revision: 14104
Don't display login page announcements more than once per day

Revision: 14105
Reset global _ settings daily

Revision: 14106
Haunted Gallery is now on second floor of Manor.

Revision: 14107
Fix Zombie Brackets (unverified)

Revision: 14108
Fix some powers. getting/losing warbear whosits updates coinmaster

Revision: 14109
Fix demon summoning

Revision: 14110
You lose cheesebuger receipe when you finish buff jimmy's diner quest.
Add powers for other off-hand quest items.

Revision: 14111
Fix a few equip requirements and autosell prices

Revision: 14112
Some Twitch Event stuff (still watching the replay of last night's twitchstream so there will be changes to come)

Revision: 14113
The Neandermall

Revision: 14114
More twitchy stuff

Revision: 14115
A few more minor bits of twitchy goodness.

Revision: 14116
Fix typo on D Roll, Arena stats for Fossil.

Revision: 14117
Arena parameters for Galloping Grill

Revision: 14118
Quest tracking for Level 10 and some Level 11 quests (Palindome, Spookyraven, Shen Copperhead, Ron Copperhead, Black Market) quests improved and should read new quest log entries.
Added questL11Black to track the new Black Market quest.
Added zeppelinProtestors to track protestors removed.
Some step positions in existing quest tracking changed, which may affect scripts that use them. Hopefully I caught those occasions. The quest text should now be updated.

Revision: 14119
Image missing for Fossil skill.

Revision: 14120
Put Gallery choices on second floor of Manor.

Revision: 14121
Missed a step in Level 10 quest, also added some missing quest log text.

Revision: 14122
Update L10 quest correctly on choice adventures.

Revision: 14123
Level 11 Hidden City Quest tracking. Added four new quest entries to handle the new, temporary hidden city quests (questL11Curses, questL11Business, questL11Doctor, questL11Spare).

Revision: 14124
Pyramid/Desert quest log tracking. Attempt to set unlocks based on quest states.

Revision: 14125
Fix the check for the Palindome showing up in the Plains

Revision: 14126
Do not advance Worship quest when you unlock Hidden Temple unless it is started. If you start it after Hidden Temple is unlocked, advance it straight away.

Revision: 14127
Improve quest detection. Considers quests that end with /blockquote. Checks for parsed titles including quest title, not the other way around, this prevents Evilometer 'hiding' the quest that follows it.

Revision: 14128
Add mafia function QuestDatabase.QuestLaterThan that takes a quest as the first parameter. Use it in many places to increase code clarity (in my opinion).

Revision: 14129
Allow user to request a fax from Easyfax and Faustbot, in addtion to FaxBot, on
the FaxRequestFrame.

Revision: 14130
Fix function isQuestFinished.

Revision: 14131
Detect whitelist failures for Faustbot and Easyfax

Revision: 14132
Option for Lights Out choice adventures now available (choice option displays in ManoRevision 1 locations), sets preference lightsOutAutomation (0 is default, display in browser, 1 is automate/put arrows in the relay browser on correct options, 2 is always skip). Not 100% tested as I ran out of adventures, so use with caution first day!
Tracking for Untinker quest log entries.

Revision: 14133
Correct detection on lights out choice decision for Library.

Revision: 14134
Fix a Lights Out typo.

Revision: 14135
Swamp and Swamp quest support, including Choice Adventures, automation of Swamp Navigation, quest log entries, tracking of unlocked zones.

Revision: 14136
Fix using "2 Love Me, Vol. 2"

Revision: 14137

Revision: 14138
Add ASH and CLI support for other faxbots. These commands will check each bot and use the first one that has the specified monster/command.

Revision: 14139
faxbot CLI command and ASH function skip bots that are not currently online
Ignore case when sorting available monsters in faxbot lists.
Since every monster from Easyfax is in category None, do not make a category
list for that name, since you can see everything in the All Monsters list

Revision: 14140
I'm convinced. Default for lights out is to highlight right answer in relay browser/automate. Hopefully this will help someone.

Revision: 14141
Don't log bogus Adventure when refreshing session.

Revision: 14142
Make EatItemRequest multiuse munchie pills correctly.

Revision: 14143
Finishing desert marks Quest.DESERT complete, not Quest.PYRAMID to step11, in line with current quest log.

Revision: 14144
Correctly encode unicode characters in Preference strings, as specified by
Java's Properties class.
Don't throw an exception trying to do simple line wrapping for an alert box if
there is a stretch of 80 characters with no spaces in it.

Revision: 14145
"step4", not "step 4"

Revision: 14146
Don't send mafia into an error state when redirecting to a zone (eg using Grimstone mask and getting redirected to Skid Row).

Revision: 14147
Track combat turns with Grimstone Golem and show in Character Pane.

Revision: 14148
Fix plural

Revision: 14149
Allow a faxbot command to be sent using the CLI command without matching the case that the bot specifies, since all of the bots are case-insensitive

Revision: 14150
Hollow Leg

Revision: 14151
Added two new effects for the Speakeasy drinks. Added Familiar Damage and Gear Drop as supported modifiers.

Revision: 14152
A singular plural

Revision: 14153
Fix typo

Revision: 14154
Maximizer will now suggest Hot Dogs if they are useful and you have room for them.

Revision: 14155
Initial Speakeasy support. Item adventure/stat gain still needs spading.

Revision: 14156
Adventure gain for Lucky Lindy. Hopefully fix typo in resetting Fortune Cookie counter, needs testing.

Revision: 14157
Maybe this fixes Lucky Lindy parsing.

Revision: 14158
Fix Lucky Lindy properly this time. Add Sockdollager

Revision: 14159
Properly account for Hollow Leg in all paths

Revision: 14160
Naughty Sorceress Quest tracking - Note that there are many more steps tracked than there were, so if you use questL13Final in scripts you'll want to revise it. On the plus side, you can now know exactly which tower familiars have already been defeated. Should correctly identify your shadow (untested). Tracking is partially tested. Also a plural added and some fullness spading.

Revision: 14161
Added Fire Inside, Clan Speakeasy, a couple of old items

Revision: 14162
Some consumption spading. Some stat gain is a little speculative, but will adjust if necessary. Any help welcomed as always for spading.

Revision: 14163
Some Speakeasy fixes.

Revision: 14164
Partial fix for Bladeswitcher disarm move.

Revision: 14165
Some more consumption spading.

Revision: 14166
update ultra-rare monster data

Revision: 14167
Fix a typo

Revision: 14168
I think this update should log, to GCLI and Session log "Detective Skull Yellow Word found: " and the found word. Unverified.

Revision: 14169
Highlight finding a speakeasy word in the cli blue. Now also finds words from using fat stacks of cash against copperhead bartender and using 64735 scroll.

Revision: 14170
Log clan as well as speakeasy words found. Also some item spading.

Revision: 14171
A few more consumption details

Revision: 14172
fix a few things from checkpowers and checkitems

Revision: 14173
Refactor faxbot internal data to have a map from monster name to Monster and a
map from command to Monster. Initial support for letting faxbot command take a
partial string.

Revision: 14174
Handle trying to drink speakeasy drink during high school. Some more consumption spading.

Revision: 14175
Don't show speakeasy drinks in the Item Manager -> Booze in paths where they can't be consumed

Revision: 14176
Rearrange initialization of monster maps for faxbots to be more sensible; build
them when constructing initial monster lists, not when building category lists.

Revision: 14177
Make maximizer show hot dogs again. Maximizer only shows hot dogs if not Jarlsberg or Zombie, and only shows speakeasy drinks if not Jarlsberg or in High School.

Revision: 14178
Extra space in yellow word pattern.

Revision: 14179
I think that's all consumables now up to date?

Revision: 14180
Don't produce error message if skip selected for Hidden Park, Hidden Office or Hidden Apartment Choice Adventures.

Revision: 14181
spooky music box mechanism is a (spookyraven only) banisher. Defaults added for new Fall/Rise non-combats in Library.

Revision: 14182
Recognise end of Rat quest in KOLHS.

Revision: 14183
"checkitems" command now compares enchantments from item description with
known modifiers and logs differences.
Fix many modifier errors revealed by this.

Revision: 14184
There is both item "industrial strength starch" and effect "Industrial Strength
Starch". We can't handle that, for now.

Revision: 14185
Pyramid reburied.

Revision: 14186
Fix some effect modifiers based on checkeffects

Revision: 14187
When you get recipe: mortar-dissolving solution, automatically use it, equipping Lord Spookyraven's spectacles if you have them

Revision: 14188
Be fancier when checking effects & items. Recognize a few more effects
(Slime Resistance and Supercold Resistance and Bast STAT Limiters) from
the description.

Revision: 14189
soup up modifier checking a bit more. Fix a few bad modifiers.

Revision: 14190
Remove element ordering from modifier comparator; depend on "resistance to all"
simply generating the modifiers in the expected order.

Revision: 14191
More tweaking of modifier checking.

Revision: 14192
Now that Food and Booze list Effect/Effect Duration in their description,
checkitems will parse modifiers for those classes of items.
modifiers.txt now has a Foods section and a Boozes section.
Properly recognize Duration: 1 Adventure

Revision: 14193
Use underscores instead of camel case field names for svn_info ASH function

Revision: 14194
Increment Smile of Mr A tracking according to the number of casts.

Revision: 14195
When checking modifiers, actually put description modifiers first, in the
order they appear in the description, followed by additional hand-added
modifers, in the order they appear.
Add hot dogs to Foods section and speakeasy drinks to Boozes section

Revision: 14196
Refactor several methods that individually split apart and munged modifer
strings to use new Modifier and ModifierList classes.

Revision: 14197
Fix malformed modifer text for Yearbook Club Camera and Fam:Mini-Adventurer

Revision: 14198
Modifier value can be null, so don't take an NPE when evaluating it.

Revision: 14199
A few new turtles, Fortunate Resolve spaded modifiers.

Revision: 14200
Another turtle

Revision: 14201
More turtles

Revision: 14202
Only remove one white page when using it.

Revision: 14203
Registering casting of 0 MP spells shouldn't assume that only 1 is ever cast.

Revision: 14204
modifier keys are no longer canonicalized before being looked up.
Add modifier for "industrial strength starch"
Fix typo in usage for turtle pheremones and add modifier for it

Revision: 14205
A couple more turtle shells.

Revision: 14206
Another Turtle

Revision: 14207
When per Full (per drunk, per spleen) is selected, show stat gain per full (per drunk, per spleen) as well as adventures. It doesn't add /full (etc) after mus, myx or mox for space reasons. Hopefully this means things will sort in slowcore by stat per unit (I'm not in it so cannot test) which should be more useful.

Revision: 14208
More turtles.

Revision: 14209
Show adventure and soulsauce cost in skill casting panel (also shows swagger for Summon Annoyance, but not the specific amount, as we don't track the number of times the skill is bought).
Show adventure, mp and soulsauce cost in maximizer. (Is Gong the only item the use of which to get a buff costs adventures?)

Revision: 14210
Check Mirror and Recruit Zombie also cost 1 adventure.

Revision: 14211
food, booze, and spleen items in fullness.txt, inebriety.txt, and spleenhit.txt
now have the same capitalization as KoL itself uses for them.

Revision: 14212
capitalize Micromicrobrewery offerings correctly

Revision: 14213
When logging new food or booze items, keep item name capitalization intact in
the line that will go into fullness.txt or inebriety.txt

Revision: 14214
Show how much swagger Summon Annoyance will cost in the skill casting panel

Revision: 14215
Fix familiar modifier parsing

Revision: 14216
Fix other uses of getModifiers that added a type: string to the front where the case of Type was wrong. Removed fameq: from a check as that isn't placed in front of familiar equipment.

Revision: 14217
Look for (generated) "fameq:" modifiers in order to apply Familiar Effect

Revision: 14218
Some turtle choice adventure defaults

Revision: 14219
Some plurals, multiuses

Revision: 14220
Allow Summon Leviatuga underwater

Revision: 14221
Fix the option to pick up Engorged Sausages and You when it is not available

Revision: 14222
Handle A-boo peak tracking if you are defeated during the Horror. Update appropriate peak tracking when you see a fire in the Highlands, and when getting the quest reward, as a sanity check.

Revision: 14223
Add epic cluster (and things that pulverize to it).

Revision: 14224
Keep track of Steam Cards

Revision: 14225
When fetching a UseSkillRequest for the purpose of simply querying mana cost,
for example, get an "unmodified" instance so that it doesn't reset the buff
target in the cached instance to your own player ID.

Revision: 14226
A couple of missing defaults for turtle taming.

Revision: 14227
Modifier expressions need to understand that zones, locations, classes, skills,
etc. are no longer lower-cased.

Revision: 14228
Experimental - Add verbose option (verboseMaximizer or checkbox on graphical maximizer) which also shows adv duration, uses remaining and/or number in inventory as appropriate. Also adds some missing durations to modifiers.txt.

Revision: 14229
Simplify code: move some things out of skill casting loop, use Java foreach
rather than explicit iterators when reading cookies at login.

Revision: 14230
Fix displaying Surgeonosity

Revision: 14231
Don't parse results from dev pages

Revision: 14232
Some new appearance potions.

Revision: 14233
Some KOLHS avatar potions

Revision: 14234
More avatar potions

Revision: 14235
And yet more avatar potions. Still missing 5-8 potions I think.

Revision: 14236
Need to visit main.php when you time-in a session.
Yes, it really is spooky nuggets, not spooky nugget, etc., in modifiers.txt
Sections of modifiers.txt are now alphabetical ignoring case.

Revision: 14237
They are nuggets, not nugget

Revision: 14238
If we reduce consumption of a multiusable spleen item to 1 from something
greater than 1, switch from multiuse.php to inv_use.php

Revision: 14239
Just as with spleen items, if multiusable items are use limited to 1 from a
higher value, switch from multiuse.php to inv_use.php

Revision: 14240
Some avatar potions from Canadia swamp, still missing at least 4-6 potions.

Revision: 14241
Some plurals

Revision: 14242
Add a few more avatar potions discovered via mall search

Revision: 14243
Since FightRequest.getLastMonsterName does nothing other than call the method of
the same name in MonsterStatusTracker, get rid of that method and call the
latter method instead.
Experimental: when logging actions in combat, log the last encounter name - the
monster name, complete with capital letters, as appropriate - rather than
the lower-cased version of the monster name. This affects only logging, not
what is stored in preferences or passed to consult scripts.

Revision: 14244
Update a few plurals

Revision: 14245
Fix Florist Friar modifier checking

Revision: 14246
Don't generate a use link for items that are currently limited to 0 uses

Revision: 14247
Add two more avatar potions

Revision: 14248
Remove Flamin' Whatshisname when you use it to scare Zeppelin protestors, remove unnamed cocktail when it is transformed into Flamin' Whatshisname.

Revision: 14249
Update some capitalization

Revision: 14250
Removed some spleen pastes from food section of modifiers.txt (were already in non food/booze section.

Revision: 14251
Suppressing use links for items found duing a choice chain is too stringent.
For now, back out that check and instead include a check just for dance cards,
the original cause for the change.

Revision: 14252
Another avatar potion

Revision: 14253
Add Avatar modifier to effects generated by avatar potions

Revision: 14254
Add a few twitch event items, effects, and locations. Very preliminary.

Revision: 14255
Put back accidently removed Surgeonosity. Add Maximum Hooch.
Add Legitimate Shoe Repair, Inc. coinmaster

Revision: 14256
Fix twich zone names. Caveman Dan's favorite rock. No NPE when finding unknown
choice options.

Revision: 14257
Some more twitch stuff, monster drops, new Speakeasy drink, remove cocktail onions in non-combat, detect speakeasy pink password (unverified).

Revision: 14258
Don't generate debug log on "You gain X unknown thing" message.

Revision: 14259
Make that AdventureResult check more generic

Revision: 14260
Some more details of Twitchy stuff

Revision: 14261
Twitch hat/pants familiar effects.

Revision: 14262
Add flask flops

Revision: 14263
Phonus Balonus adventures/fights added.

Revision: 14264
Adjust Tommy Gun Ammo drop rates

Revision: 14265
Fix logging of Neandermall and Shoe Repair Shop transactions

Revision: 14266
Floor on Caveman Dan stats

Revision: 14267
gumshoes cannot be autosold or discarded

Revision: 14268
Add a plural

Revision: 14269
Remove code to check maximumUses before generating a use link

Revision: 14270
Detect time tower shops being opened based on "town_tower" appearing in Seaside Town. Resets when Seaside Town container document visited.

Revision: 14271
Do some of what is needed to filter speakeasy drinks in the Item Manager:
don't show drinks you cannot afford, and allow queuing more than one drink

Revision: 14272
Can summon rare libram summons from skills.php (unverified), typo in Phonus Balonus and plural of cup of lukewarm tea.

Revision: 14273
Reduce number of queueable Speakeasy drinks based on queued quantity as well as drunk quantity.

Revision: 14274
"the slime tube" -> "The Slime Tube"

Revision: 14275
Show boost in predicted scores in Maximuzer when Buddy Bjorn or Crown of Thrones familiar is changed.

Revision: 14276
Fix some erroneous modifier entries

Revision: 14277
Soup up the "checkmodifiers" command, run it, and fix a bunch of bogus
modifiers in modifiers.txt

Revision: 14278
Show number of items creatable in Verbose Maximizer output. In Hardcore/Ronin, limit uses remaining to number on hand + number creatable (unverified, as I have no character currently in Ronin/Hardcore.

Revision: 14279
When splitting a modifer string into a ModifierList, the modifer separater must
be exactly ": " - a colon and a single space - since the regular expressions
used to parse modifiers from the string all require that. "checkmodifiers"
will therefore report any modifier that is not parsable.

Revision: 14280
If Black Forest map choice is set to a choice not available, change to manual decision. If we see Black Market in Woods, set quests if necessary.

Revision: 14281
A large (but probably incomplete - additions in the usual place) list of effects can now be removed by Shake It Off and Hot Tub. As MY experience is that Antidotes are usually shorter in supply than Hot Tub soaks in Hardcore/Ronin, it'll preferentially use hot tubs unless preference "uneffectWithHotTub" is set to false (default is true) when in Hardcore/Ronin. As antidotes are cheap in aftercore, but hot tubs are limited, it doesn't use the hot tub to uneffect in aftercore.

Revision: 14282
Adds "blackForestProgress" preference. Tracks progress through the black forest, from 0 to 5.

Revision: 14283
Add items to various choice spoilers so you can click to get description

Revision: 14284
Staff of Holiday Sensations needs Lotion rather than Phial.

Revision: 14285
Can only make KOLHS items in High School (but always shown then so you know what you can make, even if you can't make stuff now). Can only make Junk items if you have Worse Homes and Gardens. Can only use Rumplestiltskin's Workshop if you are currently on Grimstone Mask Gnome path.

Revision: 14286
Sea Monkey's quest tracking. Adds corralUnlocked to track whether Corral is available. Grandma only available once rescued. bigBrotherRescued now set when reading quest log.

Revision: 14287
Missing sea tracking update.

Revision: 14288
When reading Macguffin Diary, submit a RelayRequest in order to suppress the
charpane update.

Revision: 14289
Fix that last submit

Revision: 14290
Can only redeem Game Shoppe credit out of Hardcore/Ronin. When you rescue Big Brother or Grandma or get a copy of Worse Homes and Gardens, refresh concoction list.

Revision: 14291
Don't lower-case location when parsing response from Florist Friar.
Make a few local methods private.
Florist: modifiers now say Monster Level: +30 rather than Monster Level: 30.
The latter is the equivalent, but the former is our convention for additive
A couple of Florist plants were commented out, for now reason that I could see.
Uncomment them.

Revision: 14292
Boris's Helm gives MP regen.

Revision: 14293
Add durations for Hot Dog Stand Hot Dogs and Speakeasy drinks. Show price for Speakeasy drinks in Maximizer. Only restrict verbose information in Maximizer by number creatable/ in inventory in Hardcore/Ronin for physical items.

Revision: 14294
In verbose Maximizer, only show uses remaining for truely limited items. Items limited by inventory show up as number in inventory, and numbers creatable show up as number creatable, so summarizing this is unnecessary.

Revision: 14295
Refactor mall searching.
If you don't want to limit your search, include x_cheapest=0 in the request;
otherwise KoL itself will limit you to 10 results.
When searching the mall for use by the "buy" command and similar places,
do not hardcode a limit of 10 result; specify 0 and concatenate all the
pages of results into a single list.

Revision: 14296
fix getting mall prices

Revision: 14297
Drill sergeant drops flask flops.

Revision: 14298
Protect against race condition in ItemDatabase.saveCanonicalNames vs.

Revision: 14299
Support for casting Summon Confiscated Things

Revision: 14300
More support for casting Summon Confiscated Things

Revision: 14301
chat scripts need to synchronize on the Interpreter object, since that class is
very much not thread safe.

Revision: 14302
New items and effects

Revision: 14303
Add support for Mom buffing. Lion Oil and Bird Rib drops no longer conditional. Recognise successfully using a Grimoire.

Revision: 14304
Fix for Mom buff disabling after use.

Revision: 14305
Missing file

Revision: 14306
Cassette Songs

Revision: 14307
Fix parsing when using Summon Confiscated Things

Revision: 14308
You can no longer get the top menu style from api.php?what=status. Therefore,
deduce it from the responseText.
If you have the "fancy" topmenu, it redirects to awesomemenu.php. Follow that
Tweak the quick scripts menu we generate if you have the "compact" menu.

Revision: 14309
Fix multi-purchasing from Coinmasters with no count field

Revision: 14310
Move topmenu decorator into its own package. Include Quick Scripts menu (if
enabled) on all styles of top menu, not just the "compact" (dropdowns) style

Revision: 14311
Fix typo which made Mom food buff always an option for hot resistance.

Revision: 14312
Report failures to get a buff from Mom. Fix tracking of quests from conversations with Grandpa.

Revision: 14313
Confiscated items

Revision: 14314
Added additional step to pirate quest, so getting fledges is now step 6, and opening Belowdecks is Finished. Reading of step 6 from quest log and setting to finished with Swordfish is untested.

Revision: 14315
Untested. As BeanstalkPlanted and BeanstalkArmed were not accessible by scripts, and redundant now Jick has added it as step one of the GARBAGE quest, remove that code and change to use GARBAGE quest progress.

Revision: 14316
Correct some skill durations. Add ash commands adv_per_cast(skill) and soulsauce_per_cast(skill).

Revision: 14317
Changed function names to adv_cost and soulsauce_cost.

Revision: 14318
Do a better job of inserting KoLmafia script menus into the topmenu

Revision: 14319
Parsing of position of wheel in pyramid.

Revision: 14320
Only include script dropdowns on "normal" and "compact" topmenu styles; "fancy"
(icon) topmenu doesn't get access to relay scripts, for now.

Revision: 14321
Add sewing kit to coinmasters.txt

Revision: 14322
Mushroom Wines made from Fun-Guy mushrooms need Superhuman Cocktailcrafting. Mushroom Pastacos needs Transcendental Noodlecraft.

Revision: 14323
Record date last Ultimate Mind Destroyer obtained in umdLastObtained. Annotate choice in the relay browser to say what you're getting (will only work if umdLastObtained isn't null. In 7 days time we can change that, as null will mean >7 days, whereas today it means we don't know).

Revision: 14324
Pirate quest tracking updated.

Revision: 14325
On login (or session refresh), look at your profile to determine your clan
name and ID, rather than depending on the top menu to say if you are in a clan.

Revision: 14326
Since dusty bottles of wine are no longer used in the Level 11 quest, a lot of
got has become obsolete. Remove it. Also, dusty bottles no longer vary in effect
every ascension, but now have constant effects, regardless of glyph. Deal with
that, too.

Revision: 14327
When creating a COncoction, if it is has in itemId, use the official data name
of the item as the concoction name.

Revision: 14328
Filter out un-trendy familiars for Buddy Bjorn as appropriate to your path

Revision: 14329
Fix infinite recursion when using PullBudget spinners. Refresh concoctions in
a new thread, not in the Swing thread.

Revision: 14330
Nemesis quest tracking update. Not 100% tested.

Revision: 14331
When ConcoctionDatabase has pulls budgeted, non-trendy items should not be
considered as pullable.

Revision: 14332
Do not include Songs and Expressions in the generic Self-Only skill list.

Revision: 14333
Don't cast spells in a mood that you can't cast.

Revision: 14334
Temporary work around for printing strings that start with "/" in ash, avoiding Java bug.

Revision: 14335
Better workaround for java bug

Revision: 14336
Move KoLCharacter initialization that allocates AdventureResult objects AFTER
the initialization of KoLCharacter variables that ItemDatabase depends on.
When you use ASH print functions, do not convert < to HTML entities before
writing to the session log, since that is needed only for writing to the CLI

Revision: 14337
In relay browser:
When giving lack of ultrahydrated warning in Desert, include link to Oasis.
When adventuring in Top of Giant Castle with a Mohawk Wig that you aren't wearing, when you haven't completed the quest, give warning including link to equip it.
When adventuring in Billiards Room without enough Pool Skill to guarantee a win, put a warning. If you have a pool cue that isn't equipped, provide link to equip it. If you have hand chalk but not chalky hand effect, provide link to use it.

Revision: 14338
Link back to Copperhead Club when Snake drops that Shen wants drop.

Revision: 14339
Initialize Ascension path early in KoLCharacter. Initialize Modifiers at end

Revision: 14340
LockableListModel and SortedListModel are now template classes.
For many such objects, declare the type of objects that they will contain.

Revision: 14341
Define the element type of many LockableListModels

Revision: 14342
Still more LockableListModels and SortedListModels specify their element type

Revision: 14343
More element typing in lists

Revision: 14344
Detect when clan changes, reset information, and update hot dog / speakeasy data.

Revision: 14345
Allow adventuring in Lower Chamber. I can't fully test til tomorrow.

Revision: 14346
If Lord Spookyraven is not yet defeated, but is available, you can adventure in Summoning Chamber. Recognise server response if you try to adventure in a location that isn't yet available, but which does tell you this.

Revision: 14347
Simplify PyramidRequest. No longer need to render a picture in the choice adventure, as KoL provides it. Nothing to parse as it's handled in QuestManager. Only have some little utilities. Fix reporting which chamber setup you are visiting in Lower Chamber.

Revision: 14348
Removed code relating to removed Choice Adventures in Spookyraven.

Revision: 14349
Remove lastManorUnlock as it no longer is unlocked, and lastGalleryUnlock as it now unlocks by quest progress. Remove checks for adventures that unlocked them as they no longer exist.

Revision: 14350
Only set current Clan when you do a Profile Request for yourself. When running checkprofile, use the clan of the profile you are checking, not your own. Effectively reverses some changes in Revision 11212 from June 2012.

Revision: 14351
When eating or drinking from Restaurants (Hot Dog Stand, Speakeasy, Chez Snootie, MicroBrewery, Hells Kitchen, Crimbo Cafe) via Item Manager, check for PvP stone break, Milk (etc), Ode, Overdrinking as appropriate.

Revision: 14352
Add default preference for Off the Rack

Revision: 14353
Quest tracking for Temple Quest and Shirt Quest.

Revision: 14354
Remove currentFullness and currentSpleenUse, since those no longer need to be tracked between session

Revision: 14355
Creating a tin cup from a fancy tin beer can is an MUSE recipe, not an SUSE

Revision: 14356
Fix concoction entry for ballpark hot daub.

Revision: 14357
Fix runnable in event thread when using familiar item lock checkbox on the
Gear Changer, as well as all sorts of other glitches with tracking locked
familiar items.

Revision: 14358
When clover protection is active, ten-leaf clovers purchased from the mall
automagically turn into disassembled clovers. Account for that when deciding
whether you've purchased the desired number of clovers.

Revision: 14359
Ifnore $item[ none ] in ASH add_item_condition() and remove_item_condition()

Revision: 14360
Fix typo in Desert warning.

Revision: 14361
The PYEC is not multiusable.
Do not remove items from inventory if they are reusable as a secondary usage.
When the ItemFinder looks for an item in a specific list - inventory, stash, etc. -
if it doesn't find the required amount, give an error

Revision: 14362
Revisit Pyramid Parsing/logging/automation. Tested most combinations. Add two new helloween candies.

Revision: 14363
When ASH looks up item names, don't restrict to things in your inventory.

Revision: 14364
Default to searching all rather than Inventory when looking up items if not specified. Only give an error message if you haven't found enough when searching a location.

Revision: 14365
Recognize successful mall purchases when in run

Revision: 14366
Perform Major Whackage on ItemFinder to make API more rational

Revision: 14367
If searching for items without specifying the list, if the count is negative
(which means "all but that many") or "*" (which means "all"), look at items in
the inventory to decide how many to use.

Revision: 14368
Fix buying from NPCs while in run

Revision: 14369

Revision: 14370
Since clover protection only kicks in for items arriving in inventory, no
need to worry about it when purchasing ten-leaf clovers when you cannot
interact, since they will end up in storage.

Revision: 14371
AdventureResult.getCount( List) now lets the compiler enforce that the list
contains only AdventureResults.
When making a purchase, if we are automated and not allowed to purchase from
the mall, pre-scan the list to find the first NPC store with the item.
(This is currently moot, since the NPC store will always be first, but I think
that is a bug.)

Revision: 14372
Sort mall search results that are returned by StoreManager.searchMall so that
NPC stores get inserted into the correct place and that stores with larger
stocks appear before those with fewer items at the same price.

Revision: 14373
The compare function for a PurchaseRequest needs to use this.getPrice()
rather than this.price, so that subclasses can override it.

Revision: 14374
When sorting Purchase Request objects, no special check needed to put NPC
stores ahead of PC stores if you are in Hardcore; we will prefer them in any
case because the available quantity is better than any PC store.

Revision: 14375
If desired, the Relay Browser will now suppress potential malware

Revision: 14376
Multiusable items, plurals

Revision: 14377
changed item names. plurals.

Revision: 14378
Clearly label the "Item Acquisition options that apply only to automated item

Revision: 14379
Heavy Rains path name

Revision: 14380
Change "buy" command as follows:
- If you are in Hardcore or Ronin, purchase only from NPCs. Unless:
- "buy from storage xxx" will purchase only for mall stores using storage Meat
- If you are out of Ronin or in aftercore, purchase from cheapest NPC or mall
Fix PurchaseRequest to always use this.getPrice() rather than this.price, so
if you can afford the discounted price of an NPC item but not the full price,
the purchase is still allowed.

Revision: 14381
Boss Bat and Bonerdagon items have changed. Fix concoction.
Fix regex to recognize Avatar potions to exclude Surgeonosity items

Revision: 14382
Properly log the start of a Heavy Rains run

Revision: 14383
Add a few Heavy Rains objects

Revision: 14384
Add path() function to ModifierExpressions. Use it for Fishy, Oily.

Revision: 14385
Add some support for using a few of the Heavy Rains skill-granting items

Revision: 14386
Some Heavy Rains items

Revision: 14387
Fix path() modifier expression

Revision: 14388
Handle calling fight.php and choice.php directly when not in a fight or choice

Revision: 14389
buy_using_storage( count, item ) and buy_using_storage( count, item, limit )

Revision: 14390
Components of the badass belt are not quest items any more. Additionally, the
ingredients have changed. Autocraft badass belt if you find the new ingredients
after combat only.

Revision: 14391
More Heavy Rain items found in mall

Revision: 14392
Prioritize the miniature life preserver when switching to a familiar without equipment on, when in a Heavy Rains run

Revision: 14393
lightning milk

Revision: 14394
Add counters to track the window when Heavy Rains monster will show up

Revision: 14395
Add some tabs.

Revision: 14396
Add giant rubber spider and rubber cape concoction.

Revision: 14397
You don't need a wand in Heavy Rains

Revision: 14398
Heavy Rains skills

Revision: 14399
Ignore special monsters from Rain Fax

Revision: 14400
Send all autoCrafting through ResultProcessor.autoCreate.
quantum egg and intragalactic rowboat are obsolete

Revision: 14401
Belch the Rainbow

Revision: 14402
Automatically use Lady Spookyraven's telegram after ascending. Add a setting, "autoQuest" (enabled by default), to control this and auto-reading of the mortar-dissolving recipe.

Revision: 14403
Heavy Rains item. Belch the Rainbow comes from using a beautiful rainbow.

Revision: 14404
Use localhost instead of

Revision: 14405
Add most Heavy Rains bosses. Do not give a MCD warning for Heavy Rains bosses that don't have special drops.

Revision: 14406
As before, create McClusky file in postChoice, not when detect binder clip
via item acquisition

Revision: 14407
Some Heavy Rains quest tracking additions.

Revision: 14408
Basic Thunder support. Not all tested as I only have one skill which doesn't work out of combat. Doesn't work with automation as thunder does not yet appear in the API. Added ash commands "my_thunder()" which reports current level and "thunder_cost( skill )" which reports thunder oost of skill. Does not report thunder in mafia side bar.

Revision: 14409
Add my_rain(), my_lightning(), rain_cost( skill ), lightning_cost( skill ). Update thunder, rain, and lighting from api.php.

Revision: 14410
More Council text recognised in Heavy Rains

Revision: 14411
Fix for lightning tracking

Revision: 14412
Allow the Entrance to the Forgotten City and the WUmpus Cave choice adventures
to be configured in the GUI. Your choices for each is to show in browser or skip

Revision: 14413
Rainbow Gravitation now costs 0 MP.

Revision: 14414
Add recommended_stat as a proxy value for locations. Most locations don't have a value yet, which is represented by a default of -1.

Revision: 14415
Add quick scripts menu to the icon topmenu, below the minimoons

Revision: 14416
Do not specify class="button" for the Exec button; system default style is fine

Revision: 14417
Add quite a lot of recommended stat levels for zones (based on spading at a high level with 1 mainstat).

Revision: 14418
A handful more stat requirements

Revision: 14419
The Aquaman

Revision: 14420
filet of The Fish

Revision: 14421
More Heavy Rains items

Revision: 14422
lightning rod

Revision: 14423
Add Freshwater Fishbonery as a Coinmaster

Revision: 14424
Add some 0 stat requirement areas. Add Water Level as a modifier. Water Level modifies monster level. Report environment, recommended mainstat, and Water Level (in Heavy Rains) in Location Details.

Revision: 14425
It's Water Depth, not Water Level. Also, water depth is 0 underwater (I know, I know).

Revision: 14426
If location is null, don't create debug log and errors. If location is none, it has no depth.

Revision: 14427
Added Water Depth override. Null locations or locations without environment now default to depth 1. Override only known to be needed at Mist Shrouded Peak so far.

Revision: 14428
Move clover adventures into encounters.txt. Report clover adventure name in Location Details.

Revision: 14429
More Heavy Rains Council tracking. Fix clover protection and remove some redundant clover code.

Revision: 14430
Disable the Weapon and Offhand slots in the Gear Changer in Fistcore

Revision: 14431
Don't cancel/restart Rains monster counters if the monster in question was created by using Rain Man (untested). Lower Chamber and Summoning Chamber are base depth 2.

Revision: 14432
More Heavy Rains Council text quest tracking.

Revision: 14433
Bugbear Pens -> The Bugbear Pen

Revision: 14434
And another one! (and I love that text)

Revision: 14435
Track killing Heavy Rains final boss.

Revision: 14436
Count number of times Belch the Rainbow has been learned in preference skillLevel117. If you've already used one or more, you'll have to set it manually at present. Untested.

Revision: 14437
Some more quest tracking bits in Heavy Rains, revised some depths.

Revision: 14438
Thunder Clap is not an all-day banisher

Revision: 14439
Goblin King's Throneroom is Depth 6, not sure if there is a stat recommendation, probably not as it is not an adventure.php zone and I've only seen stat recommendations in those.

Revision: 14440
More informative message when attempting to adventure in sewers without items. (Only lightly tested).

Revision: 14441
Hmm, tavern cellar was depth 5 and 1 yesterday, I got a note it'd been fixed and now it's depth 6.

Revision: 14442
As might be expected, Cyrpt Boss is at depth 6. You can't tell from the image, but it shrugged stun at 0 ML.

Revision: 14443
Untested. Ignore fights with semirare etc monsters created by Rain Man skill.

Revision: 14444
Refactor ignoring semirare/etc monsters from Rain Man

Revision: 14445
Hey, it's apparently Water Level, depth on the monster mouseover is the bug, so changed it all back again. Relearn skills after prism break in Heavy Rains (untested). Set initial Rain Monster window counters for turns 9-11 (untested). Clear Rain monster (and Bee) window counters after prism break (untested).

Revision: 14446
Change handling of restricted check when breaking prism as flag originally used is reset during process.

Revision: 14447
fishbone belt. speakeasy drinks.

Revision: 14448
Smile of Mr. A has a new skill number. warbear exhaust manifold has a variable
effect. Lots of old IOTMs are now Free Pulls.

Revision: 14449
Isopod stats

Revision: 14450
Do not block the GUI when updating mall prices from the database

Revision: 14451
Some items are now multiusable

Revision: 14452
Since Heavy Rains gives you skills, refresh skills even after the path is restricted

Revision: 14453
Show actual monster level (rather than water level adjusted monster level) in brackets in sidebar after total monster level. This is what determines Cellar and Oil Peak monsters (and maybe nothing else).
Add location proxy record for water_level which shows base water level unadjusted by effects/items equipped.
Change initial rain monster counter to 8-10.

Revision: 14454
Item descriptions no longer take Sauceror class & skill into effect when
reporting effect duration of regent potions.

Revision: 14455
Hippy Quest council text in Heavy Rains. Some monster stat updates. Temporary override for The Enormous Greater-Than Sign depth til requirement spaded.

Revision: 14456
Since The Smile of Mr. A. no longer appears on the Char Sheet, if the player
has any Golden Mr. Accessories, add the skill to available skills. Also do
that when the player acquires her first Golden Mr. Accessory.
The Temorary Lycanthropy effect (from Blood of the Wereseal) gives you a non-
integral percentage boost to Muscle. KoL truncates that value when generating
the effect Description, but actually uses the full value when adjusting your
Muscle. Note that it does NOT round the percentage value before applying it,
contrary to what the Wiki says and what KoLmafia previously did.

Revision: 14457
Remove extra spaces

Revision: 14458
Fix enable/disable of weapon/offhand slots in Gear Changer when not in Fistcore

Revision: 14459
Don't produce debug log if best in slot is nothing when doing maximization.

Revision: 14460
Add "test speakeasy" command which will do speakeasy processing the saved
response text from visiting the speakeasy

Revision: 14461
Add the last Speakeasy drink, and track the demon name used to unlock it. Quest log parsing of the last demon name will come once there is something to parse.

Revision: 14462
Add -current keyword to Maximizer. This will not consider currently worn equipment, speeding up maximization considerably, but may sometimes suggest changing equipment which doesn't help you (or hinder you).

Revision: 14463
Add three missing monster phylums.

Revision: 14464
Add Folder Holder and Ice House to Common stuff you didn't do at Astral Gash. Add some recommended stats.

Revision: 14465
Untested. Recognise success using Beautiful Rainbow.

Revision: 14466
Some more recommended stats, a fish monster stats

Revision: 14467
Last data for rains monsters. Guess at meat drop based on a simple progression (all their other stats have one), and my meat gain so far. If someone does more accurate spading and shows it to be wrong we'll revise it.

Revision: 14468
Only adventure.php adventure zones have recommended stats.

Revision: 14469
Recommended stats for The Enormous Greater-Than Sign.

Revision: 14470
Don't show slot if maximizer thinks you should replace nothing with nothing.

Revision: 14471
Show strategy chosen for CCS, not monster name.

Revision: 14472
The LARP card does not give you a discount in the speakeasy.

Revision: 14473
Some war minimum stat recommendations

Revision: 14474
Since speakeasy drinks have item numbers (although they cannot be in inventory)
use the Concoction associated with that item number, rather than making a
pseudo-item concoction.

Revision: 14475
Remove rock/jam band flyers from inventory when they are used after the war is done

Revision: 14476
Let speakeasy drinks be consumed from Item Manager again.

Revision: 14477
Simplify concoction calculations for speakeasy drinks, since they are initialized with the correct total available.

Revision: 14478
Speakeasy drinks are virtual items. When you drink one, log it as
"drink xxx" rather than simply "Visiting Speakeasy in clan VIP lounge"

Revision: 14479
As Speakeasy drinks are now items, move checking for maximum uses available from Maximizer to DrinkItemRequest. Add Ish Kabbible adventures.

Revision: 14480
Remaining war min stat recommendations

Revision: 14481
Don't generate an NPE when creating an override for a new area.

Revision: 14482
Twitch zone and monsters.

Revision: 14483
Handle reducing Chroner / Mercury Blessing count with appropriate actions during Twitch Non-combats.

Revision: 14484
Chroner trigger and cross

Revision: 14485
Use the chroner trigger and cross during breakfast

Revision: 14486
[GL|M|R|S]iators are generic monsters with custom names

Revision: 14487
Twitch blessings

Revision: 14488
Roman monster images

Revision: 14489
more twitch items

Revision: 14490
When looking at speakeasy, parse remaining drinks first, before getting
set of available drinks. It is also "one more drink", not "one more drinks".

Revision: 14491
Handle the comma in Chroner count in shops

Revision: 14492
Fix Valhalla Decorator when folder holder has empty slots

Revision: 14493
Add hidden "verboseSpeakeasy" setting to allow verbose logging of visiting
the Speakeasy in the Clan Lounge.

Revision: 14494
Speakeasy drinks do not require turns to consume

Revision: 14495
Fix typos

Revision: 14496
CharPaneDecorator now iterates over an array of TurnCounters, rather than the
original ArrayList.

Revision: 14497
Multiusable items

Revision: 14498
Make TurnCounter package thread safe

Revision: 14499
Sort counter array after it has been extracted from synchronized variable

Revision: 14500
Track completed Heavy Rains ascensions in heavyRainsPoints
Revision: 14501
Refresh skills when breaking ronin in a restricted path

Revision: 14502
Refactor RelayRequest.handleChat to make it a lot easier to understand what
is happening.

Revision: 14503
Twitch loose ends. Some minimum mainstat recommendations.

Revision: 14504
Reset KoLConstants file

Revision: 14505
Add code to find brown speakeasy password in the Summoning Chamber

Revision: 14506
Handle Sorceress Gate if you have a Ring of Teleportation and the gate demands Teleportitis.

Revision: 14507
Some minor code cleanup in chat code

Revision: 14508
Don't give a use link if you are limited to 0 uses of an item

Revision: 14509
Fix two Thunder skill images.

Revision: 14510
Rename CombatActionManager.getEncounterKey to CombatActionManager.getBestEncounterKey, to avoid confusion with CombatActionManager.encounterKey.

Revision: 14511
Only consider outfits for maximizer if they are better than equipping the best individual items in each of the slots in the outfit. If dump keyword used, output outfits considered better than these items.

Revision: 14512
Some missing items.

Revision: 14513
Water level image comes before monster picture and screws up translating
monster names into generic monster name. Fix.
Add lots of equipment powers.

Revision: 14514
Fix typo

Revision: 14515
Medicinal Herb's medicinal herbs is single use

Revision: 14516
Fix "cast *" to work with skills that cost 0 MP to cast.
Remove "chat.php" (ancient chat, which nobody uses any more) from list of URLs
that are "chat" URLS, since the Relay Browser has no idea what to do with that
URL and was simply returning a blank page to the browser.

Revision: 14517
Maximizer not considering current outfit is now default when not in Hardcore/Ronin. This can be forced with +current keyword. In Hardcore/Ronin not considering current outfit can be forced with -current keyword. Also hopefully don't produce a debug log when there are few items to be considered against outfits.

Revision: 14518
Belch The Rainbow is capped at 11 beautiful rainbow uses

Revision: 14519
ASH can_equip( item ) now returns false if item is not actually equipment

Revision: 14520
Add lookups for Heavy Rains spells where effect and spell names are different.

Revision: 14521
Plurals and multiusables

Revision: 14522
add a bunch of plurals

Revision: 14523
Hagnk told me a whole bunch more plurals

Revision: 14524
Soup up the "checkplurals" command.

Revision: 14525
Change many places that call ItemDatabase.getPluralById to instead use

Revision: 14526
When automating, do not defer concoction refreshing if autoCraft is true, since
that mechanism needs to refresh concoctions.

Revision: 14527
Fix plurals, start removing plurals that are just the item name with an s added

Revision: 14528
Remove a whole bunch of redundant plurals. Fix a few errors found by checkitems.

Revision: 14529
Get rid of all the other redundant plurals: those which are simply item name
plus "s".

Revision: 14530
Three more plurals

Revision: 14531
Yet more plurals

Revision: 14532
Stupid greater than / less than signs, who needs them anyway!
Ahem, hopefully outfit compares with more than one accessory will compare correctly, and also not error out when there are fewer accessories in inventory than the outfit.

Revision: 14533
Basic Thor's Pliers support. Does not yet handle free crafting or recognise lightning regeneration.

Revision: 14534
Maximizer now knows you can use Thor's Pliers in Heavy Rains. Log recovering bolts of lightning.

Revision: 14535
Disembodied Hand cannot use Thor's Pliers. Don't need a Jewelry Pliers if you have Thor's Pliers. Always hit with Thor's Pliers in either mainhand or offhand.

Revision: 14536
The disembodied hand can't equip any Single Equip items

Revision: 14537
Add "rest free". This will use one rest, only if you have a free rest remaining. Update Daily Deeds to use this.

Revision: 14538
Quest log parsing of the newest demon name

Revision: 14539
Minor API adjustment for ConcoctionDatabase.
- refreshConcoctions() defaults to refreshConcotions( true ), which means
"refresh even if we don't know that it is necessary". That is not a change,
but all the places which specifically called it with "true" now call the
default API
- refreshConcoctionsNow() will refresh right now, even if refreshing is
deferred. Call this in places where subsequent code depends on the
concoction calculations to be completely up-to-date - like autoCrafting

Revision: 14540
Add use links for plurals that just have an s added to the name

Revision: 14541
A few more plurals

Revision: 14542
More plurals. No synchronize on method that doesn't need it.

Revision: 14543
Add plural for bowl of oriole's nest soup

Revision: 14544
Lightly tested. Crafting support for Thor's Pliers and Loathing Legion Jackhammer (does not create Jackhammer if you have another Loathing Legion item). Fix bug in calculating number of adventures needed to craft using Wok when you try to craft more than one. Fix lookup for Rain Dance / Rain Dancin'.

Revision: 14545
When an Accordion Thief defeats her Nemesis, all fights in the barracks turn
into reward items. Mark such rooms with an 'r' (indicating an unclaimed item)
rather than with an 'R' (indicating an item you already collected).

Revision: 14546
Minor code cleanup

Revision: 14547
Forget Heavy Rains skills after you free the king

Revision: 14548
Fix some plurals

Revision: 14549
fix typo

Revision: 14550
Grey out suggestions in Maximizer if you lack the Meat, Soulsauce, Thunder, Rain or Lightning to use them. Locations of environment none default to 1 Water Level.

Revision: 14551
Update text for the Daily Deeds rest free button

Revision: 14552
Handle Regular Attacks Can't Miss as a boolean modifier.

Revision: 14553
UseSkillRequest does not need a reconstructFields method - especially one that
re-encodes an already encoded URL string.
Subclasses of CreateItemRequest DO need to override the reconstructFields
method but, they, too, do not need that method to do anything whatsoever.

Revision: 14554
Refactor skill casting to remove checks for non-MP costs out of the MP recovery

Revision: 14555
Sugar Sheet folding now goes throught shop.php

Revision: 14556
Add Black Bart's Booty. No check, yet, for whether you have "unlocked" the
ability to actually buy it from the Swagger Shop

Revision: 14557
For non-ascenders who turned their S.O.C.K. into an intragalactiv rowboat,
that's good enough to get you to the Giant Castle Basement.

Revision: 14558
Recognize special combats that happen the turn after a Rain Man fight

Revision: 14559
Recognize The Rain King removing equipment

Revision: 14560
Add warnings in relay browser when trying to adventure in Ballroom/Poop Deck/Hidden Temple at level 11 before obtaining MacGuffin diary, when trying to adventure in Laundry Room / Wine Cellar without reading Recipe with glasses, and when trying to adventure in Boiler Room without Fulminate equipped. Unless of course the quests aren't progressed past those points.

Revision: 14561
Log the turn number when using Rain Fax. Decorate gremlins when you fight them through monster copying.

Revision: 14562
Recognise "You only have 1 of those, not 2." messages when eating using chat commands, and don't increment fullness as nothing is eaten.

Revision: 14563
Log Lindy burp to session log and gCLI

Revision: 14564
Message when about to spend adventures on crafting now more explicit (tells you how many adventures are to be used crafting what. Don't double count Inigos/Jackhammer/Thor's Pliers adventure savings. Warn when crafting from Creation panel as well as Consumption panel of Item Manager.

Revision: 14565
Added preference relayShowWarnings, defaults to true. If you want to opt out of (most) relay browser adventuring warnings, set it to false.

Revision: 14566
Switch back to

Revision: 14567
Fix a few plurals. Change checkplurals to use api.php instead of the wiki for items that you have at least two of.

Revision: 14568
Recognise failure to feed Slimeling due to not having the item.

Revision: 14569
Recognise stage of Bat quest from Sonar use messages. Restore Bat quest progress check in Bat Hole as now place.php. Recognise image 5 in Bat Hole.

Revision: 14570
KoL has fixed the plural for the sterno-flavored Hob-O

Revision: 14571
When you have had all of The Horror you can take, if you have another A-Boo clue
in inventory, offer a link to use it.

Revision: 14572
If Lights Out due, don't warn if you hit Ballroom at level 11 without Diary, Boiler Room without fulminate without Lord Spookyraven unlocked, Laundry/Wine Cellar without reading recipe without Lord Spookyraven unlocked, or Billiards Room without Pool skill.

Revision: 14573
Fix plural for the torch of fury

Revision: 14574
update mallprices.txt

Revision: 14575
Bump version to 16.4